To live in beauty and feel awe,
to connect with the collective unity
and the vibration of hopes, love and joy.
For the co-creation
of the most beautiful world we ever dreamt of.
Here are words that resonates in my heart.
The sacred land and the healing transformative process that I see us going through. Giving birth to who we are.
Keep the fire burning,
we will prevail.
Jai Sita Ram
at Alma Tierra's Sanctuary..
One of the accepted meanings of the word sanctuary is a place of refuge. Such a space is one of safety or restful comfort, a state of feeling at ease, and feeling protected. It equally is a place of thriving, of love in abundance, a place for communion with the Sacred, with Spirit, with Land, with the Waters, with all 7 directions and of course ourselves.
Based on the ancient belief that 'outcome is governed by intent', the appreciation of the beauty around us enables us to feel love, and send out positive, life affirming, vibrations that become distributed throughout the space. When this is done through willful invocation and clear intention setting, for either a small room or a large property, a Sanctuary space becomes activated. Some envision there to be a force field of light as a dome of light to be enclosing the entire perimeter of the space, others feel the invocated field to be guarded by the Ancestors and Spirit Guides of the space...
Because all of Life is interconnected and always responds to love based frequencies, the heart based intentions seth forth through our mindsong become absorbed into the ether - into the earth, and into all flora and fauna within the proclaimed finite boundary of a New Earth Sanctuary. Life within this space can come and play in the spaciousness that is intended for harmony, peace and co-creation. When our intentions and comprehension of the interplay of our manifesting powers are aligned for the greater good of all, a Sanctuary for the New Earth becomes active.
Any sentient being crossing the finite boundary into this sanctuary can feel the difference in energy from that which is 'outside' of the boundary. Through the natural laws of syntropy and coherence, the space being respected and loved ongoingly by the Sanctuary guardian care takers, allows Life to also inform our Stewardship role when we are willing to enter into deeper communion with what the Land wants, what Life wants.
A New Earth Sanctuary is held in awareness and maintained through mindfulness of being. It is supported by a willingness to move away from the use of industrial chemicals which allows animals, birds, reptiles, and in fact all organic life forms, a place where they can thrive and bring about Life in abundance.
Attuning to the natural cycles of Nature through celebration and ceremony is a life-way of living that fosters the expansion of peace, joy, harmony and abundance, each adding bio-resilience (strength) and longevity to the space of love.
It does not take long for the results to be noticed and enjoyed. The rewards are far greater than can be expressed in words, as New Earth Living is moving beyond language where our navigation is our communion.
We can all inspire the world to awaken, yet, the activation of bringing into being the New Earth, we do where we live in the physical, and no space is too small. In this process bringing forth the Feminine Wisdomthat innately knows of the birthing process, has always been foundational to be heard and brought more closely into our dreaming for the New Earth moving forward.
- Ahnon Aardema and New Earth Project