Stone Meadows Christmas Party🎄
What an amazing night full of fun !
Thanks to all our friends and clients for making tonight so special.
It is a pony driving kind of day
Makes everyone tired .... pony, Connor, Max and Charlie 😜
These two definitely have more energy than the rest of us this morning
So Connor and I are very sad that we won’t get to watch our favourite athletes compete in the Olympic’s this year..
So Connor is putting out a new challenge for all riders, barn owners, and grooms.
Broom balancing ... this is what happens when you are at the farm for 7 days without leaving the property or seeing anyone.
You can only use your index finger and middle finger ... how long can you go ?
When your amazing client makes horse pop- tarts. Brianna Renée Tokrud you are going to have to open a bakery. Hennessy has expectations now😜