Klassic K9

Klassic K9 At Klassic K9 we always strive to build the best relationship we can, not only WITH you and your dog, but BETWEEN you and your dog!

This was so well written from my friends at Noble Canyon K9 Facility that I had to share directly! 👏👇🏼👇🏼

This was so well written from my friends at Noble Canyon K9 Facility that I had to share directly! 👏👇🏼👇🏼


When encountering another dog, people often ask if your dog is friendly. This question can cause panic, as there is little time to respond or the approaching dog quickly closes in. However, the true meaning behind this question is whether your dog will pose a threat to theirs. I understand the underlying inquiry and will attempt to explain.

Let me describe the nature of my dog:
- Well-behaved
- Well-mannered
- Neutral towards dogs with proper etiquette
- Not dependent on play for socialization
- A herding dog that appreciates structure and control

In contrast, your dog in this scenario:
- Displays poor manners
- Lacks proper training
- Could be a liability
- Is vulnerable
- Causes stress and anxiety in other dogs

When your dog encounters mine, I can guarantee that she will establish her dominance. It may appear and sound intimidating. If she is stronger, she will pin them down. This can potentially cause mental stress for both your dog and yourself. I personally know that she does not intend to harm them. However, if your dog responds negatively and a fight ensues, I assure you she will not cease until the threat is neutralized. Nevertheless, this does not mean she is unfriendly.

It's important to note that a dog correcting another dog for invasive behavior is not aggression, but a normal canine response to address improper manners. Dogs and humans should not have to endure stress when encountering other dogs outside their homes.

For the well-being of your pets, I urge you to keep them leashed if they don't have reliable recall and refrain from allowing them to approach other dogs.

Instead of asking if a dog is friendly, let's assume that every dog prefers not to be approached until humans can engage in a conversation and assess the situation. This approach will prevent injuries, maintain mental stability, and avoid misunderstandings that could lead to unfortunate outcomes.


Signals. Layers and layers of signals! There are many different systems to teach a dog a new skill. The system I follow ...

Signals. Layers and layers of signals!
There are many different systems to teach a dog a new skill. The system I follow is tedious and time consuming but the results are undeniable. By building signals upon signals and shaping behaviors vs forcing them, we build beautiful emotion with a training system that always leaves something you can fall back on if you hit a snag.

Here is a very condensed time line of how I taught my GSD puppy Audi her dowels and “here”, tying them together in the end for a beautiful picture almost immediately. I found I’m the type to teach something and hammer its training for a few weeks, then step away and come back after some time (hence the amount of growth she shows in this video 🤪). There are multiple ways to build these behaviors but I’m happy with the emotion and skills formed by training it this way 🖤

Step 1 - teaching a chin touch. This helps her learn to settle, focus and be still. I use a chin touch for so many other aspects of my training, especially in their day to day life skills (looking at ears, eyes, teeth, nails etc)

REPEAT 1836 times!

Step 2 - introducing the dowel. I use a bit of prey to entice them to want the dowel and free shape them to take it in their mouth on their own with no pressure from me (ie I’m not holding her still or forcing it into her mouth)

REPEAT 19373 times!

Step 3 - adding the chin touch AND dowel so they learn to take the dowel and settle with a nice hold and focus

You guessed it, the key to proofing behaviors is REPETITION!

Step 4 - build the “here”. I stay seated at first to reduce pressure (vs standing over top of a puppy) and lure them to touch my chest. Eventually I fade the lure with hands behind my back, rewarding for ears up, focus on my face and a calm patient “here”. Eventually we stand up and reinforce a tight here while standing.


Step 5 - put the two together. The end of this video was the very first time I ever had Audi take a dowel while standing, and I can’t ask for a more perfect picture for our first rep 🙌🏼

Audi vom Sternentaler - 10 months old


Wow! I never would have expected this! Thank you to those who nominated me into the CommunityVotes - Prince-George BC 🥹 ...

Wow! I never would have expected this! Thank you to those who nominated me into the CommunityVotes - Prince-George BC 🥹 I’m very thankful for all my past, present and future clients!

Official 2023 Community Voting Awards Platform for Prince George, BC. Where the community votes for their favourites every year.

How many of you have had me tell you to put on a leash? 😂 - also, if you have a dog, you need to follow Larry Krohn! He’...

How many of you have had me tell you to put on a leash? 😂

- also, if you have a dog, you need to follow Larry Krohn! He’s full of so many great training tips that he shares for free on his page on a regular basis.


Are you thinking about getting two puppies at the same time? It's more difficult than it seems. Most professionals recommend getting just one puppy at once.


I often tell my dog clients to have a couple treats handy at all times, especially when they have a young dog, and I managed to capture the perfect reason why. I haven’t started to really proof my puppy Audi’s recall in highly distracting environments SO when I saw her sneak past my toddler at the door and fly towards Loki, I had a moment of panic 🫠 (they are good together, but I don’t like loose dogs out with dogs that are tied out).
I’m glad I had a handful of treats in one of my pockets because she surprised me with a flawless recall from of mid sprint, and then continued to and further ignore him all with no leash on. I was able to pay her and bring value to her making the right decision each time thanks to a couple random treats 👌🏼

Solid behaviors aren’t built in a day, or even a month. They are built over thousands of repetitions in all different scenarios… and recall is definitely one that should be spent the most time on, yet I see it practiced the least!

Tooting this young lady’s horn on this one…. she’s a bit of a wild child but she never fails to impress me when it matters.


Joey is a 12 week old Goldendoodle who is here for a short board and train while his parents are away for a work conference! We’ve been working hard, building quality engagement skills, as well as leash manners! I always tell my clients, if your dog can’t walk nicely on the leash in the house or backyard, you can’t expect them to walk nicely outside in the real world! Get your reps in in a less stimulating environment, and then move on to more difficult high distraction areas!

Stephen Kemick is coming back in January! I only have TWO working spaces left (audits are available as well!)$325 for al...

Stephen Kemick is coming back in January! I only have TWO working spaces left (audits are available as well!)
$325 for all 3 days / $275 for 2 days

These seminars are great for dogs of all ages/levels whether they are in sport or not.
Please PM me with any questions/if you are interested in coming

Hi Loki! Our newest board & train, and he’s handsome as ever! He’s my second German Shorthaired Pointer to have in for t...

Hi Loki!
Our newest board & train, and he’s handsome as ever!
He’s my second German Shorthaired Pointer to have in for training and they are so fun to work with. Any other GSP lovers out there?


Do you have a dog who struggles with manners at the front door, or rushes the patio threshold when you go to let them outside? Jasmine here is our current board and train girly and we’ve been working on her threshold manners! By practicing our sit (with an implied stay) we are learning to hold our horses and not bolt in or out the door in excitement. By putting in the reps here and when she goes home we aim to help her with her impulse control and have a more calm dog coming to and fro. We start by cracking the door open and work up to swinging it wide and waiting for her command to step through!

Hi Jasmine! Enjoy this crappy cell phone picture of our newest Board & Train 🖤 She’ll definitely get in front of my lens...

Hi Jasmine!
Enjoy this crappy cell phone picture of our newest Board & Train 🖤 She’ll definitely get in front of my lens before she leaves! Pretty little girl.

We picked Saber up today for his 2 week board and train! The handsomest dude that has visited previously with his brothe...

We picked Saber up today for his 2 week board and train! The handsomest dude that has visited previously with his brother for their very own photoshoot 🖤

** We are limiting our board and train dogs for the summer holidays and are currently booked until mid-end September.


Hello everyone! WE ARE BACK!
I sincerely apologize for us being MIA for the last couple weeks... somehow our page was reported for "selling animals" and Facebook closed it down on me. I had no access to this page or the business messenger attached to it unfortinately. I've been going back and forth for weeks with them about it as to not lose all my existing content, and we are finally back up and running!
Now it's time to catch up on the fun things we've been doing around here and continue sharing our doggo's! Thanks for everyones patience 🤗


My goal with Audi is to build an ACTIVE dog. I want her to push me to work, to offer the engagement and energy on her own without me bribing or asking her for it.

Here we are rewarding engagement, as well as working on some loose heeling (not being picky on position, but rewarding active movement) and introducing some hind end awareness for the first time on the pot. I love this puppy!

I’ve raised my dogs slightly different each time and I thank all the trainers that have let me pick their brains in order to further my skill set! Forever learning.
Audi vom Sternentaler - 10 weeks

Happy World Veterinary Day! Please take a moment to thank all our Veterinarian hero’s for their endless support and hard...

Happy World Veterinary Day!
Please take a moment to thank all our Veterinarian hero’s for their endless support and hard work keeping our animals as safe and healthy as they can.

I want to personally thank Prince George Veterinary Hospital, Birchwood Veterinary Clinic and Westwinds Mobile Veterinary Services for all they’ve done for me and my dogs over the last several years!

Look how handsome these two are! Both happy dudes after their individual morning sessions 🖤

Look how handsome these two are!
Both happy dudes after their individual morning sessions 🖤

Hamilton and I had a fantastic session at Home Depot and took pictures on all the fun surfaces we played on 🖤 this dude ...

Hamilton and I had a fantastic session at Home Depot and took pictures on all the fun surfaces we played on 🖤 this dude is so motivated to work and is such a nice pup when it comes to natural engagement and trainability!


This is just a PSA for those who aren’t familiar with me and are trying to hire me. This may come off as a little crabby, but I assure you it’s not and is just something that needs to be known about me.

I am busy. And by busy, I mean I’m booking into August, I have 4 German Shepherds, and I’m a single woman taking care of my entire house, property, and business. I also have a life, a heart, and mental health I need to nurture and protect. I do not have help.

I will not hire help. I love being a “one man show” and will always be one.

That said, I do not take every single person who reaches out for training. I have a criteria in my head that helps me w**d out who I will and will not reach out to.

I do not reach out to everyone. I get, on average, 20 training forms a week. I do not have TIME to text, call, etc every single person who fills out my form.

Sometimes it takes me a few weeks to get back to a form. If you’ve found someone else in the meantime, that is absolutely okay! It’s the price I pay for being tardy in my response. But it’s a necessary evil for me.

I am allowed down time. My dogs need attention too. I have family and friends I like to visit too. I like a clean house and tidy yard too. I have home repairs and improvements to do too.

My biggest priority with my clients is quality, NOT quantity. I would rather turn out 20 great dogs a year than 40 subpar ones. My programs include support… I hear from a good 15 past clients per week. I must and do answer those. I will NEVER be that trainer who takes every person and dog just to make 6 figures and then move on. I don’t make 6 figures, and never will.

So all this to say… have some grace, please. My website literally says “I will reach out IF I think we are a good fit”. I try to prepare folks to not receive an answer. Messaging, commenting, texting, etc will not change whether I think we are a good fit or not, and certainly won’t change my schedule to accommodate your training problem. I have the same 24 hours as everyone else. My website does also state that, but it must be read to be understood.

And… no answer, IS an answer.

I’m blessed and SO grateful so many of you want to work with me. But at times, it’s also a curse. Please bear with me, and keep shopping if you like or must. Most trainers worth their salt don’t have availability right here, right now. Food for thought. ❤️

Isn’t Floyd the CUTEST! Why are building puppies so fun! 🖤

Isn’t Floyd the CUTEST!
Why are building puppies so fun! 🖤


Is there anything cuter than a Boxer puppy offering a focused heel!?!
Hamilton rocked his first trip to Home Depot 🔥


Some unedited, kitchen work with one of my personal dogs Letty!

She really struggled with her platz (down) while in the heel position so we’ve built that… but now working on her steh (stand) from the heel position. Not picking on her for not being perfectly straight at this point but simply rewarding when her hips pop up into position without stepping forward into the motion 🙌🏼

The Boxer brothers took no time settling in for their 2 week Board & Train! Both these dudes have had previous Day Train...

The Boxer brothers took no time settling in for their 2 week Board & Train!

Both these dudes have had previous Day Trains with us and we are looking forward to spending some time brushing up on all the things over the next 14 days! 🙌🏼


Yesterday I saw a video from a well-known trainer on social media that discussed how there is no such thing as “too much exercise” for dogs. This discussion was accompanied by b roll of dogs fetching balls in a variety of places.
I don’t usually get involved in trainer arguments but I need to say something about this.
There ABSOLUTELY is such a thing as too much high-arousal exercise. And you probably don’t want to find out for yourself what happens next.
Activities that tend to *physically* wear dogs out the fastest are also the ones that create the highest excitement levels. Fetching balls. Playing frisbee. Racing around at the dog park. Chasing water from the garden hose. Running next to a bike.
All of these are physical exercise, but they also create intense arousal states. And if you put your dog into high-arousal states repeatedly you better know how to train around this, too.
I have a lot of students who fell into this trap. They got a high-energy dog (a GSD, a herding breed mix of some sort, a retriever etc.).
They figured out that the fastest way to make the dog physically really tired (the tongue-hanging-to-the-floor-kind-of-tired) was by playing chuck-it for half an hour. Or by taking the dog to the dog park every day for a wild romp.
The dog started to crave these arousal states (as programmed in their DNA).
But at the same time, no impulse control training happened. So now we have a dog who knows the fun of adrenaline and who seeks it, without having been taught to listen and regulate when in a state of high excitement.
This dog will start to show other problems. They might get frustrated to the point of redirecting when they cannot access fun immediately. They might be vocalizing or unable to settle and then I get messages that say “My dog just cannot be normal in public”.
If your dog gets to enjoy a high-arousal activity every time they leave the house, they will start to expect (and eventually demand) a high-arousal activity every time.
And this is not fun.
Your dog needs a balance of high-arousal and low-arousal activities. Furthermore, the more high-arousal activities your dog has, the more you have to balance these with impulse control training. It’s not fair to make our dogs crazy without teaching them the skills to un-crazy ;)
“Exercise” can have four quadrants:
- Low-arousal, not physically demanding (sniff walks)
- Low-arousal, physically demanding (hiking)
- High-arousal, not physically demanding (excited waiting while another dog works)
- High-arousal, physically demanding (fetching)

Make sure you are aware which type of exercise you are providing for your dog, and try to reach a balance that works for your dog.
If you are unhappy with your dog’s arousal level or impulse control in daily life, look at whether this is amplified by the type of exercise you are providing.

☀️ AVAILABLE MAY DAY TRAINS ☀️April filled up fast, so here are some dates for beginning of May for those that missed ou...

April filled up fast, so here are some dates for beginning of May for those that missed out ! That being said, these dates are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! $25 deposit required to hold your date(s)
7-8AM drop off / 5-6PM pick up
$75 a day

May 1st
May 2nd BOOKED
May 3rd
May 4th BOOKED
May 5th
May 8th
May 15th BOOKED
May 16th
May 17th BOOKED

Making note that I currently have no Board & Trains available at this time

☀️ AVAILABLE APRIL DAY TRAINS ☀️I apologize to those who have been waiting for dates to be dropped for this month! That ...

I apologize to those who have been waiting for dates to be dropped for this month! That being said, these dates are FIRST COME FIRST SERVE! $25 deposit required to hold your date(s)
7-8AM drop off / 5-6PM pick up
$75 a day

April 6th
April 12th BOOKED
April 13th BOOKED
April 17th
April 19th BOOKED
April 21st BOOKED
April 24th BOOKED
April 27th BOOKED
April 28th BOOKED

Making note that I currently have no Board & Trains available at this timeS

Hey there Reco 😎 Say hello to our newest handsome board & train!

Hey there Reco 😎
Say hello to our newest handsome board & train!


Prince George, BC





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