I can relate! I cared for a rescued holland lopped bunny for over 3 years. Traveling back and forth to Ottawa to the vets. Sometimes weekly. A problem after another. So much time off work. The stress, always on the run! As a rescuer you don’t want to see any animals suffer. You have to be there for them. Do your research or call a rescue before getting a bunny.
Adopt DON’T shop.
⚠️ Lop Bunnies: The Hidden Cost of “Cute” ⚠️
With their adorable, droopy ears, lop bunnies may seem irresistibly cute, but these features come at a heartbreaking price. Lops are bred for unique traits that can lead to a lifetime of health challenges & discomfort.
🐰 Chronic Ear Pain – Their ear shape limits airflow, making them prone to infections, abscesses, & painful ear issues that affect balance & hearing.
🐰 Severe Dental Problems – Their skull shape causes teeth misalignment, leading to painful overgrowth, difficulty eating, & other complications.
🐰 Respiratory Issues – Their compact head structure can cause respiratory distress, impacting quality of life & requiring ongoing treatment.
🐰 Eye Problems – Lops often have narrow or kinked tear ducts, leading to chronic tearing & discomfort. They are prone to eye issues like conjunctivitis & corneal ulcers.
These issues aren't just accidents—they’re a direct result of breeding for “cute” features, prioritizing looks over well-being. Breeders often focus on aesthetics instead of the suffering these traits cause.
Annual check-ups by a bunny-savvy vet are essential to catch potential health issues early. Be vigilant & monitor for changes in behavior or physical condition. If you notice anything unusual, consult with your vet & book an appointment right away.
At Amy's Bunny Barn, we are committed to the well-being of all our rabbits. Bunnies adopted from us have been assessed by a vet, & we are transparent about any medical issues or concerns. We provide education on care & important signs to watch for, ensuring adopters are prepared to give their new friends the love & attention they deserve.
If you’re thinking about adopting a lop, remember the commitment to their ongoing veterinary care & the health challenges they may face. Let’s raise awareness & advocate for ethical treatment & care for all rabbits, not just by adopting, but by speaking out against breeding practices that prioritize “cuteness” over health. 💔