Behind the scenes of a winter’s work day at Fox & Oak! 🦊🌳❄️
No matter the weather, our hard working staff makes sure all of our horse’s needs are met. From routine care, to clipping, to daily exercise - our team takes great pride in the quality of our horse care! 💪🏻🐴
#FoxandOakFarm #TaylorBrooksEquestrianInc #WinterWarriors #StayingWarmAndWorkingHard #BestTeam #WorkHardPlayHard
Our final introduction to the Fox & Oak team is Julia Hudon! 🎉
We couldn’t be more excited with the addition of Julia. This talented junior rider has big dreams for her future as a professional in this industry and we are grateful that she has chosen the Fox & Oak program to pursue them. After a very successful summer with our team, Julia will make the transition to professional this winter and will join our barn as an assistant rider and trainer. 🏆👏🏻
#FoxandOakFarm #TaylorBrooksEquestrianInc #TeamworkMakesTheDreamWork #BestTeam #NewTeamMembers
Flatwork is a key component of the Fox & Oak training program. 💪🏻✨
We are lucky to have dressage rider and trainer, Joanne Brooks, as an integral part of our teaching staff and we credit our horse’s and pony’s suppleness, elasticity, and rideability to our focus on proper flatwork from the very beginning!
#FoxandOakFarm #TaylorBrooksEquestrianInc #FlatworkFirst #FundamentalBasics #CorrectRiding
Join Catie Brown, one of our show grooms and riders, on a tour of Fox & Oak’s horse show set up! 🏆🐴
We are grateful for our team of grooms and managers who allow our show days to run smoothly because of their high levels of organization and attention to detail!
#FoxandOakFarm #TaylorBrooksEquestrianInc #HorseShowSetUp #HorseShowOrganization
As we wrap up the first day of completion at Wesley Clover Parks for the Ottawa Summer Tournaments, we thought it would be a great time to get to know the Fox & Oak JUNIOR RIDERS of 2024! 👏🏻🎬
Ileana Pantalone & Imagination Z 🦄
Keelin Rogers & Bentley 🚘
Scarlett McEvoy & Viewpoint ✨
Sarah Cranton & Hertog Jan 🧸
William Brown & Cohiba 👑
This group of hard working young riders have already begun to make strides both in and out of the show ring and we are excited for them to take on these next two weeks of showing at our HOME TOWN horse show! ☀️
#FoxandOakFarm #TaylorBrooksEquestrianInc #HomeTownFun #DevelopingJuniorRiders #SummerShowSeason #InItToWinIt #HereForTheLearning #DevelopingChampions #JuniorRiders
Thank you 2023✨
The highs. The lows. The blessings. The lessons. The setbacks. The comebacks. The love. The losses. I am thankful for all of it. Grateful for everyday of 2023 and excited for 2024! 👏🏻