Morning babies! Two beans available! Message asap!
#sistersquad #girlpower #bubbles #blossom #buttercup #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #solid #longhair #studly #babyboi #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts
My lil girls! First two shown are AVAILABLE! MESSAGE ME ASAP! ( The black and white dapple is spoken for) #sistersquad #girlpower #bubbles #blossom #buttercup #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
And the girls are ALREADY FOUR WEEKS! Lil beans just grow so fast! Bubbles (Medium hair fawn sable) and Buttercup (longhair cream based dapple) are AVAILABLE!!! If you are looking to add a lady to your crew message me ASAP! #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #sistersquad #girlpower #bubbles #blossom #buttercup
Little beans exploring! Please share around for anyone who needs some baby awwwwwwwwww! #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #sistersquad #girlpower #bubbles #blossom #buttercup
Here we go! Babes were moved downstairs yesterday and now, exploring! #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym #dapple #queenofweens #bosslady #mommaween #nella #sistersquad #girlpower #bubbles #blossom #buttercup
Pregnancy hasn't slowed her down at all. She loves Link. They actually wrestle (cat initiates all the time) but he can escape her. And she doesn't approve. #barky #loveshercat #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym #solid #longhair #studly #babyboi #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly
Weiner shenanigans. Thought it was Clem. It was nym #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babylife #longhair #nymeria #squadgoals #chocdapple #weensquad #wigglebutt #nym
Cher runs and she runs and she runs #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts
Cher. Is looking for a FUREVER HOME or a GUARDIANSHIP. She is the spiciest little suck up you will meet! She has so much go go and happy energy! She's definitely a go hard kind of girl, followed by the stop for cuddles at the end. I seriously love this girl as she's the best combo of mum and dad! Contact me ASAP if you are interested!!!
#babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts
This lil fluffy boy needs a FUREVER home! He's such a sweetheart, so lovely and snuggly. Absolutely loves my son, and wants so much to just be a part of what you are doing! He also loves toes. Cause they're delicious. So if you want to bring some fluffy love home, message me ASAP! #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts
Outside time! Four of these little cuties are still AVAILABLE for FUREVER HOMES! #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #Daphne #Scooby #Velma #Cher
Today was PICK YOUR BABY BLANKEE DAAAAAAAAY! #Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Being a ween is hard. Floppy dogs all over! Excuse the fluff mess. Some floof murders occured. #Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #dapple #queenofweens #bosslady #mommaween #nella #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Morning Shenanigans! Little Miss Cher is still available, and most of the smaller beans (Fred is unavailable) are AVAILABLE for applications!!!! They're all getting so big and personalities are coming out so much! The biggest one ... RUB MY BELLY!!! #Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #dapple #queenofweens #bosslady #mommaween #nella #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Today's PEN PUPDATE: fun! Moving and shaking, rolling and wrestling! They're growing sooooo fast! I do have some AVAILABLE if you are looking! PM me for info!!! #Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #dapple #queenofweens #bosslady #mommaween #nella #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Morning tail wags are the best serotonin. Cher, star of the show, demands pick up attention. She is AVAILABLE. message me today! She also has AVAILABLE siblings who also have the happiest of butts. Claim yours today!
#Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Today's morning video. A short perspective. #Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #dapple #queenofweens #bosslady #mommaween #nella #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Good morning weens!!!!!! Seems the communal baby rearing is working well! Mom's don't care who feeds as long as they all feed.Silly babies.
#dapple #queenofweens #bosslady #mommaween #nella #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad #Fred #Daphne #Scooby #Shaggy #Velma #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul
IT'S MOVING DAAAAAAY!!!!!!! Clems babies are wobbly walking around so much and need more space, so we have moved to the pen!! They're happy to be walking around more!!!!! #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad
Just some Kennel babies! #yellowdog #tatertot #longhair #sassy #princess #cream #handsomeboi #hanky #chocolate #daddyween #greeneyes #mommasboi #studly #Cher #Sonny #Linda #Paul #babyweens #fluffie #dapples #wigglebutts #babyweens #weenies #weensquad