Bellas adoptions

Bellas adoptions At Bella’s adoption centre we pride ourselves by helping those who can’t speak, mans best friends ie cats and dogs.


Anyone in the Cochran area have a flat deck trailer that could haul a 27 foot rv trailer down to Lethbridge? Desparately needing a huge favour on this transport please and thank you please if any of my friends can share this post and to any helping hands pages around Alberta I must get this down to me!!! It’s a project in process it needs a tune up and new tires as it’s not road worthy without these things being done to it

Yes yes yes! Heard this all before! But I don’t wanna wait. I wants what I wants. To follow the heart or not to follow t...

Yes yes yes! Heard this all before! But I don’t wanna wait. I wants what I wants. To follow the heart or not to follow the heart?

Really? Who would have thought. Thanks for the tip tippy!

Really? Who would have thought. Thanks for the tip tippy!


We are in dire need of at least 4-5 fosters who can take in two cats, not sure on ages, the pregnant ones will stay with me at a shop I’m getting organized into the office main location for tops 6-8 cats total so this is why we need fosters as I won’t be able to house multiple cats. Also once the shop is up and running we will need daily volunteers to come spend a hour or so cleaning and hanging out with some kitties. I’ll be reaching out to schools to see if there is a way we can get more volunteers and help teens get work experience to get credits to graduate. Always a win win! Giving back when we can. But please our goals are not possible without help from dedicated ppl willing to make a small contribution to us! We are desperately seeking monetary donations at this time to make this shop a possibility for all those babies left abandoned, left behind when a owner or caretaker has to go into long term care for themselves, our world is falling apart but if we work together to eliminate the issue like spaying and neutering programs and one day we will offer a program to help with the costs in rural towns mainly. We will also offer long term health care for all adoptees so please please help us find foster and help us get this shop into a reality. We are still needing other donations as well-
-Cat food both hard and soft both kitten and adult foods.
-Laundry of any kind like towels, blankets, old sweaters, baby clothes ages 3-12 months onesies if possible, pillow cases, bedding of any kind
-cat litter
-kitten formula
Please and even if it’s a dollar donated that will add up eventually.

We are debating a 50/50 ticket sale with 50% of sales going towards the shop! More info to follow down the road. Next day or two so stay tuned and spread the word….Bella’s Adoptions is back in full swing again this time revamped and ready for all the lovers and haters in this cruel world. Cuz when someone tries to make the world a better place there will be those who are jealous and feel the need to try and hate on them for what they are trying to do! Last year was aweful and we dealt with a lot of bullies on facebook but in prior posts they will be immediately deleted and blocked permanently. Anyways there are more lovers than haters and that’s where the difference is made, we put shine the bullies, the haters do just ignorant ppl. Thanks for all who support animal related businesses and charities, without you guys we would not be able to really help! Thanks so much and God bless your hearts truly! 🙏❤️

Well it’s that time of year and we are re-vamping our efforts to help the lost/abandoned/spring feral and non feral kitt...

Well it’s that time of year and we are re-vamping our efforts to help the lost/abandoned/spring feral and non feral kittens being born.

This is extremely important that we all work together and not against each other. Let’s stick to the real issue at hand here in coalhurst and that’s the issue of feral cats/kittens out there on the streets.

If you spot any kittens that you believe that were born on the street please contact us and we will help get them off the streets and get them vet checked/vaccinated and spayed or neutered(at appropriate ages of course).

Little background on me, I have been trying my best to locate cats/kittens in coalhurst that would make good companions to families looking to open their doors to a new family member. Last year I had a lot of back lash and super unnecessary comments and harassment with this page and what I’m trying to do. It was astonishing how many felt the need to slam this page but that comes with the territory I know this. And just so you all are aware the main location of our group is located in Lethbridge so any bylaws out in Coalhurst do not and I repeat do not fall into Lethbridge zone of protocols and bylaws meaning we don’t have to follow any bylaws in regards to having cats/foster cats/kittens etc for the town of coalhurst as I don’t live there anymore. We reside in Lethbridge and are following the bylaws set for Lethbridge in regards to housing cats/kittens……My mother lives in coalhurst still and I visit often and have been seeing the new spring kittens coming out to play around. It’s super sad cuz it is always the same areas as last year where kittens were spotted and found. I’m asking everyone to be mindful of the issue at hand and please any negative/bullying/harassment of any kind will not be tolerated and you will be blocked permanently as I did with so many last year off this page. Cuz at the end of the day the issue remains the same——cats on the streets becoming feral and poor kittens who are feral but have potential to be great companions to someone who’s already looking for a new family member. So please let’s help this issue, small towns don’t have the resources like the city does in regards to spay/neuter programs being available. What I’m trying to do is bring a program to small rural towns to help in this area and that is to providing some funding relief to those who fall under a certain income threshold of course but we will provide funding to help cover the costs of spaying and neutering. I believe we can kick this issue to the curb and finally get the cats off the streets or at least prevent more from being born to the harsh elements of the street life. I will be finding a vet clinic who wants to help as well who will provide spaying and neutering and that also includes releasing them back to where they were found once healed up of course-this is for the ones who don’t have homes so we can prevent more babies from being born. The cats will also be microchipped and vaccinated as well. The group/charity any funds we get goes directly to these two programs we will be running hopefully one day soon! So any positive/helpful and kind ppl are encouraged to comment, like and share our page and posts cuz you never know who might see it and be willing to help us for this cause of spaying and neutering cats. As well as finding foster homes and permanent homes for the ones able to be transitioned into living a life with a family. All cats adopted out will be fully vaccinated, fixed and microchipped before adoption and if follow up vet care is needed that we already started for example vaccinations we will cover the full set of vaccinations so no money will come out of your pocket other than the initial adoption fees. We are working on a fair price for adoption for our cats/kittens and eventually we will go into adoption for dogs as well as there is word we will be receiving a litter of puppies in the next month. Adoption for the pups will be posted once they are born. The mama is a adoptee who I have personally have adopted myself. She is a Shepard kelpie/cane corso mix so they will be big girls and boys. I thank you for reading and again, please refrain from any comments that aren’t going to help us grow in a positive manner. I thank you all so much for the past support that has been provided. You will not go unnoticed and I hope this spring we can all come together and really work on a adoption day for the little fireballs we have already. And they are as follows:

Mama cat 1 has three kittens available although one kitten is pending adoption so there are two available one is male mainly black with white on it’s chest, he is a super curious kitten who loves adventure. The other is grey short haired and is a bit more shy she is a sweetheart who would love to have a family to cuddle with at the end of the day! Born approximately 3-4 weeks ago

Mama cat 2 has four kittens-sex are unknown at this time I will be getting pics and will know by then which are boys or girls. Born approx 3 weeks ago very small kittens and one is being bottle fed as of today so she will be needing extra tlc.

Mama cat 1 has a home once kittens are weaned off she will be spayed and vaccinated and sent to her home. Mama cat 2 is needing a home as well as all four of her kittens. All kittens will be rehomed at approx 8-10 weeks when they are fattened up and are eating just fine and using the litter boxes. I will need them to be as healthy as possible before they go to their potential new homes. We will be looking for fosters asap when they are weaned off of their mama tho so keep that in mind we NEED FOSTERS ARRANGED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE for the little ones and the one mama cat as well. Here are a couple snaps of one baby I managed to get pics of. This mama cat has a home and two kittens are available. The one in the pic and a little black boy as well. More pics to come very soon! Thanks again for everyone and all you do to help this cause. Have a wonderful amazing day cuz you deserve all the good things in life, never settle for anything less than living a peaceful life full of love and happiness. Prayers for all who make this world a better place, one day at a time and one adoption at a time-this is how we will make a difference…..

-Kitten formula
-Kitten bottles and syringes as the syringes last longer and easier for kittens to drink milk.
-Blankets/towels or any kind in somewhat decent shape as we do laundry a lot and have ran out of spares so this is a big one we need donations of.
-kitten soft food/adult soft food will do if can’t find any kitten soft food as I can’t find any right now.
-kitten kibble
-adult kibble
***cat litter is always a must***
Who can forget about toys for the kittens***ALWAYS NEEDED
NEED LAUNDRY SOAP OF ANY KIND WITH febreze too so we can make blankets comfy for the babes!

I’ll be in coalhurst today for most of the day and can pick up any donations ppl want to give to us! I’ll share this with Leth helping hands and community pages as well so we can stick pile stuff for this spring.

Please contact me here or directly on my cell phone at 403-849-7796 please send a initial text with who you are and what you want to help with. We also can accept monetary donations as well. I’ll be doing a shopping trip today as well for certain things such as the kitten formula and bottles as we need that today for a certain tiny kitten that is not growing the way I’d like to see it grow. So please PLEASE HELP US TODAY IN ANY WAY YOU CAN!!!


Holy we are growing like a w**d!!!! Too bad we aren’t growing as a organization or agency like we wanted to! But there is hope for the future. Claresholm/Barons area is where we are going to be located and we are waiting on our Registration number so we can get everything legal and in order according to local bylaws. And guess what that doesn’t include any that are for Coalhurst! This town should be shamed of themselves!!!! Tried to do something positive and all I got was rats, bully’s and spies blasting away at us! That’s cool tho I’ve been told it comes with the territory in this sort of business!!!!!anyways for the positive supporters thank you and God bless! Have a wonderful day everyone even the haters!


Anyone looking for a new kitten to ad to the family?

Location: farm by claresholm

Have been around dogs, other cats and kids so the purrfect addition!!! Approximately 11 weeks old. Will be vaccinated and dewormed. Msg me for more details and pics. Two pure black boys ready to go within a couple weeks has to have follow up vaccines (boosters) thanks everyone!


It’s that time of year people, babies being born everyday, I can’t stress this enough if you know of a litter of kittens that need to be saved off the streets or know of someone who has a litter of kittens but can not care for them please refer them to me or any other cat rescue organizations cuz there is always someone who is willing to take them in and help!!! thanks to my step father who owns a farm is more than willing to help me help them! They will be housed in doors and would be taken care of and adopted out to proper loving homes❤️ so if you know of someone who is struggling cuz their cat had kittens please tell them to contact me through our page or me directly Paige Blakley, I am here to help, I will not give someone the third degree either I just want to help the little ones…..and if it’s puppies too of course we will help as well in any ways I can……we are working on getting a spay and neuter program going for rural areas cuz the city I live by, Lethbridge has a fantastic program through NOKA to help with the costs of spays or neuters, they work with the city of Lethbridge and if you meet all the requirements you could get help with spaying or neutering your dog or cat. Can’t stress it enough how many unwanted strays there are out there but this is an issue we can solve together, if we all work together to stop unwanted, lost or forgotten cats and even dogs from getting pregnant at least we can try and prevent more from living a life on the streets where they will struggle and most likely they won’t make it but for the ones who do they definitely go through a lot in life and all they deserve is a loving warm home to care for them! They are Gods creatures and we must do what we are supposed to do and that is to look after them!!! Thanks for reading I hope you all have a fantastic day! And I repeat I will take kittens/mamas and pups etc no questions asked or no harsh words will be said I just want to help is all. We have plenty of room right now at our farm as we don’t have anyone up for adoption as of yet. Two kittens who are getting over a cold will be vaccinated and up for adoption in the next few weeks so will keep you all posted for that exciting news when they will be ready for their forever homes ❤️they are truly beautiful little blessings and will make some family truly happy and blessed. In regards to the spay/neuter program we want to do it will be pending until our license is in and when we are able to apply for funding/grants from the Govt. What it will look like is partial funding will be offered to those who qualify and we will try and cover 1/2 or even 3/4 of the price at the vet clinic if your choice. Thanks again everyone. Have a wonderful day cuz I know I will be enjoying the sunshine and all the gifts God gives me everyday! Life to live=living to the fullest ❤️


To clarify some issues that have arrived. We don’t not house or work out of my home, this was going to be my place of office work for the rescue which was going to be located at my step fathers farm about an hour away from where I live meaning the town I live in has no authority to be involved period. It was brought to my knowledge we have some spies on here and that’s okay cuz we have done nothing wrong. I didn’t know it was illegal to look into getting a license to run this rescue legitimately. Just so people know Facebook doesn’t allow people to sell animals for profit, but you can list animals for adoption on Facebook that is not illegal so for the people who are trying to ruin a good thing bravo pay yourself on the back but I ain’t afraid to keep pursuing this dream of mine to help animals in need. Working a vet tech for over ten years I know the importance and the positivity when caring for and tending to animals. Growing up on a farm gave me the means to be able to help so many cats that would have otherwise have been euthanized. So tell me again what am I doing wrong here? I’m trying to make good karma but it seems for everyone good deed I do there is always someone out there who will try and make me look bad, I really pity those who have nothing better to do than to try and mess with what I do. To elaborate more, the town I live in thinks I house and kennel animals at my house!!! That is crazy talk, I live in a small duplex, the animals I have that are mine include three cats and two dogs and one of each came with my mom who now lives with me due to ailing health since the death of my younger brother in august 2020. Now that I have gotten that off my chest I am going to be taking a seat back while my lawyer does all the necessary work for me so that people will stop with the defamation of character…libel and the non stop harassment that is happening with the bylaw officer here in town. It’s sad that she has nothing better to do than to keep showing up at my home giving me warning about some tickets she wrote me…’s not her job to show up here it’s not her job to harass me considering nothing is going on….it’s not her job to make my life stressful than it already is. What is her job is to SERVE the community meaning she works for me cuz I certainly pay my taxes every year, I tend to my property daily and even the town’s property right next to my house cuz garbage blows into the canal area and it looks bad so I clean it up along with peoples dog s**ts that don’t get cleaned up, why do I even bother? Cuz I care and I want our world to be better so that means I clean up what needs to be cleaned up but now that I was again approached and given a letter asking to view my home I am considering stoping what I do to better our town. What’s the point now? People to me seem jealous and just very noisy and love to create drama so they can have something to talk about at lunch! Well for one thing whom ever is stalking me I have to let you know that it is illegal to do that, and it’s illegal to harass me and my family. I will be following protocol for pursuing charges against everyone involved cuz it isn’t there protocol to harass me and give me non stop grief over stupid s**t. Come to my house, see my few pets I have (it isn’t illegal to have pets) and yes my dogs are licensed with the town, I just don’t get it why people try and ruin a positive thing? I try and help strays by taking them off these streets and provide vet care and shelter to them (at my farm) and then find adoptive families for them! What is so wrong with what I do here? Why is it wrong to pursue opening and registering a rescue agency? Oh in my opinion it’s jealousy big time and people got nothing better to do than spy and be rats!!! Well last thing I have to say is We REAP WHAT WE SEW!!! Anyways all potential adoptees have found their forever homes at this time we have nothing available besides the few pups I have still from my dog….I have found very good homes for the ones that are gone and will find suitable homes for the ones left. Shame on you all for pretending to support me when really you want to see me fail, I for one tho ain’t scared and won’t be shutting down my plans to get it going legally. Thank God For for peoples rights in life, thank God for what I get everyday the air I breathe and the animals I have that love me unconditionally I at least know to them I matter and make the biggest difference to them ie being strays and abandoned pets left behind! Have a great day spy, I know I will be enjoying the weather, will be enjoying the puppy cuddles and kisses and guess what I will enjoy the town as much as I can cuz there ain’t no one who is going to rain on my parade :)

Not all are available. Only 2 females and 3 boys left. Just to show that we don’t give a hoot about the $ our adoption f...

Not all are available. Only 2 females and 3 boys left. Just to show that we don’t give a hoot about the $ our adoption fees have gone down. I don’t want to mislead people either so here we go. back story on the pups, their mom is a tescue a rescue I did last year that included me getting her mom and 7 siblings out of cages at a shelter. I made my mission complete after raising $500 on my own telling people about the situation who then donated I used $500 of my own money to get them out. It was a sh** show but I got it done. I saved them all! I found 5 loving homes for them all! At $700 adoption fee. Sold them before they were eating hard food. Now I planned on adopting them all out, but the last runt I fell in love with so decided to keep her, she is just a year old, the neighbours dog got her while I left her alone for 2 minutes her and the dog connected so there was nothing I could do, and certainly a dog abortion wasn’t an option for me either. So it happened. Now for her first litter she had 9 puppies that is huge, I am listing them as adoption because Facebook has a rule that you can’t sell puppies or any animals on Fb, so hence the adoption ad. Since I run Bella’s Adoptions I though why not use my resources to find good people to take them home. Why not? But apparently I’m a bad guy who does this for profit. That’s why the pups now are being adopted for only $500!!!! I don’t care about making a dime off them as long as I know the person is invested in taking care of the pup for life that is my main concern so when someone has the money to adopt for what ever price it is it shows us that your capable and able to get the vet care when required! Gotta see it from my point of view, plus for free puppies end up in fighting rings now a days and don’t think it doesn’t happen in Alberta cuz it does!!!! Anyways any questions or interested in a pup, get hold of me ❤️


Welcome newbies! I’m happy to report that my page has had more engagements and people liking or accepting invites than ever! All thanks to some trolling of some nice ladies let’s leave it at that. I’m sure there will be more to come as it comes with the territory but I will learn how to just laugh it off instead of commenting back lol. Anyways thanks for joining my page, I got a beautiful spayed female calico that just purrs all the time, she has had a few litters of kittens over the past couple years….was found with her first litter out under a deck. She is ready for adoption so get hold of me for more info. I will post pics soon if the ones who are officially ready for adoption. And just wanna throw it out there, I don’t get monetary donations nor do I ask for them. Everything I do comes out of my own pocket and anyone who thinks vets aren’t expensive well ummm okay, guess I only worked at vet clinics for over ten years!!! Anyways bet you could guess what the last topic people were jumping down my throat about! LOL


I just don’t get the point in trolling on pages on Facebook? What does the person get out of it? My page is meant to be positive and to engage those who are alike that help animals period…..we should be supporting each other not going out of our way to be a jerk( I have other words for these people but Facebook won’t let me say what is on my mind for reals lol) anyways trolling is a form of bullying and there is room in hell for people who lie and bully others! Just throwing it out there that abuse of any kind or words that are meant to anger us will be taken down after I have some words with the troll of course. In time I am sure I’ll learn to just ignore the trolls as all they are is jealous that we even exist, how about instead of envying us how about work with us and be apart of something beautiful? Saving animals is my life and no one ever will ever steer me away from doing so! I grew up on a farm, I did work experience in high school at the local vet clinic, I volunteered after high school and went to Olds college for my education and worked at various clinics throughout southern and mid Alberta. After my father passed away on March 1st 2018 I dropped out of college due to grades slipping, my mind just wasn’t where it needed to be to excel at school at that time. Then following his death my best friend of over 25 years passed away in her sleep January 2, 2019….then another friend in a house fire on November 23rd 2019!!!! I was in no shape to return back up to Olds to finish my education. Then fast forward to August 23, 2020 my best buddy/younger brother lost his battle to mental illness and addiction, he committed su***de one day after his 30th bday!!! I lost my whole life it felt like I’m just a few years time, everyone I loved so much was gone….My life was turned upsides down and my heart was ripped from my chest!!! I now am looking to attend college locally in Lethbridge to take mental health and addictions cuz I want to help those who feel like death is the only answer to addiction and mental health illnesses!!! There is always someone willing to help, willing to listen, willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, always! Anyways I do this adoption as a side thing as I have always been adopting out cats/kittens(mainly) and sometimes dogs/puppies. I exhaust my energy and time doing all that I do so when someone bashes or slams me or this page it does take a toll on me cuz all I’m trying to do is make a difference really!!!! It straight up is very ignorant to blast someone on Facebook like these trolls do, you don’t know what the person your blasting is feeling or suffering from!!! So always be kind always, sometimes bullying online can be life or death for someone! So before you open your mouth think, think hard about what that person may be dealing with in life, try being kind and supportive and don’t ever judge a book by it’s cover! You don’t know me, you don’t know what I have been through and you obviously don’t know what this adoption organization means to me. It lifts up my soul, makes me super happy and at the end of the day I feel like God is proud of me and what I do! The only one who can judge me is up above, everyone else can take a seat. Maybe try being nice! Maybe try understanding where someone is coming from. Maybe you misunderstood the post. Maybe ask questions instead of making assumptions. Maybe just maybe put yourself in my shoes. For what I have gone through over the last few years is enough for a lifetime of loss and trauma! For where I am today the people that matter are proud of me and what I do daily!!!! This adoption place is in the first stages and we are growing with all that takes to run a good agency or organization. We are learning, we are always open to options on how to make us that much more better. What we don’t need it assumptions and accusations, what we don’t need is trolls trolling our page. Does it really make you feel good trolling? Bullying? I doubt it so just stop while your ahead, think before you type and post. One comment can make the biggest difference in that targeted persons day! It’s good though that I have learned to let things go as they come, it’s not benefiting me to react and keep reacting to a comment, and for that from now on comments that are not useful will be deleted. one thing I’d like to point out is that trolls probably wouldn’t say that sh** in person to someone’s face, why? Because they would probably feel like an idiot cuz they for sure would sound and look stupid for calling out someone or something that is meant to be positive and beautiful in this crazy world!!! Here’s a tip! Be nice. Help out with advice to help us grow. Be understanding and don’t jump to conclusions. If you got nothing nice to say just keep on scrolling by and don’t bother to be a witch or be rude or ignorant. Don’t try and stop a organization from growing. Again nothing will stop me from doing what I do, cuz this is why I was born, to help make a difference in this world full of asshats. I will always help animals and want to start helping people as well so they can see and feel relief that someone actually cares about them!!!! I even care for the trolls, something is not right in their life to do what they do. But for you trolls, I’m here for you too and I pray for all to have peace in life and to be happy. Life is too short to be mean, let’s work together and let’s grow together… that so hard? No it isn’t hard so let go of your high horse and come back to reality and help others be the best they can be!!! If the world was full of more people who really care for animals and people the world would have more peace and be that much more beautiful! Have a wonderful day everyone. Thanks for reading. Bless all your hearts ♥️


Here is a couple quick tips….

When you can be anything in this cruel world be kind always. Follow that old saying from your mom…”if you got nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all”

Don’t let jealousy rule your mouth you may just look like a total tit head when you write as you think, maybe try thinking before you write?

It’s okay to envy what someone else is doing in their life, but it’s not okay to try and be a rude ass witch and try and put words into someone else mouth!

Definition of slander is making false SPOKEN statements about someone.

Libel means WRITTEN false statements about someone.

There you go troll(s) have at er!


Just in case your wondering. Rude people who Are being negative or ignorant will be reported and blocked. If someone has something to say that would benefit us please say what ever it is you think would help us as long as it’s meant to be positive I don’t mind comments on how we can be a better more operational organization.


Since we had a comment on what “we should be doing” I’ll be clear on what we offer as the package deal on adoption. We have settled at $750 for adoption fees for each puppy, they will be vet checked, dewormed, and vaccinated. We will also put $ towards the spay or neuter at your vet clinic of choice. We also do this for kittens as well. For the adults we have they are already spayed or neutered and vaccinated and dewormed. I don’t know why someone assumes we do this for profit, that is extremely unfair for someone to judge us like that. As most pet owners know there are tons of hidden costs with being a pet owner of a dog or cat. Nothing we do is for profit what so ever. Any fees we have go directly to vet bills and food, toys etc. we literally open our own pockets to ensure the best health possible for our adoptees. It even tomorrow I won the lottery I’d be expanding and opening a rescue place on a farm. Adoptions would be cheaper and everything including things that will come with the pets would include pet insurance, any vet care needed for their lifetime etc. I pride myself on taking care of animals that is why I went to college for animal health technician and worked at various vet clinics throughout southern and mid Alberta. I am running this organization completely on my own with the help from my mother. We break the bank all the time for our adoptees and the pets we have that are ours. Judgement is not necessary as we are doing the absolute best we can as a very small organization, we don’t qualify yet for grants or funding for the adoption agency but in time we will be able to get grants and when we do we will be that much better at running this place. Thank you to all who support us, who have made food donations and even the toys and blankets and towels donated go to good use. I thank you all from my heart to yours. Have a wonderful day and God bless you all! May your lives be filled with happiness, great health and peace all around, that is all we deserve and that is how life should be for all of us and our beloved pets that become our family forever. Thanks for reading and hope to continue helping others find their furbaby that they are longing for in their hearts. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Alberta Street SW, Lethbridge County
Nobleford, AB





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