And welcome! 🐾
Please join us, and yes I say us, as this journey starts because of the North American House Hippo you see pictured below named Archibald.
Now, Archie recently started a complete raw food diet and mom(me) was having too much fun with the ingredients so we decided (don’t worry he’s not the brains of the operation) to bring forward our most deliscious treats to serve other dogs!
Pet store products are packed FULL of crap. That’s right. Crap. Fillers, sugars, unpronounceable ingredients and chemicals with fancy packaging to make you think your dog would enjoy these small bricks or strips of “veggies + fruits”
Our treats (frozen and biscuit) are made with 100% natural ingredients.They include probiotics, bone, gut, fur, cognitive function health foods (just to name a few) with only 3-5 ingredients in each treat!
Before Archie rambles on too much we hope you’ll stick around for product reviews, information, photos of YOUR pets and of course our start up GIVEAWAY.
If you’ve made it this far please share a picture of your dog (who’d love treats like these) in the comments! (don’t worry we won’t share photos of your pooch directly to our page without your permission!)