Thank you is never enough for large events like these.
FK9 is not your typical large club to host these events, we are a small group of 20, but together we can make big things happen! Thank you to our club members who worked so hard to make this all come together!
To our board
Linda- your tireless work on making sure the premium was out, working endlessly on running order to make sure everyone had space with their dogs, answering everyone’s questions and addressing their concerns, the beautiful catalog, scribe sheet organizing and making sure everyone’s last minute needs were met! Thank you! We could not have done this without you!
Elisha- your amazing work on sponsors and vendors, our competitors bags and volunteers bags were stuffed with amazing swag and we had a great line up of vendors for shopping!
Des-you were fabulous on results this weekend with Jill! You two had things done so quickly and were the best team!!
Nicole- planning the delicious banquet and making sure those courses were built! You are amazing! Out in those rings getting the work done and making sure those trailers were loaded as soon as the rings were done!
Alexis- at just 17 you always amaze me! You were my right hand through this all, organizing benching is no easy feat, getting the clothing planned, designed and ordered., and making sure the ribbons looked perfect,
James- our go to guy for the weekend! My husband quit agility many years ago, but he always still takes the time to help me when I need him, using his holidays to move trailers and take on my job for the weekend so I could run my own dogs. He was fabulous getting everyone’s needs met over the weekend!
To our judges- Glenn, Kirsten. Tracey and Christopher. It was a pleasure to have you all judge this weekend. It was fantastic every time we stepped into your ring! Your smiles and positive every were inviting and we enjoyed the courses that were drawn! You got to experience a typical Alberta weekend of every type of weather we offer tossed onto 3 days! Judging Regionals is not the same as a regular trial, the days are so long and exhausting and making sure those courses stay safe and fair for every dog running. Thank you for everything you all did this weekend and safe travels back home today!
All of our Sponsors and Vendors. Thank you for supporting our event!
To all of our volunteers, Regionals doesn’t take a village it takes an entire metropolis to make it work! Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday , put up, tear down, ring work, and all the details inbetween, our families and friends, competitors helping when they were running and those who jumped in every time we asked. Thank you ❤️ we could not have done with without you !
To the competitors that came from near or far. We did this weekend for you to enjoy with your dogs. Every big success and little success is important, take the time to reflect on your weekend and revel in all the good moments! We all play this sport for our dogs, love that dog that chooses to step to the line for you ❤️
Thank you to CAA, RMAC and Sundog for the lending of your equipment to make our 4 rings be able to happen for the weekend!
Every event has their hitches, ups and downs, thank you for being supportive and when things felt so low all of your kind words helped lift us back up. Every where I went I was stopped by handlers I have never met before to let us know how wonderful the event was, it was overwhelming, thank you!
To Mahalia our photographer! She was out in that standard ring from the first dog to the last. No matter the weather. She took so many pictures, PLEASE be patient as she works through them. They will be worth the wait 📸
I am sure I have forgotten someone, and I apologize. For this , please know everything everyone put into this event was appreciated!
Enjoy your week and some much needed rest!