Turbo has made some good progress in the last two weeks. Starting to relax in her slow work!
Zero’s 6th ride. He was slower to progress with his ground work, but he’s been so great with all his rides, making loads of progress!
2.0 is coming along so nicely. Did some work on the poles today, I think it’s really good to change up what you’re doing with them!
Tillie getting used to the rope. She just finished her month with me, can’t wait to see what’s in store for this spicy little mare!
Miss Tillie doing some pole bending work. She’s 4yo here to continue her training. Pretty cool little red mare🔥
Cash’s first ride back after a little break. This guy has tested me a lot, my patience, my ability to adapt and think outside of the box, for each individual horses needs. It may not look like much, but I’m very happy with his progress!
I’ve been a little slow posting progress videos lately, but this is Trigger, he’s 7yo, here for a restart. He just finished his first month in training with me. This was his first ride out of the round pen!
George’s first time doing barrel work. He was so great today! After a few days off with this cold we’ve been having, he didn’t miss a beat.
Slowly starting to add some pattern work into Vipers rides. She’s handling everything I ask really well, I think she’s gonna make a super fun barrel horse one day!
Cash is starting to go so nicely under saddle. We’re getting his little attitude problem under control and he’s turning into a pretty nice horse!