Ticks live in long grass and forested areas. After enjoying the outdoors, check your dog and yourself for ticks! The black-legged tick can carry Lyme disease. Protect your pet, call us today.
Fleas, ticks and internal parasites can affect both your dog and your family.
Call us today to ask about all-in-one protection for your dog!
Protecting your dog helps to keep your family safe!
Remember, now that it's above zero ticks are out there, and the black-legged tick can carry Lyme disease.
To keep your pets protected, call us today!
It takes at least 12 weeks to kill all of the fleas on your pet as well as new fleas emerging from an infested home environment. Consistent flea control on all pets in your home helps prevent fall flea infestations.
Talk to us about #FleaControl.
Ticks are active in the fall.
Whenever the temperature is over 4°C your dog could run into a questing tick.
Ask us about a #TickControl medication that will help keep your dog protected into the cool fall months.
Adult blacklegged ticks are tiny, about the size of a sesame seed.
These ticks hang out in fall leaves where your dog likes to play.
Ask us about a #TickControl medication that will help protect your dog.
Fall flea infestations happen frequently to unprotected cats, especially those that roam outdoors. Make sure your cat doesn’t bring home an unwanted hitchhiker that starts an infestation. #FleaControl
Fall flea infestations happen frequently to unprotected cats, especially those that roam outdoors. Make sure your cat doesn’t bring home an unwanted hitchhiker that starts an infestation. #FleaControl
Adult blacklegged ticks are tiny, about the size of a sesame seed.
These ticks hang out in fall leaves where your dog likes to play.
Ask us about a #TickControl medication that will help protect your dog.
An important part of your pet’s check-up is receiving needed vaccinations as determined by your veterinarian. Many vaccines require regular booster doses in order to continue helping protect your pet from disease. Your pet’s vaccines may even change from one year to the next depending on whether there have been any changes to your pet’s activities or where you live.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule your pet’s wellness visit, please contact us http://www.atlanticveterinaryhospital.ca
Just like dogs, cats require regular check-ups to ensure they are living their best life.
But let’s face it. Herding cats can be like… herding cats. Raise your scratched hand if you’ve ever put a nervous cat in a carrier resulting in cattoos up your arms. 🙋
Let's take a look at how to get your cat into their carrier and prepare them for their vet visit.
In case you didn't know, Monday Aug. 22 is "Take Your Cat to the Vet Day" - a great time to schedule an appointment for your cat's next (or maybe first) visit. 😽 #MeowMonth
We get it. Your cat’s claws can sometimes be sharper than kitchen knives.
While outdoor cats can naturally wear down their nails, indoor cats need trims more often. Trimming a kitty's nails can be tough but it pays to purrsevere.
This video will show you how it's done - catisfaction guaranteed! #MeowMonth
Here at our clinic, we are often asked by owners of indoor cats whether vaccination is really necessary. To that we say, ‘Let's talk!’
Vaccination helps protect your cat from serious diseases. If you have any questions or would like to schedule your pet’s wellness visit, please contact us 505-847-2400
When you hear the words ‘canine cough’, what comes to mind? Places where large numbers of dogs come together, such as a boarding facility or day care centre?
It’s important to know that canine cough can happen any time dogs interact—during daily
walks, at the dog park, during playdates. This highly contagious respiratory disease can even spread if the contact between dogs is very brief, such as during training classes or in an elevator.
Vaccination can help protect your dog from canine cough. Schedule your dog’s visit today,
and help keep your pet safe when socializing. http://www.atlanticveterinaryhospital.ca
We want to make sure that you know the facts! Ticks don’t want you to know there are ways
to help protect your pets AND your family. Learn 7 simple steps to help protect yourself and your pets from ticks!
#onehealth #checkforticks
All it takes is one unprotected pet in the house to allow a fall flea infestation to take hold.
Treat all of your four-legged friends to help keep your house flea-free.
Talk to us about #FleaControl.
Happy Caturday featuring this adorable kitty who is just discovering their ears! 🐾