New Year Price Change:
Unfortunately, we will be increasing our prices $1 across the board starting January 15th 2025. As most of you know, I am not a fan of increasing prices, I want to make daycare affordable for everyone, but business is expensive, so I am trying my best to increase the least amount possible. The new price list is as follows:
Full Day: $35- 1 Dog
$45- 2 Dogs
1/2 Day: $25- 1 Dog
$35- 2 Dogs
10 Day Pass: $270- 1 Dog
$380- 2 Dogs
20 Day Pass: $460- 1 dog
$680- 1 Dogs
10 Day 1/2 Day Pass: $230- 1 Dog
$330- 2 Dogs
As always, taxes are included in the price and these will only take effect January 15th, 2025 to ensure ample time for everyone to adjust for the price increase.
Please be honest with us if there are any question, or concerns.
We are very lucky to be able to do this kinda work and we are even luckier to have you all as part of our everyday life, so thank you for all you do and how amazing you all are!