Looking for some spring color? We have some Outrageously beautiful plants waiting for you at Parksville Buckerfield's.
#springfeverinthegarden #gardening #spring #homegardening
March checklist for Beekeepers in BC. as provided by the Ministry of Agriculture BC website.
New beekeepers should apply for registration of apiary location(s). Registration forms are available on the Ministry of Agriculture website.
• In warmer parts of the province, bees will be flying intermittently, bringing in pollen.
• When weather permits, take hives apart and clean floor boards. If there are no bees in the bottom brood chamber, remove, sort combs, clean, repair and paint where necessary.
• Check for eggs and brood to confirm a laying queen. Install entrance reducer. Stimulative feeding of syrup may begin or continue. Ensure sufficient pollen stores or provide pollen patties.
• Feed warm, thick syrup. Prepare sugar syrup by adding 3 parts sugar to two parts hot water (some prefer 2:1). If broods disease is detected and antibiotics are required
• When weather permits and bees have resumed flight, test for Varroa mites
• If tracheal mites are suspected, apply formic acid treatments.
#honeybeesofinstagram #honeybeefarming #BeekeepingCommunity #beekeeperslife #oceanside
Although ducklings are not available to purchase through our store, you can hatch your own with one of our Little Giant poultry incubators. The two 4"x 8" viewing windows allow you to monitor the hatching process. The LCD display with LED light shows accurate temperature and humidity readings instantly. The temperature control board is self regulating to suit varying environments.
Also features a built in digital hygrometer to help maintain humidity.
This incubator can also hatch turkeys, chickens, bantum chickens and quail by using appropriately sized eggs trays sold seperately.
Regular price $249.99
#PoultryBreeding #poultryfarming #poultryfarm #poultryequipment #ducklings #chicks #chickencoop #chickenfarmer #chickenfarmersofcanada
Beekeeping in February as posted on BC Minstry of Agriculture website.
• In southern areas, pollen patties are sometimes applied to stimulate brood rearing. This practice is not essential. When used, make sure that ingredients are all digestible. Non-digestible materials may cause dysentery and stimulate Nosema disease.
• Only when weather is warm at the end of the month, the first inspection of the top box may be done. Look for bee brood, pollen and food reserves. Don’t bother searching for the queen when eggs are visible. A strip (Apivar or Apistan) and a sticky board for 24 hours may beinstalled to
determine mite levels.
Check out our website for all of your beekeeping needs: https://www.buckerfields.ca/farm/beekeeping
or stop by any Buckerfield's location and chat with one of our associates.
Stay tuned for chick availability coming soon!
#chickencoop #chickenfarmersofcanada #PoultryBreeding #chickenfarmer #chicks
Keep your Hummingbirds fed no matter what the weather has in store with a feeder heater. We have a selection of heaters in store that are easily adaptable to fit the majority of feeder styles. Stop by and let our staff help you chose the best fit!
#feederheater #canadianmade #wildbirdfood #birdfood #supportlocal #hummingbirdheater #wildbirdwatching #productofcanada #wintergardening
beekeeping in january
Beekeeping in January checklist from the Ministry of Agriculture Website.
• Make or order hive parts, equipment and supplies required for the season.
• Keep hive entrances clear of dead bees.
• In snow-free areas, gently tip the colony forward to gauge its weight. If light, supplemental sugar syrup may be applied. Limit disruption of colony as much as possible. If using a frame feeder, carefully crack the inner cover and slide sideways, pour the room-temperature syrup.
Make sure to add a floating device to prevent bees of drowning. Don’t open hives and disrupt the winter cluster.
At Buckerfield's in Parksville we have a full selection of beekeeping supplies in stock Check out our selection online https://www.buckerfields.ca/farm/beekeeping
#supportlocal #honeybeefarming #honeybeesofinstagram #beekeeping #beekeepers #beekeeperslife #BeekeepingCommunity
Baby chicks will be available SOON!
Stop by and let us help you get set up with all the accessories you will need before they arrive.
#backyardfarmer #selfsufficiency #turkeytime #poultryfarming
Spring is on it's way and we are getting ready here at Parksville Buckerfield's.
Drop by for all your seed starting supplies!
#springfeverinthegarden #gardening #spring #homegardening #seedstarting
We have a great new selection of Cobble Hill puzzles now in stock! Some unique designs we have never seen in our store before.
As always only $22.99 each.
#staywarmandcozy #staffpics #SelfCare #winteriscoming #puzzlelover
All of the team at Parksville Buckerfield's would like to wish you a Happy New Year filled with joy. Thank you for embracing all of our changes throughout 2024. We look forward to a fantastic 2025.
Your original country store since 1919.
#HappyNewYear #atbuckerfieldsyourfamily #customerappreciation #weloveourfarmers #buckerfieldsparksville #farmsupplycompany #Community #since1919
Dec 26/24 - Jan 2/25
Parksville location only.
Limited to stock on hand.
See in store for more details.
#customerexperience #seasonofgiving #christmasdeals #seasonalsavings #savings #supportlocal #petfood #vancouverisland #Since1919 #buckerfields #AnythingforPets #fortheloveofpets #petfoodstore #puppylove #parksville #BoxingWeekSale #boxingweekdeals