Lower Saxony Farms
1 outdoor mare spot available April 1st
Board options
Indoor board:
$425 tax included/per stall
18 stall side and 8 stall side
-Co-op style
-Large side 12x14 stalls , small side 12x12
-Hay included
-Feed your own grain and supplements
-Shavings available on site
-Blanketing and booting included
-Indoor arena
-3 outdoor rings
-Microfibre footing
-4 kms hacking
-24 hour surveillance cameras
-Owners on-site/emergency
-Indoor and outdoor grooming bays
-Indoor and outdoor wash stalls
-Laundry room
-Heated bathroom and lounge
-Large private tack lockers
-Trailer parking
-All day turnout (reverse turnout warmer months)
-Tile drain paddocks
-Small group or single turnout
-All season water 24/7
-Turnout hay or grass (seasonal) 24/7
-International coaches Hunter/Jumper/Eventing and Dressage on site
-Shows at Bronze, Silver, Gold levels, if wish
-Team wear
-Close to amenities
-All disciplines welcome
- dry lot and individual turn out options available at extra cost , and depends on paddock space availability
Outdoor board:
-All included at $425/ month tax included
-24/7 hay/grass (seasonal)
-supply your own grain / once a day feeding Monday to Friday , shared weekend feeding , once a month obligation
-All season 24/7 water access
-Straw bedding with large shelters
-Small groups in big fields with plenty of room to roam
- mineral blocks in shelters
- full use of facility
-dry lot options available at extra cost , and depends on paddock space availability
-Contact Jen Little to book a tour
[email protected]