🚨New Product! ATR Naturalistic Terrarium Backgrounds!
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Arcadia SFG now in stock! At www.ReptilesRuS.ca
SFG Gecko foods are available in four expertly blended luxury mixes, each designed to inspire feeding and nourish the body. Keepers can also create bespoke mixes for their animals by simply blending the mixes together.
#ArcadiaReptile #SFG #TheFinestFoodForTheFinestPets #EmbraceMixology #StirPourFeedRelax #LuxuryWatermelon #BananaandFig #SFGOriginal #UltimateBreeder #CrestedGecko #Geckos #geckogram #geckolife #geckofood #CrestedGeckofood #chahoua #mossygecko #leachie #newcaledonia #gargoylegecko #exoticpets #reptiles #responsiblereptilekeeping #lizards #crestedgeckobreeder #geckobreeder #sfggeckofood
These little one’s are very hard to capture on camera, super shaky at 20 X zoom trying to get a look at one before it notices me and books it💨 😂
Baby Anolis allisoni ❤️
Doing its best to climb and bask under @arcadiareptile LumenIZE Pro T5 and @arcadiareptile halogen.
#blueanole #blueanolis #allisonsanole #dactyloidae #anolesofcuba #anolesofinstagram #anolisallisoni #anolisofinstagram
Happy Hump Day!
Phelsuma Klemmeri (Neon Day Gecko) 🦎
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Takydromus smaragdinus
Green Emerald Grass Lizard
#GreenLizardLife #EmeraldGrassLizard #TakydromusSmaragdinus #LizardLove #GrassLizardLife #GreenReptiles #LizardofInstagram #NaturePhotography #LizardLovers #GrassLizard
#TakydromusSmaragdinus, #GrassLizard, #ReptileLove, #ReptileLife, #Herpetology, #ReptilesOfInstagram, #LizardLife, #Takydromus, #ReptileEnthusiast, #ExoticPets
Hmmmmm 🤔
(Lamprolepis smaragdina) Emerald Tree Skinks
#emeraldtreeskink #emeraldtreeskinks #treeskink #greentreeskink #emeraldgreenskink #greenskink #emeraldskink #skink #skinks #skinksofinstagram #lamprolepissmaragdina #lamprolepis #greenlizard #lizard #lizards #lizardsofinstagram #reptile #reptiles #reptilesofinstagram #pet #cuteanimals #cute #arcadiareptile #habistat #pangeareptile #thebiodude
⭐️ReptilesRuS.ca: Announcing Our Brand-New Website!
We’re thrilled to unveil our completely revamped website! After months of hard work, we’ve made major improvements to enhance your shopping experience. The site is now more responsive, faster, and scalable, with a fresh, exciting design.🚨NewIntroducing our new *ReptilesRuS Platinum Rewards* program! Earn valuable points every time you shop with us.📦We’ve also negotiated significantly lower shipping rates with UPS, with even more savings coming soon for both our retail and wholesale customers.Thank you for your continued support! We hope you love the new website as much as we do.Visit us at: www.ReptilesRuS.ca......#reptilestore #onlinereptileshop #arcadia #arcadiareptile #pangeareptile #thebiodude #reptileproducts #newwebsite #reptileexpo #reptilesofinstagram #canadareptiles #reptileshop #onlinereptilestore #specialtypetproducts
Komodo Reptile Products Now Available at ReptilesRuS!
Canada’s #1 Source For All Things Reptile! ®️
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