There are a lot of younger cats! Maybe pop over for a visit?
Did you know we have over 30 adoptable rescue cats in our care at the cafe just waiting for their furever families to come? π» But where are their adoptive families??
Our adoption rates have dropped 40% from this time last year. We have young kittens coming into our care & staying with us for months - becoming that weirdly difficult age to adopt (between 8mo & 3yrs. πΏ They are either 'too old' or 'too young.')
Our social media interactions have also dropped 25% according to the metrics. We feel like we are yelling about how awesome these little kitties are but no one is hearing us. πΏπ’
Want to help? Interact with our posts. Comment, share, tell everyone you know to come adopt a kitty & bring even more joy to their home & family! π»
You can help save lives of rescue kitties & it doesn't cost you anything but time!