Sherbrooke, QC - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets - PawBoost

Sherbrooke, QC - Lost Dogs, Cats & Pets - PawBoost We share lost & found pet alerts for Sherbrooke. We also share found dogs, found cats, & found pets. Do you have a lost pet in Sherbrooke?

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Please spread the word for this lost dog. Rebound was LOST on February 3, 2025 in Hatley, QC J0B 4B0 near Ch. Domaine Ha...

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Rebound was LOST on February 3, 2025 in Hatley, QC J0B 4B0 near Ch. Domaine Hatley

Description: Black and white husky mix.

For more info or to contact Rebound's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Amor was LOST on January 9, 2025 in Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1E5 near Rue de montrea...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Amor was LOST on January 9, 2025 in Sherbrooke, QC J1H 1E5 near Rue de montreal and rue elizabeth

Message from Owner: Please if you see her call. I am desperate to find her, her name is Amor and she is the sweetest cat and very friendly.
If you see her please help her and call

Description: Black with white mouth and white paws

For more info or to contact Amor's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Roxy was LOST on October 26, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1R 0M7 near rue pelicans ...

Please spread the word for this lost dog. Roxy was LOST on October 26, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1R 0M7 near rue pelicans saint elie Sherbrooke qc

Message from Owner: She is my sweetheart please she needs back she needs medicine treatment ,thank you

Description: Blonde hair breeds zu

For more info or to contact Roxy's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word! Peper is STILL MISSING as of Sep 09, 2024, last seen in Melbourne, QC J0B 2B0 near Base Richmond...

Please spread the word! Peper is STILL MISSING as of Sep 09, 2024, last seen in Melbourne, QC J0B 2B0 near Base Richmond Melbourne Ski Center

Update: We’re still looking! If you have any pictures of have sighted Pepper please let us know!

Description: Tabby cat with white paws and belly

For more info or to contact Peper's owner, click here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Hunter was LOST on August 14, 2024 in Richmond, QC J0B 2H0 near rue principale...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Hunter was LOST on August 14, 2024 in Richmond, QC J0B 2H0 near rue principale nord

Message from Owner: my cat "hunter".. only 10 months old... an unneutered full grown male, wearing a dark blue collar, has been missing for 20 days now, he is very nervous... so he would be hiding under a porch, under a car or in a shed...
and there are 3 types of lost cat behaviors and Hunter is considered to be a catatonic/xenophobic cat –
xenophobia means “fear of strange or foreign things.” Xenophobic cats are afraid of anything new or unfamiliar. Their fearful behavior is ingrained in their character; it is caused by the kitten's genetics and/or experiences (nature or nurture). These cats hide when a stranger enters their and usually don't come out until well after company has left. They do not tolerate human contact well (being held, petted, etc.) and are easily disturbed by any change in their environment. Once displaced, they flee and then hide in silence. They tend to stay in the same hiding place and become almost catatonic, immobilized by fear. If found by anyone other than their owners, they are usually mistakenly considered untamed or "wild." The main strategy for recovering these cats would be to set humanely baited traps. Xenophobic cats that get “lost” are regularly absorbed into the feral cat population.
so if I can ask everyone to look under their porch, inside there sheds, anywhere a cat might be hiding. It makes it easier if I ask you to search, because I can't just walk into people's yards and start searching for my cat, and going door to door would be tiring, so please if you see this message, please go and take a look to see if my cat "hunter" could be hiding somewhere in your backyard.
believe me, I'm not being lazy and I don't just sit here and post, hoping that it finds my cat... since he left, I've been going out every night, shaking a bag of food, calling his name, and every night I walk farther and farther with no results. my feet are ing me, I can't drive around looking for him, he's afraid of noises... and at this point I feel helpless but yet I feel guilty for sitting here at ... because he's been gone and it's been 20 days, and he's not out having fun, he's a scared cat, he's scared and hiding, and probably hungry at this point so every minute I'm here at , it's wasted time for me... I'm so tired but yet I won't stop, I'm determined to find my cat.
I don't sleep much... when I do, I wake up and the first thing I think is "I have to find Hunter." I'm completely obsessed at this point because I don't want to keep wondering what happened to Hunter? if he is dead or alive? A few years ago I had a cat that went missing and was never found, and it still hurts not knowing what happened to him, never finding him or his body, so I found myself without an answer. I am depressed because I know hunter is out there and scared and I can't do anything about it, even though I'm trying🥺

Description: wearing a dark blue collar (unless he lost it)

For more info or to contact Hunter's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Peper was LOST on August 30, 2024 in Melbourne, QC J0B 2B0 near Base Richmond ...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Peper was LOST on August 30, 2024 in Melbourne, QC J0B 2B0 near Base Richmond Melbourne Ski Center

Message from Owner: Please, I would do about anything to find Pepper, my fiancée is heartbroken that her kitty has disappeared, we asked around the neighborhood and will continue to search but if we could get any help, I'd be endlessly appreciated. It s me to see her this upset but I know in my heart and soul we will and can find her! Here is her description in English and French. She is also fixed and has been up to date for the vet so no worries there.

ENG: Pepper, Female, 1 year old.
Brown, white, and black.
Tabby cat with white paws and belly
Very friendly, fixed, and approachable

FRENCH: Disparue, Femelle, 1 an
Brun, Blanc et Noir
Ch**te Tabby avec des Pattes et Bedon Blanc
Très Gentille, Opérée et Amicale

Description: Tabby cat with white paws and belly

For more info or to contact Peper's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Tiloup was LOST on July 26, 2024 in Austin, QC J0B 1B0 near Chemin nord, Austi...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Tiloup was LOST on July 26, 2024 in Austin, QC J0B 1B0 near Chemin nord, Austin , quebec

Message from Owner: Je sais que je vais te retrouver sains et sauf mon bon chat, je pense à toi tout le temps,. J’ai confiance dans la force de la communauté et l’entraide qui va permettre que tu rentres à la maison.
Je t’aime tellement
Tu me manques trop

Description: Chat adulte (4 ans et 2 mois)
Oriental bleu
Semble argenté au soleil
Et gris foncé le soir
Pour court

For more info or to contact Tiloup's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Spread the great news: Blueblue has been reunited with her family after 15 days, 11 hours! Here is a picture of her home...

Spread the great news: Blueblue has been reunited with her family after 15 days, 11 hours! Here is a picture of her home safe and sound :)

"To everybody : thank you !!!! Blue was found and returned by Jesus Police & Marie !!!!!! She was stolen and brought back by the agent of police of Magog Roy amazing agent of the peace to our city in Austin On August 23 20/20 fourth. Blue is back : we are happyyyyyy. Check out the books Chinook, the father and BlueBlue the daughter. Thank you all for your union of prayers !"
-Blueblue's Owner

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Albert was LOST on August 21, 2024 in Austin, QC J0B 1B0 near Chemin du Hameau...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Albert was LOST on August 21, 2024 in Austin, QC J0B 1B0 near Chemin du Hameau, Austin, Eastern twp

Message from Owner: Help us to find him. My daughter who is the owner of Albert do have a broken heart since august 21.


For more info or to contact Albert's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Michel is home safe & sound after 14 days, 0 hours :)Please spread the word for this lost cat. Michel...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Michel is home safe & sound after 14 days, 0 hours :)

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Michel was LOST on August 24, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1E 1V2 near École secondaire Leber

Message from Owner: Se qui me blesse le plus avec cette situation c'est que mon autre chat a commencé a être plus colleuse avec moi. Michel lui manque, il manque a tout le monde a la maison.

Description: Il est de taille moyenne avec un petite ventre c'est yeux sont gris/ brun vert

For more info or to contact Michel's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Blueblue is home safe & sound after 15 days, 11 hours :)"To everybody : thank you !!!! Blue was found...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Blueblue is home safe & sound after 15 days, 11 hours :)

"To everybody : thank you !!!! Blue was found and returned by Jesus Police & Marie !!!!!! She was stolen and brought back by the agent of police of Magog Roy amazing agent of the peace to our city in Austin On August 23 20/20 fourth. Blue is back : we are happyyyyyy. Check out the books Chinook, the father and BlueBlue the daughter. Thank you all for your union of prayers !"
-Blueblue's Owner
Please spread the word for this lost dog. Blueblue was LOST on August 8, 2024 in Austin, QC J0B 1B0 near Nicholas Austin/Fisher road

Message from Owner: Please
No matter what no questions asked just bring back the dog at the market of Austin or at my place directly 4, Chemin Millington. There are cords all over the place to attach animals. Thank you for your kindness and new earth behaviour !
Reward for the human who brings back Blueblue

Description: Black
Big tail
Colley husky
2 blue eyes

For more info or to contact Blueblue's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Fifi was LOST on July 22, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5P4 near Rue Harold-cooke...

Please spread the word for this lost cat. Fifi was LOST on July 22, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5P4 near Rue Harold-cooke Sherbrooke

Message from Owner: If you find it or seen it please email

Description: White chest with green eyes and calico breed

For more info or to contact Fifi's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! John is home safe & sound after 4 days, 20 hours :)Please spread the word! John was LOST on May 13, 2...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! John is home safe & sound after 4 days, 20 hours :)

Please spread the word! John was LOST on May 13, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1J 3B7 near rue malouin

Description: Black with white chest and the tip of the paws are white. He wear a SPA tag and a pinapple necklace

For more info or to contact John's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Fedia is home safe & sound after 4 days, 5 hours :)"We greatly thank and appreciate all and any help ...

UPDATE: REUNITED!! Fedia is home safe & sound after 4 days, 5 hours :)

"We greatly thank and appreciate all and any help we received from people who cared! "
-Fedia's Owner
Please spread the word! Fedia was LOST on May 20, 2024 in Sherbrooke, QC J1G 1B6 near King Est/ 7e Ave S, Sherbrooke J1G1B6

Message from Owner: Mon cœur se brise et c’est dur d’écrire à cause des larmes... Nous avons sauvé ce chat il y a 2 ans des rues de Sherbrooke, il était extrêmement maigre, car l’ancien propriétaire l’a trahi et l’a laissé dans la rue. Il a environ 3 ans maintenant et il n’est plus un chat du rue, mais est sorti par hasard. S’il vous plaît aider à le trouver!

Il est grand, longues jambes et queue, cheveux courts noirs, tête pointue, les dents avant ressortent un peu, une tache blanche sur le ventre, un peu de cheveux blancs sur la poitrine

Description: Grandes, longues jambes et queue, cheveux courts noirs, tête pointue, les dents avant ressortent un peu, une tache blanche sur le ventre, un peu de cheveux blancs sur la poitrine

For more info or to contact Fedia's owner, click here:

Lost or found a pet? Report it to PawBoost here:


Sherbrooke, QC


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