This is Churro, The Most Beautiful and Unique boy we have ever had:) Brindle, Blue EYES, White Chest and four White Feet Toes. Also the smallest of the litter! Charting to be 12-16 lbs as an adult. Isn't he amazing?!😍🥳🤩
(306) 241-1660
A Little Mini Taco Action:) Snow for the First Time!!🥰
Is there anything more adorable?
Mr Queso: Five Week Video!
He is such handsome, playful BOY🤩
Mr Churro: Five Week Video He is a special boy as he is also Brindle!! Notice his front legs and on his cheeks the Brindle is coming through...a very Rare Quality 🥳
Miss Tortilla: Week #5 Video. Look at those BLUE Eyes!🧐
Miss Burrito: Week #5! Miss Burrito is LOVELY 🥰
Miss Mini Taco.....Look at her!: Five Week Videos😍
Checking in with Taco's and Rye's Pomsky Puppies 🥳
Happy Thanksgiving from our Family to Yours: SO much to be Thankful For!
WE had a Little Play Date Today with Tiny Canine Love Bugs:) Everyone's Eyes are OPeN!