Swell Hound Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting

Swell Hound Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting Lynzey Ruscitti, Force Free Dog Trainer & Behavior Consultant. Serving East Ottawa & Beyond!

🗣 Swellions! 🐶🌞There's only 2 more weeks left in The Faces Ottawa 2025 Awards!If you have the bandwidth, please vote for...

🗣 Swellions! 🐶🌞
There's only 2 more weeks left in The Faces Ottawa 2025 Awards!

If you have the bandwidth, please vote for Swell Hound by clicking the link below and scrolling down. You can vote 1x/day (if you're really enthusiastic 😇) until March 14, 2025.

As always, I'm so Grateful for the support 💙🐶💛

Ottawa's people's choice awards presented by Mattamy Homes

🔥Hot Take🔥: The Strongest Skillset you can have as a Dog Guardian (& Pet Professional) is Emotional Maturity & Self Regu...

🔥Hot Take🔥: The Strongest Skillset you can have as a Dog Guardian (& Pet Professional) is Emotional Maturity & Self Regulation. Let's unpack this!⬇️

Now, I'm no psychologist, but when I talk about Emotional Maturity and Self Regulation, I'm specifically referring to an individual's ability to manage their emotions, stressors and impulses in a healthy way.

So, how does this relate to dogs? Well, it's no secret that living a modern life with a canine family member has it's challenges!🫠

🔹By law, Guardians are expected to have their animal(s) "under control" all the times.

🔹You likely have your own expectations for how your dog should behave.

🔹Behaviours you KNOW your dog can do might not happen WHEN you want them to (on cue).

🔹On top of all of the above, your dog might struggle with behaviours that are at best- embarrassing; at worst- dangerous.

Human beings can (understandably) get REALLY frustrated, upset at and overstimulated by their dogs for not complying with this level of demandingness!

But here's the thing...

Your dog isn't actually GIVING you a hard time, ✨they're HAVING a hard time✨. Read that again!

Dog's are amoral & opportunistic- they do not understand concepts of "right" and "wrong", but they do understand how to capitalize on favourable conditions (which is a very handy survival tactic, btw).

"Right versus wrong" is a human concept! WE know that stealing (for example) isn't "right", but a dog might steal an item simply because it's available. Right or wrong is irrelevant- there is only "opportunity" and it's really nothing personal!

Similarly, a dog's world perspective (umwelt) is very different from our own! While Humans tend to be largely visual/tactile (we "see" and "feel" through our environments), dogs are largely olfactory (they "smell" through their environments). Furthermore, dogs can hear a wider range of sounds than we can (high and lower pitches), and while their vision is comparable to humans with red/green colour blindness, they are more sensitive to contrasts and movement than we are!

Why does that matter? Well, our modern lives are almost entirely human centric; our environments, infrastructure, and all the activity within these factors are designed with the human's umwelt in mind- not the dog's.

Even though we humans understand something is harmless (ex: the mailman, the neighbourhood dog, the fireworks, etc.), oftentimes, our dogs do not (and that can be really scary). Similarly, even though we think the electronics in our homes are silent (for example), our dogs would disagree (and again, that can be uncomfortable and/or scary).

Now, I will NEVER fault a sentient creature of any variety for feeling their feelings. In fact, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my own moments of intense frustration and dysregulation, even as a FF professional!😖 That's life, but here's the skinny...

✨To be Emotionally Mature and Self Regulated DOES NOT mean you're never NOT DYSREGULATED!✨ (That is impossible 😇).

Instead, Having Emotional Maturity and Self Regulation means you have self awareness (specifically, knowing your own limits and bandwidth) and the ability to manage those intense moments when you experience them- you know when to take a break, walk away, and probably even meet your own needs instead of acting on your big feelings!

As a dog guardian and/or pet professional, this is an AMAZING skillset- and just like any skillset, ✨this requires practice✨! Having these skills helps put into perspective your dog's behaviour (again, it's truly nothing personal), and helps YOU set not only your dog, but yourself, up for success!

Life isn't perfect, and relationships are complex; but that's what makes it all so beautiful. The next time you start feeling your own big feelings about your dog, remember to check in with yourself. ✨Not every moment needs to be a training moment, and that's okay✨!

Are you struggling with your dog's behaviour? Well, you came to the right place! Reach out to me via PM, or visit my website and shoot me a message- I'm here to help! 💙🐶💛


Happy Valentines, Swellions! 🥰I'm so grateful to announce that Swell Hound has been nominated in the 2025 Ottawa Faces a...

Happy Valentines, Swellions! 🥰
I'm so grateful to announce that Swell Hound has been nominated in the 2025 Ottawa Faces awards for Pet Training! :D

Wanna help show me and some other amazing pet professionals some love? vote today!

Edit: The site is awful to navigate, I know 🫠 Once opened, the page takes a good minute or so to load fully. Once it's loaded, scroll all the way to the bottom to find the "Pets" Category. The next page will *also take a minute to load*, though you should be able to click on the left side bar OR scroll down to "Pet Training", where you will see Swell Hound! 😇

Ottawa's annual celebration of excellence across 300+ categories of businesses and professionals.

Happy New Year, Swellions 🐶☀ Let's talk about helping an Adult Dog adjust to a new Puppy!My parents got a new puppy (wel...

Happy New Year, Swellions 🐶☀ Let's talk about helping an Adult Dog adjust to a new Puppy!

My parents got a new puppy (welcome to the family, Jozey!) just before our 1 week holiday visit with them. Here are some of the ways we supported my girl Indy with this big change:

✅Expectations kept in check: While having a puppy-friendly/ tolerant adult dog can be extremely helpful when bringing home your new puppy, it is never an adult dog’s responsibility to teach a new puppy the lay of the land- it’s the human’s. There can be several reasons why an adult dog might not appreciate the unabashed energy of a puppy; pain and discomfort, lack of predictability, etc. Indy (who will be 7 years old in March 2025) hadn’t been around puppies of Jozey’s age (9 weeks) in quite some time. While having Jozey get familiar with another canine family member was important, our main goal as Indy’s people was to advocate for her needs, first.

✅Game Plans for Greetings: We knew that Indy would care far more about seeing my parents than meeting Jozey, and so we specifically instructed her greetings with Papa & Baba to be outside and away from Jozey. This gave Indy the chance to process one thing at a time while simultaneously keeping Jozey safe from being accidentally trampled on or traumatized. We had a few drop-in type visits while we were with my parents, so organizing how the girls interacted with others was equally as important.

✅Baby gates, Barriers and Boundaries: This is management 101 y’all; if we don’t want the puppy to get into something, we have to prevent their access to it. Adult to puppy introductions are no different! While we suspected everything would be fine, we aired on the side of caution and kept Indy’s initial greeting with Jozey behind a barrier. No behavior is ever guaranteed, and if we were going to be wrong in our assumption about Indy, then the barriers were perfect for keeping everyone safe. They could smell and see each other without anyone getting overwhelmed or hurt. Having baby gates, barriers and boundaries is highly recommended for bringing a new puppy home, regardless if another dog is involved!

✅Assigned Seating: Similar to the previous point, when dealing with resources (food, toys, space, people, etc.), we made sure that both Indy and Jozey had space for grace in assigned areas. Resource guarding (a broad term that encompasses many behaviours; is sometimes called Possession Aggression) is a completely normal behavior for dogs. Typically, it is a ritualized set of behaviours that keep a potential intruder at bay from usurping resources. However, Resource Guarding can also be quite stressful for all parties involved, can result in injury and isn’t a great way to facilitate a secure relationship between dogs. During feeding times, the girls were kept apart completely- Indy in the kitchen and Jozey in one of her playpens. When one girl wanted to play (which, of course, would typically happen at different times), we made sure the other was out of the arena and occupied with something else (rest, enrichment, etc.). When one of the girls wanted to rest, or wanted affection, we made sure that the need was met without the intrusion of the other. Consistent “assigned seating” is a great way to build predictability in a developing relationship and will keep everyone safe!

✅Supervision and Signal Recognition is Required: Of course, we didn’t keep the girls apart all hours of the day. After all, we wanted to give the girls a chance to be confident and figure each other out on their own terms. During barrier-less interactions, supervision and understanding of subtle dog body language signalling was required. While the former needs no explanation, understanding the visual signals dogs might express during social interactions can help us humans recognize when support might be needed. As a generalized rule of thumb, puppies 6 months of age or less will not display the signals typically seen in ritualized aggression (ex: hard staring and/or half-moon eyes, bearing teeth, growling, etc.). Instead, they tend to default into using signals of appeasement, negotiation and displacement (ex: submissive crawling and/or rolling onto their back, licking the adult dogs mouth persistently, paw lifting, play bows, etc.). Similarly, a puppy-friendly or tolerant adult dog will also display subtle signs of stress (ex: lip licking, head and/or body turning, tension in the face and/or body, persistent avoidance, etc.) before taking any action against a puppy who is pushing boundaries. Furthermore, the action usually taken in response to said puppy behavior would be to give the puppy a quick, largely verbal warning (ex: teeth bearing, growling, barking, etc) and/or move away entirely.

I sometimes jokingly call this time of 6 months or less “The Puppy Card” stage where social dynamics between puppies and adults are much more forgiving. After 6 months, things tend to get a bit more complex. Again, there are absolutely exceptions to these rules and no behavior is ever guaranteed. However, recognizing these subtle signals of stress is feedback for the humans that support and intervention may be required. I'll go over some of the specifics in the videos attached to this post!

✅Escape Routes and One on Ones: When Indy would get fed up with Jozey’s puppy-ness, we made sure to give her an out- an escape route from the madness. Thankfully, Jozey had not gotten the hang of jumping up on couches or doing stairs at this point. Therefore, no matter which area of the house we were in, we made sure that the route was clear so that Indy could either jump up on the couch or climb a few steps to get some air. We did, of course, also make sure that there was plenty of one on one time, sans Jozey. This meant that when we were out for our daily walks with Indy, we were mindful to give her as much agency as feasible; she got to choose where the walk went, and how long to sniff (provided it was safe to do so). We also made sure to have lots of one on one play time (tug, fetch, etc.) during these adventures, too!

If you're having trouble with your adult dog and new puppy, please don't wait until conflict happens. Reach out to me here through facebook, or at www.swellhoundtraining.com so we can get everyone on the right track! 💙🐶💛



Does your dog really love you? Can dogs understand human emotions? And what's the history of dogs and scientific research? Watch the Q&A here: https://youtu....

Swellions!!🐶☀I'm SO SO SO excited to announce that in April of 2025, I will be apart of Julie Naismith's Certified Separ...

I'm SO SO SO excited to announce that in April of 2025, I will be apart of Julie Naismith's Certified Separation Anxiety Pro Behaviour Consultant Program!!

Separation Anxiety cases in dogs has increased significantly over the last few decades, and I've never felt I had enough knowledge or experience to help in a thorough, detailed way. Now, I've also never been the kind of person to shy away from learning about things that I don't fully understand, either. So here I am, taking the responsibility for my knowledge gap and continuing my canine behaviour education once again 🫡👩‍🏫

Here's to something to look forward to in the New Year!! 💛🐶💙

REMINDER: Be sure to drop by 1090 Moselle Cres., tomorrow (Nov 23) between 10am-2pm with your human and companion animal...

REMINDER: Be sure to drop by 1090 Moselle Cres., tomorrow (Nov 23) between 10am-2pm with your human and companion animal donations!! 😇

Gather Round All Ye Swellions 🐶☀ For Tis the Season of Giving!

Join us Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10AM-2PM at 1090 Moselle Cres., Orleans for the FIRST ANNUAL Prancing Paws Ottawa & Friend's Holiday Food Drive!

There will be...

- Complimentary Hot Chocolate
- FREE Holiday Pet Photos
- Pop-up Vendors with an array of different gifts and services (ideal for Holiday gift-giving)
- A chance to chat with ME, your Friendly Neighbourhood Force Free Dog Behaviour Consultant about anything dog training and behaviour (...who may or may not have fun little coupons to give 😉)!

We will be collecting for...

Ottawa Humane Society:
- Unopened pet food and treats (cat, dog and small animal)
- New or gently used: toys, beds, leashes, grooming supplies
- A Donation Box available on site for any cash donations.

For the Ottawa Food Bank:
-Non-perishable food items
- Hygiene products (in high demand!!)

You can find a full list of requested items online or on our social media pages.

The Ottawa Mission:
If you’re in a position to help, please consider donating through our fundraising link.

For more information about this event, go check out the event page and SMASH that "going" button!


Hope to see you there! 💙🐶💛

⚠️Trigger Warning: Pet/ Companion Animal Loss.Y'all...no matter how many times we've been through this, it never get eas...

⚠️Trigger Warning: Pet/ Companion Animal Loss.

Y'all...no matter how many times we've been through this, it never get easier.

Yesterday, November 19, 2024, my family had to say goodbye to our other beautiful ol' girl, Coco. Coco gave us 13 amazing years of truly unconditional love- not only to the human Ruscitti's, but to to many of the furry members of the family as well.

Coco and Zoey definitely shared a special bond, being nearly inseparable their whole lives. We would often humorously and affectionately referred to them as "The Butts"; wherever one went, the other was sure to follow. If one was getting into mischief, surely the other was the lookout. I'd say they were as Thick as Thieves, but they took nothing from us, and instead gave us so, so much joy.

As you can imagine, the loss of Zoey in September of this year was particularly hard on Coco. The last two and half months have been a grieving journey for all of us, with no shortage of ups and downs. While we didn't think we were going to have to say goodbye again so soon, Coco let us know that she was ready and went peacefully in her human parents' arms.

I have nothing profound to say, but I know there are multiple truths that exist simultaneously:

🌈 Zoey was waiting patiently on the other side of the rainbow bridge to greet her Little-Big sister.

🌈 My family has been extremely blessed to have had so many amazing animals in our lives and we are eternally Grateful to each and every one of them.

🌈Grief is just Love with no where to go, and is truly Love's Grand Finale.

🌈 This s**t sucks.

Please, go Love your animals for who they are- they give us so much in the short time they're here with us 💙🐶🌈

Swellions 🐶☀It's the most wonderful time of the year...until someone get's Kennel Cough!! 😫🐶😷Despite it's misleading nam...

Swellions 🐶☀
It's the most wonderful time of the year...until someone get's Kennel Cough!! 😫🐶😷

Despite it's misleading name, Kennel Cough (Bordetella bronchiseptica) isn't exclusive to dogs in kennels; it can be spread in any area where dogs congregate, such as parks, daycares, training groups, grooming salons, etc. Kennel Cough can be spread quite rapidly through direct contact, air droplets or contaminated items (toys, water bowls, etc.).

This is your yearly reminder to be mindful of your dog's change of B.E.A.T- Behaviour, Energy Levels, Appetite and Thirst. Now of course, I'm a Behaviour Professional, NOT a vet. So, if you see any changes in these departments, your first course of action should be to give your Veterinarian a call to rule out medical conditions such as Kennel Cough (especially before accidently spreading it within your canine community).

It's your responsibility as a Dog Guardian to be aware of the signs to limit the spread; you can also check out this handy little pdf. below for some basics on Kennel Cough.


This is one of those cases where NOT sharing IS caring! 😇

Gather Round All Ye Swellions 🐶☀ For Tis the Season of Giving!Join us Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10AM-2PM at 1090 ...

Gather Round All Ye Swellions 🐶☀ For Tis the Season of Giving!

Join us Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10AM-2PM at 1090 Moselle Cres., Orleans for the FIRST ANNUAL Prancing Paws Ottawa & Friend's Holiday Food Drive!

There will be...

- Complimentary Hot Chocolate
- FREE Holiday Pet Photos
- Pop-up Vendors with an array of different gifts and services (ideal for Holiday gift-giving)
- A chance to chat with ME, your Friendly Neighbourhood Force Free Dog Behaviour Consultant about anything dog training and behaviour (...who may or may not have fun little coupons to give 😉)!

We will be collecting for...

Ottawa Humane Society:
- Unopened pet food and treats (cat, dog and small animal)
- New or gently used: toys, beds, leashes, grooming supplies
- A Donation Box available on site for any cash donations.

For the Ottawa Food Bank:
-Non-perishable food items
- Hygiene products (in high demand!!)

You can find a full list of requested items online or on our social media pages.

The Ottawa Mission:
If you’re in a position to help, please consider donating through our fundraising link.

For more information about this event, go check out the event page and SMASH that "going" button!


Hope to see you there! 💙🐶💛

✨AWWW SWELL YEAHHHHH✨Swellions🐶☀!! It's been a hot minute since I've made any posts, and this is why. During the last ye...


Swellions🐶☀!! It's been a hot minute since I've made any posts, and this is why.

During the last year or so, I've been working really frickin' hard to advance my career with the The International School for Canine Psychology and Behaviour - ISCP's Advance Diploma in Canine Behaviour. 12 modules, ~21x 1500-2500 word essays, 1x 16,500 word dissertation, and a 93% average later, I come to you feeling levelled up, and even more ready to serve you and your pups.

In an unregulated industry, it is so hard to discern between what is fact and what is fiction, which is why continuing education is so important to me. I love YOU and YOUR DOGS so deeply that I want nothing more than to make sure you can not just survive, but THRIVE in today's high paced, over-stimulating, often oppressive modern world. If I can do anything to help make sure you reach that goal, I will.

I still do not claim to know everything, but I am ✨HOUND✨ and determined to deliver the absolute highest quality of behaviour support I can to you (and NO, I will NEVER stop with the puns).

This is unlikely to be the last course I take, but your girl is in much need for a little academic breather- at least for a little while.

A special shout out to Jay at Good Guardianship for her undying support and expertise as my tutor throughout this journey, and to all my friends and family who cheered me on throughout this process.

My heart is so full 💙🐶💛

⚠️Trigger Warning: Pet/ Companion Animal Loss.Hey there Swellions 🐶💙On Sept 03, 2024, my family had to say goodbye to on...

⚠️Trigger Warning: Pet/ Companion Animal Loss.

Hey there Swellions 🐶💙
On Sept 03, 2024, my family had to say goodbye to one of our beloved dogs, Zoey. While it wasn't entirely surprising, and we know it was absolutely the right decision, it was rather sudden and still quite upsetting. Since then, we have all been processing our loss, but admittedly, life has felt nothing short of surreal. Being over 600km away from my family, I'm not sure it's really sunk in yet.

I don't claim to have anything profound to say, and I'm certainly no grief expert. However, some realizations I've come to, having been through this countless times, in case it provides *anyone* *any kind* of solace:

🌈 Pet Loss is still loss: despite the societal stigma that still remains. In my experience, it's *never* "just an animal". Our companion animals are with us every single day *for years*; in some cases, their companionship is more consistent and unconditional than some human/human relationships.

🌈 Companion animal loss can be compounding: In my experience, the loss of Zoey triggers the loss of Tasha, which triggers the loss of Bailey, which triggers the loss of Nicky, which triggers the loss of Zack, etc., etc. Sometimes when we grieve one, we grieve them all, simultaneously.

🌈 Everyone grieves differently: some people are able to do their initial grieving and move forward. For some, it might not hit until some kind of significant event (Holidays, birthdays, etc). In my experience, it comes in waves, and these ebbs and flows last months.

🌈 The only way "out" is through: I put "out" in quotations for a reason (see next point), but you have *got* to feel your feelings, no matter how unpleasant, inconvenient or big they are. Repressed emotions will *always* seep through the cracks and impact other emotionally significant relationships.

🌈 Loss is not something you get over, but rather, it's something you grow around: for some, there never is an "out". All the more important to circle back to the point above, and to...

🌈 Choose your support system carefully: Some people will not understand how significant these types of losses can be. Be highly selective about the people you let in during this vulnerable time. You deserve people in your life who can validate and create space for your pain.

🌈Grief impacts the intellectual, emotional and physical bandwidth: This one is self explanatory, and therefore Self compassion is an essential practice.

🌈 Anticipatory Grief is real: As mentioned, this wasn't an entirely surprising loss (though I didn't think it was going to happen so soon). In my experience, the grief actually started well before we had to say goodbye.

For anyone who may be struggling through similar circumstances, I do highly recommend the book The Pet Loss Companion by Ken Dolan-Del Vecchio and Nancy Saxton-Lopez. It's very easy to digest and covers a wide range of concepts surrounding the topic.

For anyone who may be seeking support, here are a few links to some different Pet Loss Groups:




I thank you all in advance with your continued patience, and should anyone need a safe space to vent their grief, I'm always just a PM away 💙🐶💛

I know I'm late to the party, but Happy [belated] International Dog Day! In the spirit of working WITH dogs- a little ol...

I know I'm late to the party, but Happy [belated] International Dog Day! In the spirit of working WITH dogs- a little ol' soapbox rant! 😇😈

Being Force Free when working with animals is not a topic that is up for debate, despite what some other "professionals" claim. There is far too much scientific evidence at our disposal now to even humour the thought of using harsh and/or aversive tools and/or techniques in training. WE👏ARE👏PASSED👏THIS👏.

There are people (who call themselves "professionals") out there who put more effort into trying to save outdated and dying techniques by kicking, screaming and threatening lawsuits than they are putting in efforts to increase their own repertoire of skills, knowledge and understanding on the topic. It takes a certain amount of emotional and intellectual maturity to commit to Force Free training, and it's 100% the human's responsibility to achieve that. If a "professional" is unwilling to put in the work to crossover into common sense and compassion, then there is no room in the industry for that "professional"- put bluntly, sucks to suck 💁‍♀️.

Dog Guardians, Be Aware! Check out this excellent article that Eileen Anderson wrote on the many tropes of these "debates" against Positive Reinforcement/ Force Free training. Don't be fooled by someone else's lack of understanding in an industry that is unregulated (and unnecessarily polarized).


In February 2023, Ivan Balabanov gave a podcast called The Real Facts About Science Based Dog Training. There were problems. Let's learn about Gish Gallops.

🐶☀️SWELLIONS!!☀️🐶I am SO proud to announce that Swell Hound Dog Training and Behaviour Consulting received GOLD in the C...

I am SO proud to announce that Swell Hound Dog Training and Behaviour Consulting received GOLD in the CommunityVotes - Ottawa Pet Training Category!! 🏅🎉

Y'all, I cannot thank you ENOUGH for coming together and taking the time to place your votes. As a small business owner, I wear ALL of the hats- the Behaviour Consultant & Trainer, the Administrator & Secretary, the Social Media Content Creator & Coordinator, the Educator, the [forever] Student, the Accountant, etc.

I work out of my home when you're not welcoming me into yours- there is no fancy facility, no training team- just yours truly. It's always risky to take a leap of faith and be your own boss (especially in THIS economy), but it's moments like this that serve as a reminder that following your heart is ALWAYS 👏 WORTH 👏THE 👏 RISK 👏.

Special shout out to Natasha Stanzel, Real Estate REMAX Affiliates Ottawa for notifying me of this momentous achievement, for her unrelenting expertise and support on growing my small business, and most importantly, for being damn good friend 🐶💙

Congratulations to ALL of the winners, and THANK YOU ALL!!


Alright, Swellions, its time to move inside...'cause it's SWELLtering out there!☀️🥵🙈We all know that hot weather poses a...

Alright, Swellions, its time to move inside...'cause it's SWELLtering out there!☀️🥵🙈

We all know that hot weather poses a safety risk to our dogs. They simply cannot regulate their temperature as well as humans can. Best to stay indoors on those days, but it doesn't have to be boring! Here are 6 Ways to Beat the Heat- Indoors Edition!

Post a picture in the comments on how you and YOUR dog(s) are staying COOL inside 😎👍

If you haven't already, there's till time to vote! 💛🐶💙🥹🫶

If you haven't already, there's till time to vote! 💛🐶💙

Official 2024 Community Voting Awards Platform for Ottawa, ON. Where the community votes for their favourites every year.

Good moring, Swellions! 🐶☀️Did you know? Swell Hound Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting has been featured in Das Lokal ...

Good moring, Swellions! 🐶☀️Did you know? Swell Hound Dog Training & Behaviour Consulting has been featured in Das Lokal Ottawa's "The Best Expert Dog Trainers in Ottawa" review! 🥳 What an honour!! Go check it out (if you feel so inclined) by following this link, below:

https://www.daslokalottawa.com/dog-trainers-ottawa/ -hound

Today was one ☀️SWELL☀️ of a day, folks! I got to do my favourite thing ever: talk about dogs and body language, all tha...

Today was one ☀️SWELL☀️ of a day, folks! I got to do my favourite thing ever: talk about dogs and body language, all thanks to the Canderel Group in Constitution Square for putting on the Puppies on the Plaza event, in conjunction with Freedom Dog Rescue!

Today's event was so successful that I didn't even get a chance to take many photos, so this post is all ya' get (photo 1 was before the event started, and photo 2 wasn't until it was finished) 🙈.

Thank you to everyone who came out and shared our love of dogs. I had an absolute pleasure and I can't wait to do this all again next year! 💙🐶💛


Ottawa, ON


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