Mentally we are here…..
#ottawaequestriantournaments #horseshows
Footing selections simplified.
Over the past few weeks, our Dryject team has been finishing aerating the last few greens, which will bring the 2024 season to a close. Are you interested in learning more or booking our services for 2025? Send us a message.
Au courant des dernières semaines, notre équipe de la division Dryject terminait l’aération des derniers verts de golf ce qui mettait fin à la saison 2024. Vous êtes intéressé d’apprendre d’avantage ou bien réserver nos services pour 2025? Envoyer nous un message.
#golfcourse #golfcoursemaintenance #Dryject
Soltek offers customized footing, professional guidance and a team of experts to deliver a product that performs.
#equestrianfooting #footingthatperforms #equestriansurfaces #ggtfooting
Just one week to go!
Our team is excited to return to the 102nd Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, starting next Friday, November 1st.
Stop by our booth in Hall A to discover more about equestrian surfaces, explore our maintenance services, and find out which footing is the best fit for you.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Equestrian surfaces is our specialty.
#equestrianfooting #equestriansports
Ring of your dreams? Ours too!
Wesley Clover Parks is fit out with Soltek footing and their rings always impress!
#equestrianfooting #horseshowing
See you on the course… ⛳️
#solteksurfaces #soltekaggregates #golfcoursemaintenance
Developing sport surfaces that shine in every sport.
#equestrianfooting #golfgreens
Providing the surfaces behind your sport’s success.
#soltekaggregates #golf #ggtfooting #dryject #equestrianfooting
Aerification in action!
#gorgrousgreen #golfgreens #soltek #dryject
Surfaces that deliver through every round!
#soltek #equestriansurfaces #ggtfooting