The @openfarmpet treats have finally arrived at the store!!!
Dehydrated Treats
Irresistible for them. Guilt-free parenting for you. These high protein healthy dog treats come in a variety of textures ranging from extra crunchy to soft and breakable.
Be Good Bites
Soft & chewy training treats made with clean ingredients such as humanely-raised and wild-caught proteins and non-GMO fruits & grains — all while including 30% upcycled material. Tiny and tasty!
Jerky Strips
Soft & chewy Jerky Strips are made with clean ingredients such as humanely raised and wild-caught proteins for big-time treats with big-time flavor.
#mtldogs #openfarm #dogtreats #humangrade #cleaningredients #montreal
Christmas is in the air!! 🌲
Happy first snow! ❄️
#montreal #montréal #snowday #happydog #excited #mtldogs #firstsnow
We're back from Spring Break!
Fully stocked with:
🧸 Toys
🦴 Treats
🐕🦺 Leashes, collars and harnesses
🍖 and a huge selection of Raw food
Come and see Vicky for more information on the benefits of going raw.
🐕🐩 leashed dogs are always welcome.
Did you know we have a dog scale, in case you want to weigh your dog? Come on in, it's free to use.
#dogsupplements #DogToys #pointeclaire #westisland #montrealpets #rawfeddog #catlife #doglife
Follow Us Dor More... #boredombusters #dogtoys #dogbehavior #petstore #dogfood #funnydogs #dogpuzzles #dogsofquebec #dogtips
Si nous vous faisons remuer la queue de bonheur, laissez-nous un témoignage..
If we got your tail wagging with happiness please leave us a review...
#petboutique #canadianpets #pointeclaire #supportsmallbusinesses #suportlocal #petfood #petsupply #bigcountryrawfeeders #bigcountryraw
The west island's #1 supplier of raw pet food and supplements.
We carry brands like:
🐾 Big Country Raw
🐾 Iron Will Raw
🐾 Tollden Farms
#bigcountryraw #ironwillraw #tolldenfarms #rawfeddog #rawdogfood #rawdietfordogs #rawdietforcats #rawdiet #westisland #westislamdmontreal #petboutique #petstagram
Le #1 fournisseur de nourriture crue pour chien et chat dans l'ouest de l'île.
nous proposons des marques telles que :
🐾 Big Country Raw
🐾 Iron Will Raw
🐾 Tollden Farms
#nourrituredechien #boutiquedanimaux #montreal #pointclaire #chienduquebec #chat #nourriturecrue #nourriturecruepourchien #nourriturecruepourchat #boutiquedechien