Just a little cat cuteness courtesy of Mr.Moose, resident water inspector and household supervisor. He holds the highest standards in water bowls, taps, showers, and even laundry hampers.
Good job Moose, carry on🐈
Who else is ready to hit the pool?🦆
With the second treatment for the chickens coming up we thought you would love to know how great they are doing!
Since getting to their new home they have really opened up, one of the gray hens is quite a go getter for lettuce and will now snatch it right from your hand! The one winged hen is fully integrated with the flock while her friend miss Goldie loves hay as you can see in the video.
However there has been some setbacks: one of the hens passed on, no illness is showing in the rest of the flock so it is presumed to be age that was the culprit. And the smallest hen, now named Chicken Little, went into "chicken hospital" after getting picked on. She is recovering well and is now VERY spunky;reintegration planned after her feathers grow back in.
More chicken updates to come after their second treatment!
Meredith, Bonnie, and Sonnet cooling off with a shower.
If anyone asks, yes, ALF does have all their ducks in a row.
A happily ever after is our favourite part of helping animals.
On Saturday we had the honour of helping these two -a mini horse and standard donkey- go to their new forever home. We had been worried about them ever since we were unable to help them last year.
They were unable to be part of our trust agreement with "R".At that time in 2016 we didn't have the volunteers, foster homes, or finances to help them. One of our volunteers and fundraisers was able to find them a AMAZING forever home where they can live together with children to pamper them.
The standard donkey does have some Hoove troubles and a farrier has donated their services to him.The mini horse is a little on the slim side but otherwise seems healthy and sound.
Here they are exploring their new pasture.
Wow! Life sure has got busy, we have some amazing people *coughDebcough* fundraising for our long term residents and the crazy spring weather has made for a lot of work at the farm animal foster homes.
Here's some updates:
Charlie & Blue - Charlie didn't end up going to the vet a second time and he has started eating by himself now. He seems to have less pain as he heals as well. Blue is happy to be with his buddy. Plans are in motion at the foster home to have him closer to the house for easier monitoring.
Sophia & Frankie - a little TOO happy in their new area and have started "redecorating" their house. Looks like a renovation is in order.
Poco & Priscilla - very happy as they shed out their winter coats. Their tire playground is starting to be built.
Shani, Merideth, Bonny, and Sonnet - Everyone is enjoying the rain and are at a good weight, looks like the dewormer worked!
Mr. Moose - He is very patiently training his foster family while he waits for his human to have chemo. Expected return to home : June/July.
Enjoy Poco & Priscilla enjoying some loose minerals! Love those cute goat tongues🐐
Happy Flashback Tuesday😉
Summer 2016
Strike is defending one of many dust baths at his foster home....
Everyone meet Lonesome.
She loves to make sure you're never alone!
Friendly does not do her justice, she is the center of attention in every room. Lonesome loves older Children ( as she prefers to have her paws firmly on the ground). She would also like us to mention how much she does not like dogs.
Lonesome loves to play but has very little stamina, short play sessions are perfect.
Currently she is in a foster home waiting for a new family. All ALF cats are indoors only and all adopters must have a home visit.
Please message us if your interested in meeting Lonesome. Enjoy her cute antics😊
One can only be so patient before one must act! Lonesome has gone looking for all that love and attention she deserves. Hopefully she will find it soon in a family willing to adopt her.
This is Coco. She and her brother are looking for a someone to give love to as they can no longer live with their guardian.