Max is a VERY sweet and loving boy who is glad to have safe shelter from his past life in the outdoors. We introduced you to Max recently as a new #guardiansofhope dog. He had quite the travel ✈️ adventure getting to us! But he was greeted warmly by his foster family and has been getting lots of love and attention. We now know what his future medical care entails.
🩻 At Max’s first vet visit with our friends at Orchard Veterinary Care, we discovered Max has bullet fragments scattered throughout his chest and throat. And you can see in the photos and videos on this post how he swings his right leg when he walks. That’s because that leg was fractured in two places and healed incorrectly. As a result, Max is being prepared for surgery to have his leg amputated. It’s heartbreaking to know such a sweet boy has endured so much. But look at his smile! He knows he’s safe and we know he is a survivor many times over. We are sure he's going to thrive after his surgery.
Our Guardians of Hope program is designed to help dogs like Max with a fresh lease on life. Every dollar donated to Guardians of Hope will go toward Max’s medical bills. Help us turn sad stories into stories of hope and thriving! Donate directly to Max’s care (or through the Guardians of Hope link in our bio).
Share Max’s story and send healing love his way! We’ll let you know how he’s doing and when he’s ready for his forever loving home.
On January 11, yoga lovers attended a special puppy yoga session at Fitness Focus Saskatoon where they got to stretch and pose and play with puppies! It was more than downward-facing dog! In fact, participants raised $1,000 for New Hope Dog Rescue. Thank you Fitness Focus for organizing this amazing event to showcase our dogs and support our work!
If you didn’t get to yoga with pups and are still looking to adopt one of our puppies or dogs, visit us at
#rescueismyfavouritebreed #NHDR #newhopedogrescue #ThankfulThursday #newhopedogrescuesaskatoon #nhdr #thankfulthursday
It takes patience and love to make things happen. Our Guardians of Hope program is counting on that!
Meet Max.
Max arrived Wednesday with a severely injured front leg and tenderness around that shoulder. We don't know how he was injured or how long ago, but it has been at least two weeks that he has lived like this.
We are so thankful
💞to the front line rescuer who worked tirelessly and took him to the airport in their small northern community FIVE TIMES in order to get him into our care,
💞to the community member who flew into Saskatoon with him,
💞to the volunteers who worked to bring him in,
💞and to the foster home who not only said "yes" but also waited to hear that he finally made it onto the plane.
We won't know the extent of the injuries to Max's leg until he sees the vet today.
Our #GuardiansOfHope program is designed to ensure every dollar donated goes directly to the care of of GoH dogs. Keep Max foremost in your thoughts today that his vet check shows a good outcome. We hope for that above all else!
Have you marked your calendar for the book sale this Friday and Saturday? In the meantime, we are still taking donations and our volunteers are busily setting up the space for the sale.
We are taking donations until 6 PM tonight (Wednesday) and tomorrow from 10 AM until 6 PM. Enter Market Mall at the Bank of Montreal entrance and turn left.
#nhdr #newhopedogrescue #rescueismyfavouritebreed
Donate your books, puzzles, games now at Market Mall for the NHDR book sale coming this Friday and Saturday! Bring your donations directly to Market Mall. Enter by the BMO for easiest access for drop offs. Then plan to shop on Friday and Saturday for some new reads, games and puzzles to keep you cozy all winter long!
We are at Pet Valu - Downtown Saskatoon for today’s adoption day!
Join us here until 4:30.
#rescueismyfavouritebreed #NHDR #newhopedogrescue #Saskdogs #yxedogs #saskdogs
Once a dog is adopted, we leave it to their new family to live their best life, although we are there to help with information and advice whenever needed. Every once in a while, we reconnect at the end of the dog’s journey. This happened today and we are so grateful to Jamie Beswick for sharing Littlefoot’s story with us. We’ve shared her comments as a video here. Never doubt the positive impact adopting a rescue dog will have on your life! Thank you Jamie and family.
Athena has had a long journey with us at New Hope Dog Rescue that is so near and dear to our hearts, that we couldn't help but share it in a video. 📽️ A former Guardians of Hope of ours, and now a current adoptable dog, we are hopeful that the right family for Athena is out there, and maybe even reading this post right now! If she sounds like the paw-fect fit for your family, please apply to meet her here:
2024 has been a year of incredible love and second chances for so many dogs! ❤️ We're overflowing with gratitude for all the loving families who opened their hearts and homes to these deserving pups. #AdoptionSuccess #ForeverFamilies #yxe #happytails #fosterwin #newhopedogrescue #nhdr
Warmer temps mean it's a great time for a bath at Pet Valu Saskatoon Evergreen Crossing. And while you're there, purchase a wash to donate to #nhdr. Our foster dogs will be the lucky dogs to get a nice clean start to 2025!
#NHDR #newhopedogrescue #rescueismyfavouritebreed #yxerescue
Wishing everyone a wonderful 2025! Health, happiness and homes for all our pups and dogs 💞🐾💞💞🐾