Excited to put one more great clinic on!
We always have a blast!
Join us for 2 full days of dry work, cow work, and horsemanship. The arena is heated and the Lukacs family always offers the best hospitality.
‼️Please note, this is most likely the only clinic this team will be doing this season, so don’t miss out!!
➡️February 14 & 15, 2025 (Friday & Saturday)
➡️Location: Lukacs Farms, Olds, AB.
➡️Heated indoor arena
➡️Lots of cows
➡️Start time: 9 AM
➡️Cost: 650$ + GST (30$), payment in full required to hold your spot
➡️Lunch provided both days
➡️All levels of horses and riders welcome
➡️Stabling is limited, but we can make something work for anyone needing to stall over night.
Booking will be done through Johnny.
Deposits can be sent to [email protected]
Johnny Lukacs
Lukacs Performance Horses
For more information, feel free to give us a call.
Tyler: +1 (403) 443-0349
Johnny: +1 (403) 559-7773
Or shoot us a message.