NALA’S STORY 📖 When i met Nala, her owner was so anxious about Nala’s reactivity to dogs, she would try to end sessions in a fight or flight mentality - & i get it because I’ve been there with my own dogs. when your dog is reactive the stress that it causes you feel like you cant do it or its impossible… but its not!!! Nala does have some stress and anxiety, which is likely the cause of why she’s reactive when she sees other dogs …we worked not only building Nalas confidence building but her owners confidence as well… as you can see by the end of this video, both Nala 🐕 and her owner are relaxed and having fun… Nalas body language is totally different, shes making better choices on her own and her owner is much more relaxed knowing how to handle situations. Like all dogs exposure consistency not giving up and repetitiveness or what’s going to keep Nala and all dogs successful. I tell all my clients behavioural or just basic obedience. You have to keep up. It doesn’t end after our six weeks together. Good job, ladies. These girls were a lot of fun to work with & a wonderful family 🐾🐾🐾 #dogsofniagara #dogtrainingniagara #dogtraining #niagaradogtraining #stcatharines #stcatharines #rescuedog #niagarafalls #dogmom #dogsofgrimsby #niagaradogs #dogtraining #fonthill #dogreactivity
This is Stellas 💕 Story… Stella was rescued by her current owners. Stella is 2.5 years old - Stella is reactive - She was adopted i believe in March of this year. This is the first dog her owners have ever had.. yup! A reactive german shepherd! 🤯 BUT they both are such natural handlers & leaders, they make this look easy… they have done an extensive amount of work & research when it comes to Stella & her training.. they trusted me, and followed advice… its incredible to watch the change unfold infront of you, & seeing the love and dedication this family have put into stella. She is definitly their baby!! Way to go Stella!! Keep up the good work, it was such a pleasure to work with you! 🐾 #dogsofniagara #dogtrainingniagara #dogtraining #dogreactivity #niagaradogtraining #stcatharinesdogs #stcatharines #niagaradogtraining #niagaradogs #stcatharines #rescuedog #dogtrainer #niagara #stcatharinesdogs #dogsofniagara #dogsofstcatharines #fonthill #welland #grimsby #dogsofgrimsby
corky 🐾🩵 check out his progress - he definitly made a big change , & like all pups will require practice and maintenance 👏🏻 corkys owners feel better with handling his outburts, what to look for in his body language & will continue to desensitize him to other dogs he will encounter on his adventures 🩵🩵 good job katie & scott #dogsofniagara #niagaradogs #dogtrainingniagara #dogtraining #stcatharines #dogreactivity #stcatharines
Isaac… hes a shy, insecure boy, but so loving! Isaac was having some issues with strangers in and around the home. I wanted to give isaac structure, help build confidence & learn how to engage with his owner, and let his owner be in control , so isaac can relax 🩵🩵#dogsofniagara #niagaradogs #niagaradogtraining #dogtrainingniagara #stcatharines
Checkout Penny!! I totally wish i had video taped her on our first session. This little pup has made a complete transformation!! Her obedience is amazing, she is able to chill and be neutral around other dogs - she has really impressed her mama and made her proud!!! Good job ladies !!!! #dogsofniagara #niagaradogs #niagaradogtraining #niagaradogtraining #dogtrainingniagara #stcatharines #dogtrainer ###niagara #dogtraining #dogsofstcatharines
PART 2!!!!! 💥 June & Po PART 2!!! Their parents couldnt take them for walks bc they were horrible on leash, now they can comfortably walk BOTH! 👏🏻 BOOMMM 💥 #dogsofniagara #niagaradogs #dogreactivity #rescuedog #niagaradogtraining #niagaradogtraining #stcatharinesontario🇨🇦 #dogtrainer #niagaradogtraining #stcatharinesdogs
Check out Bandits progress! Bandit had some reactivity when seeing other dogs, zero engagement with his owner & basically didnt know what to do with his smarts! Bandit is a newer family member as he has been in his home apx 2 months. Bandits worked on threshold training, obedience, recall, engagement exercises & more. We had some fun using Bandits highest reward.. THE BALL!!!! Super good work with him able to resist until released & using his ball as the reward - This owner is very lucky because Bandit is treat AND toy motivated!!! Great job, Bandit! Hes been a lot of fun to work with! This breed is amazing when people spend the time training & working them 👏🏻 they can do it all!!! #dogsofniagara #niagaradogs #dogreactivity #rescuedog #niagaradogs #dogsofstcatharines #niagara #niagaradogtraining #reactivedog #stcatharines #dogtrainer #stcatharinesontario🇨🇦 #niagara
Link has come so far with his reactivity & obedience! When his owners contacted me, training with mewas their last resort as he had been very reactive to dogs & even lunged at a person… i wasnt even able to catch the height of Links reactivity because he responded SO WELL to the training methods… 👏🏻 really great job!!!! Link also has dog friends now & is excited to see dogs on his walks ! #dogsofniagara #niagaradogs #niagara #niagaradogtraining #dogtrainer #dogtrainingniagara #stcatharines #rescuedog #reactivedogtraining #reactivedogtraining #niagaradogs #stcatharinesdogs
Shadows progress… he is just a baby! Hes about 4 months & look at his obedience! You have to take the time & do the training… his owner has also never had a puppy before. 👏🏻 Pretty amazing what guidance and structure can do for a pup & your overall relationship with them. Look out intermediate students, Shadow is coming to show you guys up lol 😂😂🐾🐾 #niagaradogs #niagaradogtraining #dogsofniagara #stcatharines #niagara #stcatharines #dogsofstcatharines #dogtrainerniagara #dogtrainer #stcatharinesdogs #dogtrainer #dogtraining
#niagaradogs #niagaradogtraining #dogsofniagara #niagara #stcatharines #dogsofstcatharines #dogtrainerniagara #dogtrainingniagara #dogtrainer #stcatharinesdogs
Loki! When Loki first joined us, his owner couldnt walk him, because he had zero leash manners. The first video was our first lesson- as you can see he is walking like a gentleman! His owner has done an amazing job with this amazing boy!!! #niagaradogs #niagaradogtraining #dogsofniagara #niagara #stcatharines #dogtrainingniagara #dogsofstcatharines
Thank you @amandatedescophotography for capturing so many beautiful photos of our amazing students (& their owners 😋) yesterday!!! They turned out amazing!!!!! 🤩