On The Mend Canine Consultants

On The Mend Canine Consultants On The Mend Canine Consultants helps build relationships between canine companions and their humans.

I train people and rehabilitate dogs through rules, boundaries and limitations. Every relationship needs to be worked on, On The Mend we go... On The Mend Canine Consultants is an independent center for dogs, serving the Westmorland County and surrounding areas. We offer assessments and will work with dogs with "criminal records", creating a "safe" environment for you and your pack. With over 30

years of experience in different disciplines of dog training and behavior modification, if you are at "the end of your leash", give us a try! We offer the following;

Puppy Aptitude Test;
Crate Training;
Canine Behavioral Health Evaluations;
Pack Leadership Training;
Basic Obedience Training;
Umbilical Training;
Rehabilitation Programs;
Boot-Camp Training

If you are looking to turn your dog into the "perfect dog", don't look here! Dogs require ongoing leadership; some need a little, some need a lot! We offer leadership programs to teach you how to be the Pack Leader, so you can love your dog for life! On The Mend we go...

NOTICE ~ If your only option is to surrender your dog, please contact your local shelter. Pack Leader Definition = A person or dog, able to establish Rules, Boundaries and Limitations in a group or family. If you think your dog is "kicking your psychological butt", we can teach You how to reverse the roles, so you can have a happy and healthy relationship.

Meet Benji... I was alerted a couple of weeks ago regarding this 14 year old terri-poo who needed some help.  His owner ...

Meet Benji... I was alerted a couple of weeks ago regarding this 14 year old terri-poo who needed some help. His owner was going into hospice care and could not take his beloved four legged friend with him. It took a few days to arrange the transfer, a vet visit was required to check all the boxes for an overall health check, and Benji was good to go!

Well, it didn't take long for him to warm the hearts of one of our clients/friends... Of course they would foster/adopt him!

We are happy to announce, Benji will be loved, cared for and will live a great life in retirement!

Let us take this opportunity to express our gratitude for those who foster our "difficult" dogs. I could not do it without you!


Day one of arrival... So, our overnight with Charlie was not without incident, we start with soiled bedding, a very anxious girl, just shaking in her skin and feeling a little lost...

I am trusting the vibes from my pack tho, they don't seem too bothered by her, they want to help... they do this by mostly ignoring her, allowing her to take time... so, I will do the same, [please keep in mind, she will have no physical contact until I know she is ready].

My heart bleeds for her, seeing her reaction to touch, but I must be careful not to reinforce the damaged part, only rewarding the good stuff... This is a careful dance... We must not feel sorry for her, we must go looking for the good stuff in there... as small as it may be... On The Mend we go...

Update on Monty... Back in 2015, Monty was adopted from us by a wonderful family.  They reached out to us recently to in...

Update on Monty... Back in 2015, Monty was adopted from us by a wonderful family. They reached out to us recently to inform us that they had relocated in Alberta, living the best life! Although Monty is a bit older now, he has also recovered from Cancer, and still very much loved by his family... Thanks guys for another "feel good" moment...

Meet Charlie, 2 year old GS female, owner surrender... But before we go into her recovery work, here is a brief history ...

Meet Charlie, 2 year old GS female, owner surrender... But before we go into her recovery work, here is a brief history and how she came to us...

Charlie was among a slew of dogs that were seized by the province two years ago. Some folks stepped up to help with the rescue of the pups, who lived in horrible conditions. Her current owner has done what she can, now passes the torch to us.

Charlie has been spayed, but weighs only 45 lbs! She is on anti-anxiety meds and is very skittish. So day one goes a little like this... Observation only! I will observe and assess over the next few days to see what direction Charlie is able to tolerate.

On The Mend we go... Wish us luck!


Here is a feel good story we must share... Remember the two GSD brothers I accepted a few months ago? They are now on their way to wonderful, fulfilling lives...

Razor has joined an elderly gentleman who will need him to improve his quality of life... The amazing thing is that I truly believe they will need each other! And Moose has joined a beautiful family, warming their hearts. All of their updates makes my soul smile!

Now, understand, this was not my initial intentions when I took on the challenge of these dogs. After assessments, many hours of reconditioning and after much consideration, I did what I felt was best for them ~ offering them a better quality of life. I don't recommend separating any siblings who have been bonded for some time without professional advisement. In this case, once separated, we found that their personalities were quite different. So, in the end, I kept my promise... Stepping outside of the box and doing what was best for the dogs... I always do!

Note: If you have nothing positive to share, don't bother, your comment will be removed and you will be blocked!

Update!  Roxie has found her pack!  She also has a great big (literally) brother to keep her busy, or it may be the othe...

Update! Roxie has found her pack! She also has a great big (literally) brother to keep her busy, or it may be the other way around! Good luck little power house, we will be here to support you and your new pack leaders every step of the way!

UPDATE!!!  Owners have been found!  Thanks to all of you for sharing, job well done!!!Dog At Large from Dieppe… This fem...

UPDATE!!! Owners have been found! Thanks to all of you for sharing, job well done!!!

Dog At Large from Dieppe… This female dog was found running at large with her leash last week. She has been reported through several sites and still no one has come forward. Please share this post, she looks to have had an owner who took care of her and must have neighbours that may be familiar with her possible location. Let’s get this girl home!

Today was the day… Moose’s intro into the pack without a lead!  Many hours of building a relationship of trust has taken...

Today was the day… Moose’s intro into the pack without a lead! Many hours of building a relationship of trust has taken place prior to releasing the intact male into my pack, and my pack trusts me. We have a long way to go before we get Moose into security work, but he has the right aptitude for the the game… Hells bells, I love my life! On The Mend we go…


Roxie's energy is amazing! The cone of shame just came off a few minutes ago and as if nothing happened, she is back at it... Roxie will "fingers crossed" soon be with her new pack leaders...

Moose shows subtle queues of his level of comfort by his body language... See the difference in both these pictures?  It...

Moose shows subtle queues of his level of comfort by his body language... See the difference in both these pictures? It is only when I direct him to position his back side to the pack, but most important, his front and focus on me that I can allow for the release... I love my pack!


Moose seems to be progressing a little better than his brother, so I begin the slow introduction into our pack rituals... I have already worked with Ozzie, Sparta and Austin, now we are ready for the release, this time the reward is "Water"... I am working on Moose's trust in me, picking up the queues and allowing for a safe introduction into our rituals. The power of the pack will help him unlock his true potential...

Roxie's update is just as fabulous as she is!  Her surgery went as expected, the cherry eye is healing nicely and there ...

Roxie's update is just as fabulous as she is! Her surgery went as expected, the cherry eye is healing nicely and there were no issues with her spay. The cone of shame finally came off and Roxie couldn't be happier!

We have already sorted a couple of families for adoption and will be setting up the visits this coming weekend. Thank you for all your support and interest in her progress. She is a little firecracker that will need a little TLC in her new digs, but we will be there every step of the way to help her in her new journey with her new pack leaders... On The Mend we go Roxie...

On The Mend has two new arrivals to introduce... Moose and Razor... We are working hard on their rehab, as 2 1/2 year ol...

On The Mend has two new arrivals to introduce... Moose and Razor...
We are working hard on their rehab, as 2 1/2 year old siblings, they have never been separated, are intact and have never worn a collar! As you can imagine, our hands are full... They have relied on each other for everything, now we must teach them new skills for a fulfilling life with humans... This means exposing them to some structure. My plan is to use them as security guard dogs, giving them a sense of purpose. Let's see what the next few weeks brings us...


My favourite breed…


We cleared Roxie at the vet clinic and we are now in full rehab mode! She will need a cherry eye repaired and will be spayed at the end of the month. When Roxie arrived, she had a terrible story, as they all do, but we don't rely on the past to predict the future. She was vibrating for attention. Had no clue on what her name was or how to stop for anything! Crazy Girl!

So, I applied a few technics, the right training tools, well timed affection and look at this, ready to please! She also has no idea how to retain her bowels, but I am hoping with crate training and specific feeding times will help her understand not to soil inside.

My 5 month old Pom Mitzu, who is always part of my everyday life, joins with Roxie's rahab. She too has been through lead training [and no, not with the prong before you insinuate], helps Roxie understand it cannot be all about her, even if it truly is. Although Roxie had been in solitary confinement for 4 months, I don't want to create an attention monster either. Good balance of all things will help her make sense of life, a dog's life. At 18 months of age, I remain hopeful the right pack leader will come along and be able to give her a wonderful life... On The Mend we go...

My promise to Roxie... A promise to forget the horrible story of how you arrived here... A promise to do whatever it tak...

My promise to Roxie... A promise to forget the horrible story of how you arrived here... A promise to do whatever it takes to help you forget what others did to you and to allow you instead to feel wanted, needed and loved... On The Mend we go...

Meet Georgia... A 2 year old bully who was surrendered a few weeks ago... She was in very a bad situation... I have cond...

Meet Georgia... A 2 year old bully who was surrendered a few weeks ago... She was in very a bad situation... I have conducted an initial behavior evaluation and although her prognosis is guarded, I am inviting the challenge to try a little harder... She shows signs of abuse, neglect in her structure and no social skills! So, I begin with some leash work, social exposure with my healthy pack and the results are good... We have a long way to go but at least we are On The Mend...

Wishing all my furry friends and their Pack leaders the best in 2024!

Wishing all my furry friends and their Pack leaders the best in 2024!

On The Mend's Raven is up for adoption!  She is a beauty and has been with us for awhile.  She has made leaps and bounds...

On The Mend's Raven is up for adoption! She is a beauty and has been with us for awhile. She has made leaps and bounds in her recovery and will be a precious little presence in the right home. If you are familiar with or have owned a Sharpei before, please consider this little firecracker!

Raven is a fantastic alarm dog if you are looking for a guard dog and given the right time to acclimate, she will steal your heart! She came to us in rough shape, with food possession issues, but seems to have weathered that storm well. She doesn't like the leash or strangers and will love the family she has, as long as it is not a busy one.

If you think you like a good cuddle buddy and need a stranger-danger alarm system for your home, send us an email to [email protected], and thanks for considering a rescued dog!

ADOPTED!!! Happy Life Scoobie!On The Mend's Scoobie would like to say Hello, and are you the right pack leader for me?  ...

ADOPTED!!! Happy Life Scoobie!

On The Mend's Scoobie would like to say Hello, and are you the right pack leader for me?

Scoobie was brought in a few weeks ago desperately needing some help. He was covered in fleas, had parasites and omg, the nails! Never cut! He was immediately treated for fleas and parasites and also has been neutered and vaccinated.

So, we shaved him down, did a flea bath and treatment, washed him up and cut his ever so long nails. Likely the best night sleep he's had in months! Scoobie is 7 years old, weighing 12 lbs and will need to put on a couple more pounds over his continued recovery.

After initial assessments, this healthy pooch is ready for his new home. He is good with other dogs, cats and loves to walk and fetch! And yes, his fur will grow back, I just wanted to make his upkeep more comfortable for him.

The few things you may need to consider are these... He suffers [vocal] separation anxiety and will likely mark [p*e] on every thing in his new environment. However, as I usually recommend to all my clients, a dog in a new home should be monitored and/or kept on a leash for the first three weeks. Also, the leash for guidance is very useful for helping the little one adjust.

If you are interested in adopting Scoobie, please send an email to [email protected] with your information and why you would make a great home. Thanks for considering a rescued dog!

I've been at this for many, many years now... looks like I need to remind some folks that I don't debate, argue or need ...

I've been at this for many, many years now... looks like I need to remind some folks that I don't debate, argue or need to justify anything I say or do on social media... If you don't like what I say? What I do? Or have issues with my methods or techniques? Please, move on... Thank you...

A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a long time friend of mine, she informed me of a dog who was in trouble.  I e...

A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a long time friend of mine, she informed me of a dog who was in trouble. I explained how I was no longer operating as a rescue, but would hear the story. After further discussions with the breeder, I agreed to accept the dog into my pack for rehabilitation and possible adoption.

This 7 month old unspayed female sharpei was dropped off in pretty rough shape. I knew I had my work cut out for me, so I dug in... We began our recovery work and quickly discovered her obsession with food! Unfortunately, this will stay with her for a long time, food possession cannot be removed, only managed.

The first picture was taken the day after her arrival, the second picture was taken 8 weeks later... On The Mend we go...

Good day Facebook Friends!  I don’t post much as I cannot find the time, however I must share this story, it may help yo...

Good day Facebook Friends! I don’t post much as I cannot find the time, however I must share this story, it may help you as I know it has helped me...

A few months ago, I was asked to help a friend who was having difficulty with her dogs... She had a gaggle of dogs and the tasks seemed overwhelming. You may or may not understand the hoarding of pets, but I knew it was going to be difficult. Isolating the ones who needed medical attention first, sorting out the “adoptables” all the while concealing my frustration with the owner. In short, the last three months have been a mental challenge.

The outcome was this... 23 dogs assisted! Several of the adults spayed/neutered, bladder infections treated, ear infections cleaned out, long overdue grooming and puppies adopted to wonderful families! I am glad to have seen the end of the tunnel on this one, but I could not have done it without mentioning a few others to whom I am forever grateful for...

The staff at for being patient, accommodating and professional along the way... The kind folks at for providing the grub needed to keep full bellies on these furry friends... And a huge Thank You to the families who adopted the puppies, went a long way with this rescue... The money received from the adoptions was put towards the vet bill for the adults... Many hands make light work, without all of you, there would be no me!

It is unfortunate that the dogs’ owner and I had a falling out over the process, however I believe that if we are honest about our intentions, all relationships can heal in time, so, On The Mend we go...

ADOPTED!  Sparky has found his own pack!  I wish to thank ALL of you who have shown interest in a rescued dog… It was ve...

ADOPTED! Sparky has found his own pack! I wish to thank ALL of you who have shown interest in a rescued dog… It was very nice to see that so many of you were willing to open your hearts and home for a dog in need. The Pack and I wish you nothing but happy tails on your new journey…

Thank you for all your well wishes, truly appreciate the warm welcome… it has been a very interesting adventure so far, ...

Thank you for all your well wishes, truly appreciate the warm welcome… it has been a very interesting adventure so far, met some kool folks and their canine companions and have adopted new pack members! We will be shutting down for the winter months, and will look forward to meeting more of you in the new year! Until then, remember, the road to recovery is always under construction … On The Mend we go!

Hey folks, I'm back!  Yes, it's been over 3 years and looks like my services have been missed and could still be used to...

Hey folks, I'm back! Yes, it's been over 3 years and looks like my services have been missed and could still be used to assist my troubled canine companions and their pack leaders. Looking forward to meeting you and your dogs... On The Mend we go!


Shediac, NB





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