I love how bold these yellow spots are (Armadillidium Gestroi) #emethzoo #isopods #armadillidium #gestroi #saskatchewan
The plants in Poe’s enclosure are not only decorative - they are all safe for a Hermann’s Tortoise to eat - making for great enrichment and serve as part of a varied diet. Best watched with sound on to hear Poe’s crunching action.
#emethzoo #hermanntortoise #tortoiselife #tortoise #saskatoon #saskatchewan
It’s beginning to look like Christmas here at Emeth Zoo - and Poe, our Herman’s Tortoise, is getting in the holiday spirit. #emethzoo #tortoise #christmastortoise #hermannstortoise #christmastimeatthezoo #christmasatthezoo #saskstoon
Sold our first grouping of Rubber Ducky Isopods this week. This is one of the newer pods we are working with - and we didn’t expect to have any available to the public until next spring. We are so excited with the way the culture is growing! #emethzoo #isopods #rubberducky #rubberduckyisopods #duckyisopods
Love our little Rubber Ducky colony. #emethzoo #rubberducky #isopod #duckyisopod #isopods #rubberduckyisopods #saskatchewan #saskatoon
Creating some pieces for our gecko starter bins. We will have starter bins along with gargoyle geckos, praying mantis, isopods, jumping spider enclosures and more at the Sask Reptile Expo in Saskatoon this weekend - September 14 and 15 at the Saskatoon Travelodge hosted by the Sask Herp Society. Hope to see you there. #emethzoo #saskherp #saskreptileexpo #reptileexpo #saskatchewan #saskatoon
Went to check on our colony of Rubber Ducky isopods today - and there were lots of mancae (baby isopods). These are are first baby duckies - we have only had the culture for a few months - so we’re surprised (and excited) to see them this quickly! #emethzoo #isopods #rubberducky #rubberduckyisopod #mancae #saskatoon #saskatchewan
Zebra isopods are one of our favourites! They are so bold - always out and about! #emethzoo #zebraisopod #isopods #isopod
Once again, Poe has gotten himself stuck up in a hibiscus bush. How many times do we need to tell you Poe? Tortoises can’t climb trees! #emethzoo #tortoise #tortoises #hermannstortoise #tortoisescantclimbtrees #tortoiseintrees #tortoisesintrees #saskatchewan #saskatoon
Poe’s enclosure is an absolute tropical paradise - and everything planted in his enclosure is edible. Hibiscus flowers are one of his favourite foods - and part of a well balanced diet consisting of a wide variety of wild greens and flowers. #EmethZoo #hibiscus #hermannstortoise #tortoise #paradise #saskatchewan
Stick insects of all sizes are loving the fresh raspberry leaves in their enclosure! These are Diapheromera Femorata - the Northern Walking stick, and they are the only stick insect native to Canada. For more information on our invertebrates visit https://emethzoo.wixsite.com/emethzoo #emethzoo #walkingstick #stickinsect #stickbug #saskatchewan #phasmid
Using the 3D printer to print a new vented lid for our praying mantis hatching enclosure. I find it mesmerizing to watch this thing work! #emethzoo #3dprinting #prayingmantis #chinesemantis