HALS FEATHER CAT aka “Preacher” rocked his reining at the Classic Cowhorse Futurity ✨
Okay but he’s actually really great, so prove me wrong 😂 #thehorseandthehusband #lifewithafunnywife #ranchwiveswithnothingbettertodo #brokenfeatherranch #ranchhorse #ropehorse #ropehorseprospect #justranchin
Chilly, 2021 AQHA gelding coming available August 11!
Trainer not available, but Deacon could be all yours May 18th 😆
“SMOKIN HOT N BUSY” “JAZZED UP CAT” Are feeling good as we get closer to sale day at the Cut Above Superior Horse Sale Stay tuned for there official sale videos!
Gunny heeling steers! Available May 18! Cut Above Superior Horse Sale
Gus coming to steal your girl 🕺
This handsome boy will be available August 12!
Check back here for updates 😍
#brokenfeatherranch #performancehorses #ranching #justranching #horsesofinstagram #horsenation #prairieproud #ranchhorse #quarterhorse #ropehorse #ropehorsesofcanada #canadianranchhorse #horsesofcanada
#cowhorsecanada #barheartranchhorsesale
Miss Brady’s first time roping. 3yr old client horse we’ve had in training for 90 days. She’s a good one! This mare was bred by Scrub Lake Ranch & Saddlery. As a side note, Facebook has extremely limited audio selection, but I found a neat new song. 😆 #brokenfeatherranch #performancehorses #playingunsgetyastung #ranching #justranching #horsesofinstagram #horsenation #prairieproud #ranchhorse #quarterhorse #ropehorse #ropehorsesofcanada #canadianranchhorse #horsesofcanada #cowhorsecanada
Rope horses are feeling good. looking forward to getting them in the big pen! #ropehorse #saskhorses #horsetrainer
Owned by Corner Creek Cattle Co.
#brokenfeatheranch #performancehorses
#tanchhorse #ropehorses #saskatchewanhorses #praireproud