How to create a spoiled rotten horse (…or kid)
1. Dont hold them responsible for anything
2. Dont make them do anything they dont want to
3. Allow them to avoid all struggle
4. Allow them to do only what they want to when they want to do it all the time
5. Give them zero structure or guidance
6. Pander to their feelings
7. Give them what they want whenever they want it
8. Never set or enforce boundaries
9. Make excuses for their bad behavior instead of correcting it
10. Treat them like fragile glass instead of the capable beings they are
11. Let their emotions dictate your decisions
12. Protect them from every consequence of their actions
The quote “Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.” -G. Michael Hopf
Is ringing loud and clear in our horse world and society as a whole.
As horsemen, as adults- it’s our responsibility to LEAD, SERVE, to ensure our actions set our horses & kids up for a lifetime of success beyond when we are around.
Many think they can live in some utopian world with their horses where stress & struggle do not exist- its not true nor possible. Stress is there even when you dont see it or are aware of it.
As leaders for our horses, kids, family & others God has trusted us to serve- we must make sure we are prepared as a leader to lead & then we must fulfill our job through our actions to prepare those we are responsible for.
Some are so committed to ‘protecting’ their horse from stress & struggle that they are doing the very opposite! Avoiding stress & struggle guarantees that at some point they will experience both at a much worse & magnified level because they won’t have control over the environment, stimulus or the emotional regulation and mental understanding of how to regain control of themselves.
The best way to protect is to prepare.
For those who want to ruin horses & kids- above is your quick guide.
For those of us committed to putting the actual needs of others before our own wants & desires- theres a definite list of things to avoid doing.
I’m sure I left something off. Feel free to add to the list in the comments.