Fish Be With You Super Centre

Fish Be With You Super Centre We have variety of rare fish including shrimp,
plecos, turtles, frogs, angelfish,discus,
AROWANAS & We will only ship healthy fish. loaches, catfish, eels, etc.

Our Return Policy

Should the purchase be not within the categories of that will be mentioned below FishBeWithYou will accept back any bought livestock 1/2 the price of what it is worth, as in-store credit. The fish’s health will also account for its return/trade value. Customers must be willing to share tank information (water parameters) and due reason. This is to ensure stock quality and preve

nt misuse of our return policy. Delivery/Shipping

We guarantee live ARRIVAL in all of our deliveries/shipping. Check list for Dead On Arrival claims

• Any DOA has to be reported within 24 hours of arrival for compensation.
• We require pictures and video with its time stamp.
• Customers must be willing to share tank information.
• Inability to provide documentation or information within 36 hours is unable to receive any compensation.

—> DOA Fish: credit or replacement with FBWY’s approval. Credit value below
Valued at $3.99 to $25.00: 50%
Valued at $25.00 to $150.00: 50%
Valued at $150.00 to $500.00: 50%
Valued greater than $500.00: 50%

Shipping is not refundable. In the case of ICH, we will give special consideration to ICH prone scale less fish e.g. Shipping causes great stress to fish causing ICH. Also it is common in the fish keeping hobby. We advise to always be ready in case of outbreaks.

*Since ICH is not mortality, we don’t part this in our guarantee policy. Thrive Guarantee - delivery/shipping only

We will offer 50% refund or credit amount for approved claims with their fish unable to thrive within 2-3 days. In-store purchase

Any fish death must be reported within 48 hours upon purchase or pick-up for compensation. However, we can only cover a percentage of your replacement. That said, it can vary on which is at fault. Customers must be willing to share any necessary tank information. It is recommended that you bring a water sample, tank picture and videos in your replacement visit.

They are known for having a hatchet-shaped body and pectoral fins that extend out from the body like wings.😏 Their stron...

They are known for having a hatchet-shaped body and pectoral fins that extend out from the body like wings.😏 Their strong pectoral muscle allows them to jump several inches out from the water to escape their predators. (A tight-fitting lid in the aquarium is a must.)

This top-dwelling fish has a distinctive appearance that looks even cooler when you have a large school darting around just beneath the water's surface. 😎

📸 Dwarf Hatchet Fish



If you’re looking for schooling fish you may want to check this Tetras out! 😁

Blackline Tetras is a visually stunning freshwater fish with bold and contrasting colouration. It has a sleek silver body with a striking black line running horizontally along its midsection that adds elegance to any aquatic display! 😏

Check them out today!! 😁

‼️ RESTOCK ‼️New plant list will be down in the comments. 😉


New plant list will be down in the comments. 😉

🛑 OPEN FROM 5PM-8PM TODAY 🛑—📸 Apistogramma Agassizii📸 Apistogramma Jurensis


📸 Apistogramma Agassizii
📸 Apistogramma Jurensis

Known for their exceptional shooting abilities. 😏 Clouded Archerfish boasts an elongated body with beautiful patterns an...

Known for their exceptional shooting abilities. 😏

Clouded Archerfish boasts an elongated body with beautiful patterns and hues. Its fascinating behaviour and hunting abilities contribute to its appeal among aquarists looking for an engaging and distinctive fish in their tanks!

Check them out today!! 👀

Good morning! ⭐️We are open today (Feb 17, 2025) from 11am-4:30pm - see you guys later 🐟FBWY

Good morning! ⭐️

We are open today (Feb 17, 2025) from 11am-4:30pm - see you guys later 🐟




Happy Valentines Day everyone! 😁

Just a reminder that your partner wants fish for valentines! 😉🤣

If you’re looking for another live-bearing species, check out these Limias! 📸 Limia Nigrofasciata   - Males have hu**ed ...

If you’re looking for another live-bearing species, check out these Limias!

📸 Limia Nigrofasciata
- Males have hu**ed appearance and black bars
- Males have golden base color that gets brighter as they mature
- Females have an overall gray-tan color with vertical bars

📸 Limia Tridens
- Colorful fish with gray coloring and blue iridescense
- Males have brighter colors and a yellow to orange dorsal fin

📋 STOCK LIST 📋•• LIVE BEARING SPECIES ••Mixed PlatyMixed MollyEndler GuppyHalf Black LyretailSilverado Endler GuppyBlue ...



Mixed Platy
Mixed Molly

Endler Guppy
Half Black Lyretail
Silverado Endler Guppy
Blue Snake Endler Guppy

Brick Swordtail

Platinum Halfbeaks
Jenynsia Onca 🔥RARE🔥
Micropoecilla Picta
Limia Tridens
Limia Nigrofasciatus

•• NANO - Tetra/Danio/Killifish etc. ••

Bloodfin Tetra
Glofish Tetra
Prince Tetra
Blind Cave Tetra 🔥RARE🔥
Colombian Tetra
Flame Tetra
Gold Tetra
La Venturasa Tetra
Green Neon Tetra
Asian Rummynose Tetra

Threadfin Rainbowfish
Blue Turquoise Rainbowfish
Melanotaenia Trifasciata Rainbowfish

Tinfoil Barb

Chilli Rasbora
Boraras Naevus
Dwarf Scissor Rasbora
Kubotai Rasbora
Harlequin Rasbora (LRG)

Golden Panchax Killifish

Rainbow Shiners 🔥EXTREMELY RARE🔥

Kohaku Ricefish (IMPORT)
Blue Miyuki Ricefish

Danio Kyathit
Burmese Scarlet Badis (Dario Hysginon)
Croaking Gourami
Silver flying Fox

•• BETTA ••


Sterbai Corydora
Skunk Corydora
Bandit Corydora
Bronze Corydora

Bushynose Pleco
Tangerine Tiger Pleco
Hypostomus Pleco
L128 Blue Phantom (Limited Quantities)
L190 Royal Pleco

Synodontis Multipanctatus
Glass Catfish
Farlowella Acus

Orange Tire Nerites
Black Racing Nerites
Zebra Nerites
Pink Lady Nerite Snail


Tancho Sarasa Red “Fortune Fish”


Pea Puffers


Tiger Oscar

Albino Sulfurhead
Eureka Red Jake Peacock
Male Peacock
Ngara Flame
Dragon Blood

Triple Red Apistogramma
Leleupi “Kitumba”
Masked Julie
Moliro Red Tropheus 🔥RARE🔥
Kagunga Compressiceps 🔥RARE🔥
Orange Compressiceps 🔥RARE🔥
Jewel Spot Elongatus
White Tail Acei
Afra Cichlid
Rusty Cichlid
Yellow Lab
Electric Blue Ahli
Tricolor Cyps
Male Mbuna (Import)
Nicaraguan Cichlid
Blue Speckled Cruiser
Convict cichlid
OB Fuelleborni
Paralabidochromis Sauvagei - Rock Kribs
Albino Socolofi
Rainbow Cichlid
Blue Acara

Green Severum
Gold Severum

Red Hump head Geophagus

Altum Angelfish
Black Angelfish

Red Pigeon Discus
Yellow Pigeon Discus
Blue Turquoise

Albino Gold Arowana
Marble Jaguar
Jaguar Cichlid
Pike Cichlid
Marble Vieja Synsphylum
Tuba “Rio Burro”
Petrochromis sp. Bulu
Red Terror Cichlid
Dovii Wolf Cichlid
Flagtail Prochilodus
Humphead Glassfish

Black Ghost Knifefish
Clown Knifefish

•• SHARKS ••

Bala Shark

•• BICHIR ••

Polypterus Delhezi
Ornate Bichir


Amano Shrimp

•• PLANTS ••

Alternanthera Reineckii Rosaefolia
Bacopa Monnieri
Bacopa Salzmannii sp araguaia
Cardamine Lyrata sp (Vietnam)
Cryptocoryne Petchii
Cryptocoryne Undulata Red
Cryptocoryne Wallisii
Echinodorus Americanus
Echinodorus Red Flame
Echinodorus Yellow Sun
Heteranthera Zosterifolia
Hydrocotyle Tripartita
Hygrophila Lacustris
Ludwigia Glandulosa (Peruensis)
Ludwigia Palustris Super Red
Cyperus Helferi
Hemigraphis Colorata Exotica
Hemigraphis Repanda Narrow
Anubias Barteri Butterfly
Anubias Barteri Var Nana
Anubias Barteri Var Nana (Golden)
Anubias Congensis
Microsorum Pteropus (L)
Alternanthera Reineckii Mini (T/C Cup)
Glossostigma Elatinoides (T/C Cup)
Christmas Moss
Flame Moss
Java Moss
Almond Leaves

•• FOOD ••

Cichlid Sticks
Floating Pellets (Protein +)
Sinking Pellets (Protein +)
Algae Wafers

Northfin Arowana Fish Food
Northfin Cichlid Fish Food

Sera Color Flakes 60g
Sera Tropical Flakes 60g


JBL Manado Natural Substrate 10L
JBL Manado Dark Natural Substrate 10L
JBL Manado Natural Substrate 5L
JBL Manado Dark Natural Substrate 5L
JBL Manado Natural Substrate 3L
JBL Manado Dark Natural Substrate 3L

JBL Sansibar River 10kg
JBL Sansibar Dark 10kg
JBL Sansibar River 5kg
JBL Sansibar River 5Kg

JBL AquaBasis Plus 5L
JBL AquaBasis Plus 2.5L
JBL Pro Scape 3L

Spider Woods
Shrimp Wood
Malaysian Wood
Stump Wood
Black Wood

Elephant Skin Rocks
Pagoda Rocks
Gold State Rocks
Dragon Rocks
Polished Black Rocks
Blue Seiryu

JBL Plantis Pins
JBL Aquarium Thermometer
JBL ProSilent Aeras Micro S3
JBL Floaty
JBL Spawning Cave
JBL DisCon
JBL Pro Scan
JBL Symec Filter Floss 500g
JBL Blue Filter Foam
JBL Catch Net 15cm
JBL Catch Net 25cm

Sera Quick Test
Sera Artemia Breeding Kit
Sera Air Set M
Sera Liquid Biofilter Medium
Sera Water Conditioner with Blackwater Effect
Sera Bio Filter Medium
Sera Fishtamin (Complementary Food; 100ml,15ml)

Marina Airstone 4”
Marina Airstone

Seachem Prime Concentrated Conditioner (500mL, 1L)
Seachem Garlic Guard 500mL
Seachem Stress Guard 500mL
Seachem Safe 250g

Sicce Whale External Filter
Sicce Shark Pro Internal Filter (700, 500, 250)
Sicce Voyager Stream Pump

Variety of Plecos available!! 😁📸 Blue Phantom Pleco (Limited Quantities)📸 Royal Pleco📸 Hypostomus Pleco📸 Tangerine Tiger...

Variety of Plecos available!! 😁

📸 Blue Phantom Pleco (Limited Quantities)
📸 Royal Pleco
📸 Hypostomus Pleco
📸 Tangerine Tiger Pleco
📸 Bushynose Pleco

You better get them while you still can! 😉😉

Nerite Snails are back!! 👀📸 Zebra Nerites📸 Orange Tire Nerites📸 Black Nerites

Nerite Snails are back!! 👀

📸 Zebra Nerites
📸 Orange Tire Nerites
📸 Black Nerites

OPENING AT 12PM TODAY! 😁—The Strawberry rasbora (Boraras naevus) is a beautiful tropical fish that is very popular among...


The Strawberry rasbora (Boraras naevus) is a beautiful tropical fish that is very popular among aquascapers. It’s a perfect fish to choose for a nano setup!! Check them out today!

Photo Credit: Ryan Schmidt

Lots of plants!! 🍃👀

Lots of plants!! 🍃👀

Good morning! 🐟Today (January 31, 2025) we are only open from 5pm-8pm. Our expected shipment was delayed and so we are e...

Good morning! 🐟

Today (January 31, 2025) we are only open from 5pm-8pm.

Our expected shipment was delayed and so we are expecting fish next week - lots of plants and dry goods available!

**we will be updating our list soon, thank you for your patience**

Thank you and see you soon! 🐟✅

Monster fish for your monster tank?? 👀Red Terror Cichlids is an excellent fish for anyone who loves large powerful fish!...

Monster fish for your monster tank?? 👀

Red Terror Cichlids is an excellent fish for anyone who loves large powerful fish!! ** Only house them with similar-sized, similar aggressive, robust fish**

Despite their large size and belligerent nature, they remain a popular fish among cichlid enthusiasts. 😁

Resembles miniature gar, Platinum Half Beaks is an elongated surface-dweller fish. Driftwood and a heavily planted tank,...

Resembles miniature gar, Platinum Half Beaks is an elongated surface-dweller fish.

Driftwood and a heavily planted tank, including plenty of surface cover from floating species will help to feel these fish feel more secure. Make sure the tank has a tight-fitting lid as these fish are expert jumpers. 😁


🔵 This 5-gallon setup is up for purchase! (lights & filter are included) 🔵


Looking to get started on the hobby but don’t know where to start? Or maybe you have a spare tank sitting around but don’t have the time to design??

Great news!!! 😉
FBWY offers aquascaping services!! 😁
We also have tanks that are aquascaped and ready to go! **Visit our store to browse!**


4-2345 Avenue C North
Saskatoon, SK

Opening Hours

Monday 11am - 8pm
Tuesday 11am - 8pm
Wednesday 11am - 8pm
Thursday 11am - 8pm
Friday 11am - 8pm
Saturday 11am - 8pm
Sunday 2pm - 6pm



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