TRUFFLES INCREDIBLE HEALTH BENEFITS - This prized fungi is brimming with antioxidants, combating oxidative stress while protecting the body of free radicals. Throughout ages, this macrofungus has gained elevated status in the culinary domain.
With the identification of its components such as ergosterol, tuberosideanandamide, polysaccharides and phenolics, as well as the validation of nutritional benefits as antioxidant, anti- inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antitumor, antimicrobial, and aphrodisiac, it is ranking high on cost factor; however, with knowledge is meeting consumer attention.
Yes, it has been proven that some truffles have ergo steroids, the most widespread fungal sterol, that can be transformed into Vitamin D in the human body - a key component of T. Melanopsorum - the Black Perigord Truffle.
Truffles are rich in protein, fat, dietary fibre, ash, essential amino acids (methionine, phenylalanine, valine, serine, isoleucine and threonine), and metals (K, P, Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) In addition, truffles contain volatile organic compounds (VOC's) such as aldehydes, alcholols, ketones, and organic acids (ascorbic acid) in various ratios.