Continuing Education for Zinnia and Magic- we are grateful to have the opportunity to take lessons with Kelly Shay on Saturdays❤️
Woods Training
Sam and Olive: recalls and follow me
Default sit
Default/unprompted SIT: Sam has it 😎 4month old Olive … quick study
The littles
No decent video of this gang’s woods walk 😂 with 2 new students at school… video was too hard to pull off lol
Premack #3
This is the HARDEST challenge I’ve found SO FAR for Magic 😂
It took some TIME to get to this point… meal times are BIG for this girl lol. It’s been an INCREDIBLY useful exercise for me and we will continue 2X a day with small routines.
At first she could not hear me AT ALL and I found myself going UP in “arousal with her”!! So easy to do and so utterly counterproductive. I got myself sorted out 🤣 and we worked TOGETHER at being successful.
Next I caught myself “leaning and cajoling”😳WTF .. also completely counterproductive lol
Finally! I straightened my act ⬆️ stood tall, asked quietly, repeated my requests if needed and … we are starting to have BETTER self modulation as a TEAM
There’s still some whining and inattentiveness but as clarity is added to the process AND routine/patterns are established - confidence and accuracy are increasing
Premack PLAY development
Oops lol this post should really have come BEFORE the last one 😂🤣
You can’t do advanced “stuff” with PREMACK(see last post) until you have worked to figure out AND to develop what motivates/delights/lights ⬆️ the world of your learner
Zinnia started out with decent motivation/interest in toys but somehow over the past month we lost our way as far as playing together goes.
Zinnia is 5.5months old - part of what happened was all her grown up teeth came in, but I suspect I also got a little lazy. The kid LOVES food, works really well for it and is a bit of a thinker. Another contributor I am sure is that she has a whole household of dogs who DO play with her so I became a little less interesting.
I sought to fix that this week.
I CAN teach everything I want to with food alone BUT play … play and toys are powerful and I will ALWAYS work to create meaningful play
Now that she has all of her grown up teeth, she’s back to loving to tug.
I was getting a lot of sniffing and ignoring outside which was super irritating lol
I set about experimenting. Not every experiment WORKED
This is what we have landed on at the moment… subject to change and evolution
A small toy on a rope FAST motion and unpredictable trajectory makes for more fun! 🤩 NO rules at this point just the development of a mutually reinforcing GAME.
I will take as long as we need to develop our GAME. It’s a piece of cake to teach my super smart puppy new things. Without motivation though … new behaviours won’t have the kind of joyful energy that I HOPE you will see as a Creative Canine Coaching hallmark
Premack principal: Grandma’s rule - first you eat your vegetables then you get your dessert… also transfer of value
Premack Principle/Grandma’s Rule: “first you eat your vegetables then you get your dessert” 😂 it’s a crucial component principle when teaching mammals
Magic is a quick thinking, intense learner. I am currently working on using every single opportunity I see to train her WHENEVER she is over arouse/HIGHLY excited/distracted.
She loves our weird jolly ball game .. she finds it, bounces up and down, I kick it and then she bites the ball.
If she wants to play the game .. she has to do what I ask her to FIRST
Over time the goal is, work becomes play … then we have “transfer of value” ❤️ in the learners eyes 👀 the training is so closely associated with the reinforcing game that the “job” is part of the game
Tex and Daisy
Dayschool students Tex and Daisy playing and training together ❤️ I absolutely LOVE the changes I see in DaySchool dogs on a weekly basis
Rally Novice Lola
My friend Trish sent me this video of Lola’s Rally Novice Run. I love how joyful and light she is in her movement
Rally Obedience is a lot of FUN. You can chat to your dog as much as you want 🥰🤩
You and your dog complete a course of signs. There’s lots of transitions from sit/down/stand PLUS heeling
It’s a great team sport ❤️🥰
I’m currently developing a program to teach you and your dog these skills. I’m excited to offer it! I can teach you virtually OR with an in person/virtual hybrid class….
Any dog can learn these skills
Almost Home … this is the biggest Gift ❤️ training provides: knowledge of the dog as an individual, trust and freedom