Update on the seven kittens & mama rescued from a recycling depot! The four female and three male kittens came in on February 1... they were about three weeks old. They went into the care of one of our amazing foster volunteers and have been growing and hitting milestones! Yesterday, they were in for weigh-ins and de-worming treatment.
These little rascals are doing splendidly! Watch for "available for adoption" posts in the coming weeks, at which time we will start to accept adoption applications.
We are thankful for your support of our ongoing rescue efforts... and with Spring almost here, it's gonna get REAL busy quick!
🔗 Click here to support: https://give-can.keela.co/commuter-colony?fbclid=PAY2xjawI3LWVleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABplYOXexkcgJhO3_X_n5TKTkw9PEP_KnJh0pTVHzeSTK5l1esKzfzWYmKYg_aem_k6Bqo9gy0eZDtdKvfIF6bQ
● Donate monetarily
● Donate high-quality canned kitten food
● Join our volunteer foster network to help care for and nurture littles and their mamas until they are ready for adoption.
Thank you ❤️
Volunteer Fosterers needed at RAPS
Volunteer fosterers needed!
Spring is coming and we are looking for foster volunteers for mama cats and their kittens or orphaned kittens. We will cover the costs of food, litter & vet care - you'll provide the love and a quiet, separate area in your home for the wee ones to thrive until they are ready to return to the RAPS Adoption Centre.
We welcome those with experience with feral kittens / mama cats and those open to learning how to socialize them. Not all of our mamas and kittens are feral, but some are and need extra TLC and patience.
Fosterers are required to have a vehicle (transport to medical appointments, adoption events, to the Adoption Centre).
Complete a foster application here:
Contact [email protected] for more info.
(Kittens and mamas won't be exactly as pictured - but surely, they'll be just as cute!)
#fosteringsaveslives #fosterkittens #rapsbc #fostercat #kittens #kittensofinstagram #kittenseason
Skybridge colony rescue update.
Skybridge colony rescue update. We recently rescued a colony of six adult cats! One of the cats, who we’ve named Kirby, tested positive for FeLV, feline leukemia, but is healthy and will remain so with routine care and preventative wellness.
The gang is pretty shy, but we are hopeful they will come around to human company and find forever families. The boys have been neutered and the females show no signs of pregnancy, so they will all be assessed in the coming days to determine when they may be ready for the next phase of their lives!
Everything we do is possible because of animal allies like you. If you want to support our work in rescuing animals like these ones, please donate today.
🔗 Click here ▶️ to support our work:
Other ways to help!
- Volunteer
- Sponsor a RAPS Cat Sanctuary cat
- Shop at / donate to RAPS Thrift Stores
- Become a client at RAPS Animal Hospital
- Purchase a ticket to win a Nissan Kicks / 50-50 draw (thanks to Nissan Applewood!)