Twee Rozen Farms

Twee Rozen Farms Twee Rozen Farms is now closed.

Pair of Clydesdales for sale Posting for sale due to the farm being for sale & moving in town - if we could keep them we...

Pair of Clydesdales for sale
Posting for sale due to the farm being for sale & moving in town - if we could keep them we would!
Looking for their forever home. Absolutely must be kept together. Will not separate.

Easy keepers, kind, steady eddy type. Very gentle, sweet natured and patient. Ideal as companion horses, occasional husband horses, light trail riding, etc
Nash is late teens, Bud is 20+
Both are 16.2hh and barefoot.
Stand for the farrier, vet, bodywork, etc
UTD on all vaccinations
Have been used for beginner lessons & trail riding
Trailer well
Can be ridden separately
Have been kept outside 24/7 as well as stalled at night. Can be turned out with mares and geldings, have always gotten along well with every other horse in the barn.
Photo pulling wagon is from their previous owner, they have not done this in over 4 years.
Will not sell for lessons, heavy work, or resale.

5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ for the pair

Set up is well underway and we are so excited to see you! ⏰ Saturday May 13, 10-3pm💰 $5 at the door for  🎨 free face pai...

Set up is well underway and we are so excited to see you!

⏰ Saturday May 13, 10-3pm
💰 $5 at the door for
🎨 free face painting
🏆 over 40 raffle prizes ($20/sheet bring cash)
🛍 almost 50 local businesses
🐑🐐🐴🐓 all your fav farm animals
🌎 3212 Forkes Road East, Port Colborne
🚗 Park in front paddock, overflow on street once full
🚫🐶 no pets & 🚭 no smoking anywhere on the property (parking included).

Can’t wait to see ya 💕

We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the Opdam family & Paula Opdam for their incredible loss. We adored M...

We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to the Opdam family & Paula Opdam for their incredible loss. We adored Mr Opdam here at the farm and loved seeing him for visits and scooting down the road in his little fiat. ❤️

May he now be pain free & at peace.


Our mamas Mama's Market 2023 is this Saturday, May 13th from 10am - 3pm. Tickets are $5 cash at the door. We kindly ask you to leave your pets at home for this event.

Never been to the farm? Here is a video to show you what to expect.

We have almost 50 businesses coming, free face painting for the kids, mini-donkeys, goats, chickens & horses.

See ya soon!

Our 3rd annual Mama’s Market is just 2 weeks away… every single visitor through the door will go into a draw to win this...

Our 3rd annual Mama’s Market is just 2 weeks away… every single visitor through the door will go into a draw to win this adorable Kate Spade purse donated by yours truly.

Entrance fee is $5/person with 100% of the proceeds going to &

You’ll have full access to pet & visit with the goats, mini-donkeys, horses & everyones favourite duo - the Clydesdale Brothers, Nash & Bud.

We have 45+ small businesses joining us for the day, on Saturday May 13th from 10am - 3pm.

See ya at 🤠

For a detailed list of all the vendors, head over to my Community & Events page on



Well, the time has officially come. Greg & I have decided to sell the farm. It has been an incredible 4 years. Its also been hard. Here is a look behind the scenes for you:

Greg & I met on tinder about 7 or so years ago. Our first date was at the Reeb house, and the next morning I walked into work and said to my coworker that he was so sweet, and that I would likely never hear from him again. I knew nothing about farming and our worlds couldn't be further apart, although we were both raised in small town Port Colborne.

After our 3rd date, he drove me to his parents farm, where he had a ton of sheep that he was raising in their out building. Well, that day was going to be someone's birthday. We went into the barn and he said that one of the mama's was giving birth but needed help. Not sure what he wanted terrified ol' me to do in my nice dress and also having never been asked to be a doula for a farm animal. At this point, he went elbows deep, to bring out the sweetest little lamb and make sure it survived. I watched in what I can only describe as shock and possibly horror. Mainly thinking - what have I gotten myself into?

Fast forward a few months, we were basically inseparable and I moved into his house a few doors down from the farm. Hard to say no to a tall handsome man with an obscene amount of adorable small farm animals. As our relationship continued and we moved, renovated and continued to grow, it was time for Greg to live out one of his dreams, and own a farm. He showed me the property online and I said, "Sure, why not?". The day we viewed the farm, was day 100 for it being on the market, and the sellers were going to take it off the market at that point if it didn't sell. The farm was tired. There was no passion, no care, and mainly a deteriorated space. It was an overwhelming ask, but Greg always said yes to my ideas, so it was time to return the favour.

We jumped in with both feet and it was a crash course into all things farming. I knew little about horses, outside of an excursion in Mexico for an hour whilst on an all inclusive. We firmed up on the farm, and I went online and ordered "Horses for Dummies". In the last four years, I accumulated 8 horses, each teaching me something different. Some for the lesson program, some came with the farm, a few had passed from old age, and my absolute favourite duo, Nash & Rosebud who came during Covid. We have had some of the cutest animals ever, but it hasn't come without immense sadness and loss at times. I never in a million years thought I would be in a barn at 1am crying because a mama goat refuses to nurse one of her kids, knowing by the morning they would pass. When we adopted Nyx, she was older with health issues and her final days, I spent 12 hours overnight in the barn making sure she stayed hooked up to her IV, the next day she passed away & I had to go out and give someone an opinion of value on their property the same day. Farming isn't just the cute instagram posts.

This property has been a crash course on farming, animal care, property management & running a business. Alongside the years at the farm, Greg was also working for his parents at their dairy operation & now full time landscaping, I have been running full time real estate and charity events. There are truly not enough hours in the day, which has been a hard pill to swallow.

This brings us to 2023. Its been a lot, it has been incredible but its been a lot. We are excited to say that we are closing the chapter at Twee Rozen Farms and shifting our life to something new. There are a lot of things up in the air currently, but a few things I can share now..
1. We are staying local!
2. So are our friends at Als Country Mutts, they're moving off the farm and we are so excited for them in the next step of their journey.
3. Charity events are still running! Mama's Market will likely be our last market at the farm, but we are pivoting and hosting in new locations for future events.

I want to sincerely thank all of the wonderful boarders we have had, our incredible animal support crew - Doug Peacock & Matt Nugent (and kristen), Al & Chanze for being wonderful tenants and friends on the farm, and to all of you for supporting events here. I truly cannot wait to share whats coming next for us, but for now it's time to slow down.

Realtors - The farm will be live on MLS mid May & will be on the Caravan tour hopefully!

Happy Easter, from our farm to yours. 🐰

Happy Easter, from our farm to yours. 🐰

Mamas market coming in hot! Check the post below for details & how to apply. Deadline fast approaching 👀👋🏼

Mamas market coming in hot! Check the post below for details & how to apply. Deadline fast approaching 👀👋🏼

Here is your reminder to support local. The incredible makers that are in this town & region need our support. I’m so excited to hang this custom piece by Embroider by Kate in my office. Thank you 🌸🌎

There will be over 40 small businesses at Twee Rozen Farms on Saturday, May 13th from 10-3pm. Bring your mama & your pals to check out the endless talent right in our own backyard. $5 at the door with 100% of those funds going to Birchway Niagara (formally womens place) & Royal LePage Shelter Foundation ❤️

One more week to apply to be a vendor, then the first week of April acceptances will be sent out! 👀

Rosie is on the move. Please share with friends! Rosie is ~14hh and 15 years old. She is barefoot and currently lives ou...

Rosie is on the move. Please share with friends!

Rosie is ~14hh and 15 years old. She is barefoot and currently lives outside in a group without issues. Rosie was part of a beginner lesson program for about a year and has since been part boarded by an 11 year old. Rosie goes w/t/c and has started jumping cross rails. Rosie goes trail riding alone or in groups, and has been ridden on the road without issue. She can be opinionated, but loves attention and is a sweetheart when you get to know her.
Up to date on all vaccinations, deworming and farrier work.


Sevens looking for a new barn sweet barn, please share with friends! Seven is ~15.1hh and 7 years old. He comes from exc...

Sevens looking for a new barn sweet barn, please share with friends!

Seven is ~15.1hh and 7 years old. He comes from excellent Gypsy Vanner bloodlines. He is barefoot and has both been stalled and lived outside 24/7. He goes out in groups without issue. Seven goes w/t/c, but is a bit too clumsy for jumping. He has gone trail riding on the road and up in the Ganaraska forest. Seven has been used in lessons before and been leased by novice riders, however, he has been out of work for close to a year (due to owners schedule) and will need a reintroduction to work. Seven has never had any soundness issues and is the biggest sweetheart and goofball you will ever meet. He’s our big puppy dog, both gentle & curious with kids and new friends.
Up to date on all vaccinations, deworming and farrier work.


Our 3rd annual Mama's Market at Twee Rozen Farms will be on Saturday, May 13th from 10am-3pm. Our farm is a 17 acre eque...

Our 3rd annual Mama's Market at Twee Rozen Farms will be on Saturday, May 13th from 10am-3pm. Our farm is a 17 acre equestrian facility with all of your favourite farm animals including goats, mini-donkeys, horses & chickens. Every market we have hosted here has brought through over 350 visitors, regardless of weather.

Applications are officially open (deadline March 31st, acceptance sent out on April 7th).

The table fee collected & $5 entrance fee goes 100% to Operation $29k. Operation $29k is Carlie Smiths fundraising goal for the year as she is heading to Ecuador on a 90km trek to raise funds for Womens Place of South Niagara & the Royal LePage Shelter Foundation. 80% of the funds raised stay locally and the other 20% is used towards national campaigns and education around ending domestic violence.


Celebrating 3 years of owning Twee Rozen Farms. I truly thought “what did we sign up for” when we bought this place. In ...

Celebrating 3 years of owning Twee Rozen Farms. I truly thought “what did we sign up for” when we bought this place. In the last 3 years it seems we signed up for:
- a lot of renovations,
- business management,
- crash course in all things animals,
- goat midwifery,
- deep connections with horses,
- riding lessons,
- dog agility,
- fundraising over $50,000 for
- Zumba & barn boot camp,
- new friendships,
- some great losses of our pets,
- watching Als Country Mutts flourish,
& personal growth.

It has been an absolute ride & we have loved sharing this experience with Al & Chanze from almost day 1 (technically they moved in on day 15 😂).

Thanks to everyone that has been along for the ride, it’s been an incredible journey.

The final numbers are being tallied & the raffle prizes will be picked later today but I wanted to jump on here this mor...

The final numbers are being tallied & the raffle prizes will be picked later today but I wanted to jump on here this morning to give a sincere thank you to the incredible volunteers this weekend for pulling off this double market day & night. This photo doesn’t include any of my Friday folks which we had a TON of. To make these events safe, accessible & fun, there are a lot of people needed. So thank you to my incredible friends for coming together to support our 💜

Not pictured but much love to: Amanda Wilcox, Toni & Reagan, Leanne Grover, My right hand - Shelby 👋🏼, Michelle Ann, Ellyanna & pals. Last but certainly not least, my spouse ❤️


Todays the day folks for Carlie's Christmas Market

📍Where: 3212 Forkes Road East, Port Colborne
🚗Parking will be on site and once full, will overflow to the street. Please only park on the South side of the street (not the side with the farm).

💰Cost: $5 entry (kids 2 & under are free) 100% of these funds go to Women's Place of South Niagara Inc
* PLEASE BRING CASH * some vendors will have machines but it is inside the barn and service can be spotty, cash is best!

🏆We will also have a raffle table (1 sheet for $20 & 3 for $50)

⏰Today 6-9pm & Saturday 10am-2pm, there will be different vendors over the two day event.

🐴🐐 - horses, goats & donkeys to pet
🎨 - face painting (any donation goes to WPSN)
🎟 - everyone attending gets their name in a draw for 4 tickets to the Ice Dogs on December 8th!
🎁 - first 100 families each day get a wrapping paper kit & ”Naughty & Nice” list to take home for a chance to win $50 for their favourite charity & $50 to their favourite loval restaurant.

🚫Please leave your pets at home for this event & kindly note that Twee Rozen Farms does not allow smoking anywhere on their property, please do so at the road only.🚫

This is Smokey & peepin’ in the back is his handsome neighbour Sunny. These two fellas will be at the market ready for s...

This is Smokey & peepin’ in the back is his handsome neighbour Sunny. These two fellas will be at the market ready for selfies & to inspect pockets for treats.

This Friday, December 2nd from 6-9pm & Saturday, December 3rd from 10-2pm.

Our rescheduled Christmas markets are less than a week away! Come join us at Twee Rozen Farms on ⭐️ Friday, Dec 2nd from...

Our rescheduled Christmas markets are less than a week away! Come join us at Twee Rozen Farms on
⭐️ Friday, Dec 2nd from 6-9pm &
⭐️ Saturday, Dec 3rd from 10am-2pm!

Tickets are $5 at the door (kids 2 & under are free) & we have an incredible raffle table that is absolutely packed full. Raffle tickets are one sheet for $20 or 3 for $50. All of these funds go directly to 💜

All of your favourite farm animals are there including the Clydesdale brothers, the most adorable goat gang, a pretty cute collection of horses and of course - the mini donkeys.

The entire farm (and I mean the ENTIRE farm), is decorated for Christmas. Each hallway feels like a different Hallmark scene & there are ample photo opportunities for you and your family.

We will be joined by over 35 businesses each day. Some vendors will be there for both days but there are lots of variety. The perfect opportunity for a farm visit & to kick off your Christmas shopping by supporting local and supporting a great cause.

Every person through the door will have an opportunity to win Ice Dogs tickets donated by just for attending. She also has her “Guess the Gumballs” game back for more prizes.

The first 200 guests to attend will also receive a “Naughty & Nice” checklist to bring home for a chance to win a donation to a charity of their choosing, as well as a gift card to their favourite restaurant.

See you this Friday & Saturday! 🎄


3212 Forkes Road East
Port Colborne, ON





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