Video from Thursday, of little Maisy doing the "Down" command like a pro!
Some people may not like this video, and that's okay, but I want to show how I occasionally have to teach a down, especially to smaller dogs. Not because they can't learn, but because small dogs are just that, small. They're closer to the floor, shorter in body and the legs. So luring occasionally is a struggle with small dogs, just because they're closer to the ground 😉
Their butt will pop up when their fronts go down, they only lower their front while their back end stays in the air, because it's not hard for them to reach the lure, because they're so close to the floor already!
So I will sometimes, after luring doesn't work, and I've tried capturing the desired behaviours, I will physically, but gently, but the dog into a down position.
You can see me going slow and taking my time with little Maisy, pausing after moving her and making sure she's still comfortable.
I give her the hand sign we've been using (she can lay down on the carpet, but was struggling with figuring out the same thing on the linoleum) and gently lift her front feet and place her in a down. After which she is rewarded, and we have a party!
I do this twice, and then as with the carpet (I'd had to do this same method there) I ask again and then wait for Maisy to offer the behaviour on her own, and when she does, we have another party!
She can now happily and with ease lay down on all the surfaces in her home!
Sometimes, we have to physically show our dogs how a behaviour or command looks, and you can do that without harsh corrections or being overly physical with the dog, and still maintain trust and enthusiasm when working.
This video was taken Wednesday of this week, I'll post another video from Friday showing how she's doing with her downs now!
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#eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #daytrain #daytraining #gooddog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dog #yxepets
A good boy doing good boy things!
#expertdogtraining #recall #recallingdog #atraineddogisahappydog
Some hilights from Wednesday nights BOE class. It was our second last class, so we did some exercises that combined several of the skills we've learned over the last four weeks and worked on some of the ones that the pups were still struggling with.
I'm so proud of how well everyone has done, especially for all being such young pups!
I can't wait to run this class again in the new year!
2025, here we come!
#puppytraining #puppy #gooddogs #groupclasses #eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #Saskatoon #Warman #yxepets
They played!!!! I'm so proud and happy for both of them!
Adding distractions and distance to our place command in group class today! Everyone did amazing!
#eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #atraineddogisahappydog #gooddogs #groupclasses #Warman #Martensville #Saskatoon #yxepets
The old lady's still got it! I haven't worked on Raziel's obedience much in the last few years, she's pretty self-sufficient now, and also retired. But I've been taking her out for walks again recently now that I have the time, and decided to test her skills downtown on out walk today. Needless to say she was amazing as she ever was. A little slow near the end, but there was a person yelling in the distance and she's 11, so I gave her some slack, lol.
#demodog #eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #gooddog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #mutt #yxepets #Saskatoon
I'll be writing a blog post soon on Dog Parks and safe use, but the most important thing before you let your dog off leash anywhere is having a solid recall.
If your dog can't recall in an empty park, then they can't recall when there are other dogs around.
#eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #demodog #gooddog #germanshepherd #recall #recallingdog #dogparks #dogtrainer #dogtrainingtips #yxepets
Mushu and I got another chance to work on his leave it skills and his reaction to other dogs. He did so good today! I'm very proud of this goofy boy, and how far he's come in such a short time.
#eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #gooddog #germanshepherd #dogtraining #dogtrainer #yxepets #Saskatoon #newyear #newadventures
Mushu's true personality started to come out today during our training walk. Loving this goofy boy, more and more.
#eidolonk9 #idealtraining #foryouridealdog #gooddog #dog #germanshepherd #Saskatoon #yxepets