Rosie loves her churro treats, but gets a little too excited. Putting it onto a lick mat helps to slow her down and extend the treat.
Carrier practice with Rosie: getting Rosie ready for a move to a more permanent foster placement while waiting for adoption. As when she went for her spay, we spend days practising going into the carrier for treats.
Excuse the delayed shot of her back end while she took her time searching for treats in the carrier. You can see she is very relaxed in the carrier so it will be uneventful when I shut the door to take her travelling.
Just a little evening play time for the girls.
How is it that these two confident kittens are still available for adoption? I'd love them to go together, but they would be fine in a home with another young cat or folks who are around the house to keep them company.
Lily has left the building. This adorable kitten has been adopted and now joins a feline brother named Frodo and a family with two girls who adore her. Her new family has chosen to keep her name since it suits her so well.
To see Lily's journey, please check out her album on our website;
Monday morning momma time, Rosie with her flowers.
Momma Monday. It hard to believe I had to wear leather gloves so I could handle the kittens when Rosie first arrived. She now chooses to come and sit beside me, with the loudest purr ever!
Catnip party, for one. Go, Rosie!
Momma Rosie has cared for her kittens for 8 weeks. Given her history, she has never enjoyed this opportunity to raise her kittens in a safe and secure space. Rosie greets me at the door every time I enter with a steady purr. She casually watches her kittens' antics, romping around as I clean litter boxes and refill food dishes.
Carrier training is part of the daily enrichment for kittens. Short trips, arrivng at a familiar place, become a normal acitivity. The carrier itself is always left in the foster room offering another option for a cosy bed.
Can she be more chilled?