Daphne and Velma eat on food rocks! These rock plates help to naturally wear down their beaks! #animaleducation #redfoottortoise #tortoisesoftiktok #jungleroom #natureathome #albertapettingzoo
This is Ruby! Ruby is a Greenwing Macaw that was surrendered to us a few years ago. Her feather growth is improving, but once they start plucking it’s almost impossible to get them to stop. #macaw #greenwingmacaw #ruby #parrotsoftiktok #albertapettingzoo #animaleducation
Bunnies love bananas! They are delicious and nutritious and can be fed in moderation due their high sugar content.
Sage and Venue love their bunnynanas!
#bunnylove #bananas #bunnysofinstagram #albertapettingzoo #animaleducation
Empress, enjoying a roll ❤️
#pettingzoo #yeg #donkeysofinstagram #summervibes #yegkids
Veto and Smokey are best buds in the recovery stall!! They share the soaked beet pulp while we clean up their messy stall every morning and night!!
Veto the miniature pony came from an auction mart and has been struggling to thrive ever since. After using an in-depth deworming protocol and various vitamin injections through the advice of a vet, Veto seems to be perking right up!
Smokey is a Grand Chinchilla bunny that was born here on the farm. He was the runt of the litter and consequently got picked on ferociously by his brothers. He received a few punctures which resulted in minor infection.
The pair of them have made fast friends on their road to recovery and are inseparable!
#bestfriends #miniaturehorse #specialbond #giantchinchilla #nursingeachotherbacktohealth #makingmessesandmemories #albertapettingzoo #myalberta #albertabesties
Are you ready to meet the 7 new babies born this month?!
6 boys and 1 girl
They are all going to be castrated so that they can live their whole lives with us!
Kevin has his own page so you can follow his journey @imkevinthegoat
#goatsofinstagram #goatchristmas #babygoats #yegkids #indoorgoats #merrygoatmas #albertapettingzoo #pettingzoo #yegpettingzoo #totesmygoats #toteschristmasgoats #firstcameclueandmonopoly #nextwaskevinthegoat #joeishisbrother #mambonumber5 #teddyandbeararetwins #merrychristmasyafilthyanimal
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We’re in the business of Bringing animals and people together...