Just a update on the situation TAAG WAS DOING in the soo in WABOS, following the article we put out on sault online story
As you know we did everything in our power to help this lady , Dana.
We trapped males outside and she told us to let them go, as they were not the culprit but the females . We asked several times, to bring in or we would help, bring in nursing moms and kittens, pregnant cats, or unfixed females. We drove out there 3 to 4 times, to help. Call her and tell her I have 2 appts set up this week to fix cats and we need them brought only to be told they were all pregnant again. A temporary shelter was sent up in her house in town at Northern Avenue and we had volunteers going 2x a day to work with the kittens and cats and fosterhomes waiting for pregnant cats or nursing mom cats. The only thing she ever brought us was kittens. Aside from them dying from Bortella, and sick ones that cost us a fortune to save, we still wanted to help, but she just refused to bring them in. Northern Animal Welfare was called 3x now called Paws, but nothing was done.
If you recall a plea was put out to the public for your help with this situation. Your donations went towards this situation. We were able to save many with your donations. 3 kittens cost us well over 3,000.00 to safe., thanks to everybody. The heartache and sorrow that some us endured and unable to help stay with us.
Now as you can see, 4 Paws Champ Rescue and Saving Elmo Rescue were there and took females only and kittens and took them to sudbury and then to Barrie. Several attempts have been made to fore-warn them that they could be transporting sick cats down that way and affect many cats in that area. They took one cat to the vets as you can see, unable to do a complete exam because if being so terrified and scared. She is approx 2yrs it says, has red gums, and weighing only 3lbs, almost 4. The vet was contacted down there to let them beware, but they only took one in. Bloodwork needs to be done for all. They also carry coccida which is contagious.
Accusations were made personally to me, asking why I would take just kittens and not the moms with kittens, as her rescue, 4 Champs Animal Rescue would not do that. Had she had talked to personally, as she was to busy to call, I would've been able to tell her that is what we were after. I have a text i sent her telling everything that was attempted and we went over and above her, if yous want to see it.
In all it is great news that some cats and kittens, were taking out of the situation and hopefully to a better life, but they all need to proper vet care, each and everyone before moving them to permanent homes.