Well friends, we apologize for leaving you all hanging for so long. Life got in the way and adding sales to our hobby proved to be too much. We've cancelled our website and email address, and are slowly downgrading from 34 tanks to hopefully 7 or so, so Breakwater as it once was will sadly no longer be.
When we have time to go through our extras, we'll make a post to liquidate all of our unsold botanicals and supplies. We may even have enough bulk food made up to bottle a few more food shakers.
In the meantime, to those asking about our shrimp food, we highly recommend Critter Crumbs which can be purchased here in Saint John by contacting Shankan Aquatic Plants (possibly Summit Pets too but not 100% sure). Our shrimp and bottom feeders love it.
Thanks everyone for your patience while we figure out which direction this current is taking us. Cheers and happy sh*****ng!