I’m very happy to report that we have a rescue willing to take the 3 seniors from the pool shed. These 3 ten year old girls have lived their entire lives in a small space together and will not have to return. Speak Up for Paws has agreed to take care of their medical needs, so we are currently raising funds for their upcoming dentals. Participating in our current raffle helps us help the cats to give them a better quality of life for the remaining years. Without your support they would have to go back without pain relief. Our original intention was to spay neuter them all and provide basic medical care for infections, flea and ear mite prevention and vaccinations, however, many will not be able to have any quality of life if we don’t give them a dental surgery that will remove their pain and infection. As long as we have people supporting us, we will help as many cats as we can. Currently, we have 5 that we have committed to, but that means we have to come up with $5000. Supporting our raffle $20 at a time truly will make a difference if you were all on board to help us. [email protected] #survivor @spayneuter #adoptmecat PawPortunity
Prosecco is with Adopt Me while she’s on antibiotics. She’s very sweet and we’re hoping to have a rescue take her on.
Currently Adopt Me cat rescue is caring for 8 cats from the hoarding house. All of which are on medicine and 2 of which that are waiting for their dental surgery.
These cats have been existing for years in this situation, but have had no life. Our raffle and continuous need for funds is to help support approximately 60 cats. We have raised money for spaying and neutering, but we don’t have enough for dentals. All the cats need dentals, but obviously that is not in the least bit realistic or affordable. We are hoping to provide dentals to the ones that need it most but we need your help.
If you know a business, that’s willing to help us we can provide tax receipts. Please share and help us help these cats.
[email protected] 
Sangria is from the hoarding house that Speak Up for Paws is currently helping to support. She is with Adopt Me Cat Rescue along with 4 others that are here for support and evaluation until we determine where they will go once better. Sangria is a senior cat who has lived her entire life in a shed. She is not very well socialized and therefore while she is being medicated for her severe double ear infection, she needs to be caged. It is endearing to see her play with toys, considering that she spent 10 years in a shed with no enrichments.
For a donation receipt, please include your email address. [email protected]
Last week we had the pleasure of hosting some CH (cerebellar hypoplasia) at Pet Valu on Carling avenue. We were graced with the presence of Bambi the little Instagram star and a few kitties from @heidi’s kitty haven. These cats are special and have a lot of love to give they are definitely adoptable and can live a full and happy life.
Please consider educating yourselves on these cats and adopt a special kitty today.
Congratulations to our 4 winners!!!
Laura Hall- Has re-donated the prize back and the cat bed, toys, and box will be donated to the hoarding house.
Carole Laprade- Has re-donated the prize back and the cat bed, and bowls will be donated to the hoarding house
Catherine Clermont- Has re-donated the prize back
Lianne Picard- has donated the cat post to the hoarding house
Tuesday December 3, is Giving Tuesday.
An important day for people around the world to reflect and count our blessings.
And to give to charitable organizations who resonate with your own personal values.
Speak Up For Paws is a registered charity and can provide receipts for donations. Being registered means all our money is accountable. 95% goes towards TNR and the rest may go towards supplies like trapping equipment or special food and litter need.
Thank you as always for you support!
Video of Moo just before leaving for his new life as an indoor cat. 🐈⬛ ❤️
Winter shelter
Tips for your winter cat shelter.
Place up on a pallet or higher surface.
Place something sturdy on top if needed.
Commaflage- blend with environment.
Protect doorways from snow, wind and rain.
Use good insulation and straw.
Keep away from disturbances such as people and cars as much as possible.
This kitten was found under the hood of a truck after crawling up there to find warmth.
Please take an extra second to bang on your hood and make sure no kitty is hiding up there.
Amazing news for all cat owners.