***This is an educational post****
I do not want any rude comments directed towards the owners. Lots of times they just don't understand. Hence this post!
When your groomer tells you there is no other option but to shave this is why. Doing anything else will harm your pet and I'm not in the business of of harming any animals. I will NOT comb this. Someone once said to me charge me whatever you like just don't shave. My response, "if you gave me a million dollars I would not put the dog through that." For what? Vanity? Absolutely not! One time, in my younger days, I probably would have to please the owner but I will never again. My devotion is to the dog and combing this will hurt. Imagine if you had knots all over and someone tried to comb them out. Put yourself in their shoes. Shaving is painless. It's not that it's easier for me, it's easier on your pet. It's better to start fresh and try again. If you find yourself in this situation you have two options.... better combing at home (from skin outward and I mean with a comb not a brush) or bring to the Groomer more often.
Thanks everyone! 😊. Hope this helps better understand where your groomer is coming from. Trust your Groomer to know what's best for your pet 🥰