Dayna on CFRA Discussing Dog Behaviour and More!
🎧 Listen Now — Radio Interview: Dayna always appreciates the chance to help educate the public when it comes to dog behaviour, and was thankful for the chance to recently speak with Kristy Cameron to chat on 580 CFRA.
The wide-ranging interview covers topics such as Ottawa’s reported increase in dog attacks, why “dangerous dog” lists don’t make sense, and the difference between dog training and dog behaviour consulting — and why it’s more important to understand your dog than to simply wish they would act differently. Kristy, thank you for giving Dayna the opportunity!
PS: Since this aired, Dayna has had a productive conversation with Councillor Gower, which we’re grateful for.
Dayna’s Pet Services at Wiener-Paw-Looza Ottawa • July 6, 2024
We had such a great time at Wiener-Paw-Looza Ottawa! Dayna’s Pet Services were a proud Platinum Sponsor of this event, helping ensure its success as a fundraise for our friends at Canadian Dachshund Rescue, Ontario
Dayna also owns CocoMutts, who we partied beside all day. It was so great to see so many dogs and dog lovers out enjoying the festivities!