Impulse control is life for a dog.
They need to control themselves with many skills that we must teach them.
The human world can be a difficult place for most dogs, the more we can teach them to think and control their very natural canine instincts, the less stress they will experience as they navigate life.
Almost every skill you want your dog to learn, starts with learning impulse control first.
This is the critical missing piece for most dog and human teams who are having trouble bridging the gap between listening well at home (or training class) but not in new, novel or distracting environments.
Some of these skills include:
“leave it”
“drop it”
recalls/coming when called
loose leash walking
nice and polite greetings (don't jump on strangers!)
leaving food and “things” in the house (counters, shoes, etc)
leaving other animals in the house alone
boundaries (i.e. not allowed in certain rooms, on furniture, etc)
dog sports! (i.e. start line stays, holding contacts, weave poles, not biting handler, etc)
Food is a great way to start this style of training because dogs have to eat everyday!
Toys can be used for dogs not food motivated!
Like this style of training?
March training is almost full - save your spot for April!
Brain Games, Boundaries & Better Listening Skills Program!
Message for more info.