Our mamas Mama's Market 2023 is this Saturday, May 13th from 10am - 3pm. Tickets are $5 cash at the door. We kindly ask you to leave your pets at home for this event.
Never been to the farm? Here is a video to show you what to expect.
We have almost 50 businesses coming, free face painting for the kids, mini-donkeys, goats, chickens & horses.
See ya soon!
Well, the time has officially come. Greg & I have decided to sell the farm. It has been an incredible 4 years. Its also been hard. Here is a look behind the scenes for you:
Greg & I met on tinder about 7 or so years ago. Our first date was at the Reeb house, and the next morning I walked into work and said to my coworker that he was so sweet, and that I would likely never hear from him again. I knew nothing about farming and our worlds couldn't be further apart, although we were both raised in small town Port Colborne.
After our 3rd date, he drove me to his parents farm, where he had a ton of sheep that he was raising in their out building. Well, that day was going to be someone's birthday. We went into the barn and he said that one of the mama's was giving birth but needed help. Not sure what he wanted terrified ol' me to do in my nice dress and also having never been asked to be a doula for a farm animal. At this point, he went elbows deep, to bring out the sweetest little lamb and make sure it survived. I watched in what I can only describe as shock and possibly horror. Mainly thinking - what have I gotten myself into?
Fast forward a few months, we were basically inseparable and I moved into his house a few doors down from the farm. Hard to say no to a tall handsome man with an obscene amount of adorable small farm animals. As our relationship continued and we moved, renovated and continued to grow, it was time for Greg to live out one of his dreams, and own a farm. He showed me the property online and I said, "Sure, why not?". The day we viewed the farm, was day 100 for it being on the market, and the sellers were going to take it off the market at that point if it didn't sell. The farm was tired. There was no passion, no care, and mainly a deteriorated space. It was an overwhelming ask, but Greg always said yes to my ideas, so it was time to return the favour.
We jumped in with both feet and it was a crash course into all things farming. I knew little ab
Rosie is feeling ✨spicy✨. Nash is waiting for snacks & Kendall is absolutely unbothered.
That's a wrap on our goat photoshoot fundraiser! Thank you to everyone who supported and gave generously. This week we delivered $2,145 to Women's Place of South Niagara Inc., our local women's shelter.
Stay tuned for a future photoshoot! Drop your festive farm shots here with us 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼📸📸📸
We love having Over The Rainbow Dog Academy here on Sunday's. We host their level 1 & 2 obedience as well as the super fun Agility course. It was only fair the goats got a turn today.
Highly recommend this game. 10/10 for the Twee Rozen Squad.
Last but certainly not least, Sid has her kids. Early risers around 7am on September 24th. Sage, the white girl & Cypress, the colourful boy. Both are walking & nursing, spending time with mama. 🐐🐐🐐 #goat #kids #pygmygoats #nigeriandwarf #farm #tweerozen #baby #countryliving
Welcome to the family sweet girl. This is Primrose. Her proud parents are Ruby & Jasper. 🌹🐐 #newborn #baby #kid #goat #nigeriandwarf #pygmy #fluffy #portcolborne #farm
🐓 #tiktok #tweerozen #birds #animesanimportantpartofourculture #portcolborne
I ran - farm animals
A little montage of the farm animals having a run. 🐐🐎