Some very sad news. I have found out that the BC SPCA lied to me recently. First, they told me that the four horses that THEY HAVE TAKEN AGAIN AND ARE IN SUPREME COURT OVER AGAIN were adopted out. Then, alluding to some vagueness in their List Of Documents it looks like they have murdered Oliver and Star. They have taken the law into their own hands without the Court even considering the alleged ploy they corruptly devised to seize the horses again. This Court case is the stuff of greed, evil and corruption and shows how they lie, embellish and how devious the $86+ million dollar 'charity' really is in my view. They are killers, murderers of innocent animals and adopted two of my horses to strangers which means a continuing living hell for these horses.
As many of you know, the BC SPCA has destroyed other rescues and people whose entire lives have been working with or helping animals and people are sick of it now - voicing out in the media that they are fed up. Please, give to smaller rescues that do not have a no-kill policy and so desperately need the financial help. Don't give to this Goliath who has killed more animals in British Columbia than any other organization.