Kasey just munching on some snacks while getting a special in home grooming โ๏ธ
If Kasey doesn't get his cookies, I become the cookie ๐
Working on letting me groom his feet and legs slowly over the last few months (which was a no go at day one) Kasey and I have developed a special bond, which help keep him happy and comfortable making sure his needs are met and giving him a stress free experience ๐พ๐
#shihtzugrooming #shihtzu #Doggrooming #pawfection #oneonone #spawday #orangeville #orangevillesmallbusiness #orangevilledogwalking #orangevilledoggrooming #dufferincounty #shelburnedoggrooming #shelburne #smalldog #beforeandafter #treattime #spoileddog
Nail trims are an essential part of your pets overall health ๐ถ๐บ
Ensuring your cat or dog stays off their toes and on the pads of their feet, keeping pressure off their joints and helping to prevent future health problems ๐พ
Our next #communitypawdicures is THIS
January 11th from 10am-1pm at @globalpetfoodsorangeville
Get your pets nails trimmed for a small donation to the @orangevillespca ๐๐พ
Can't travel with your pet? No worries
Did you know we come to you? ๐
In the comfort of your own home, give your pet a #pawpering and keep them happy and comfortable!
Book today ๐ฅPaw-fectpets.ca
#nailtrims #pawdicure #pawfectpets #irishsetter #dufferincounty #petcare #orangeville #doggrooming #spawday #Doggrooming #nailtrimday #donation #orangevillespca #COMMUNITYNAILTRIMDAYS #allwelcome #nailtrim #dognailtrim #catnailtrim #doggroomingofinstagram #irishsettergroom #rescuedog #stressfreegrooming #oneonone
Spent the weekend with this handsome dude LOUIE ๐
While his family was away, we got to enjoy some lovley walks, play time and Louie even got a #pawpering in the comfort of his own home ๐ก
Building a bond with these animals helps tremendously when it comes to being an extension in caring for your furry family members.๐พ
From grooming to dog walking or spending some time with your feline companions. Having a trusted, familiar friend makes all the difference in creating a stress free experience while you're away ๐
Just ask Louie, who was snoozing on the couch when his family came back!
#dogwalking #doggrooming #petcare #orangevillepetsitting #orangevillebusiness #orangevilledoggrooming #shelburne #mono #dufferincounty #centerwellington #standardpoodle #poodlegroom #doggydaycare #stressfree #furryfamily #orangeville #pawfectpets #spawday #pawfection #dogsofinstagram
Another wonderful day with happy Otis ๐ถ๐
#orangevillepetsitting #dogwalking #petcare #amaranth #dufferincounty #boxerpup #boxer #dogwalking #doggrooming #orangeville #mono #centerwellington #happydog #pawpering #pawfectpets
Lucy ๐พ๐
This weekend I got to spend some special one-on-one time with sweet lady Lucy. We went on many walks, did alot of cudding, ofcourse got lots of attention and cookies ๐
Are you going away?
Lets chat about services available while your away!
Give your dog a spawday with their stay, or have your kitties nails trimmed with a cuddle session ๐บ๐ถ
Michelles Paw-Fect Pets Day Care & Grooming
#Orangeville #orangevilledogs #orangevillepetsitting #dogwalking #adventure #rainydays #orangevillepetsitting #travelingpetsitter #stressfree #groomerlife #doggrooming #orangevillebusiness #caledondoggroomer #orangevilledoggrooming #smallbuisness #mono #caledon #petgroomer #petsitting #extendedfamily #happypets #PawfectPets #sPAWday #pawpering #spoileddog
Specializing in stress free, one-on-one grooming
In your own home โ๏ธ๐พ
All pets and sizes welcome!
#Orangeville #doggrooming #travelingpetgroomer #travelinggroomer #dog #cat #shelburne #grandvalley #orangevillebusiness
#mono #catfrooming #animallover #lioncut #nailtrim #doggynailtrim #fullservicegrooming #fullservice #petgroomer #catgroomer #smallbuisness #orangevillepetgrooming #supportsmallbusinessowners #doggroomersofinstagram #travelingpetgroomer #catgrooming #nailtrims #orangeville #shelburne #mulmur