Meadowview is pretty excited to report our results at the Saskatchewan Provincial Dressage Championships.
Liberty MV (Lampion/Zwi MV by Zodiak) was the Reserve Champion at Third Level
Labelle MV (Lampion/ Hanna MV by E.H. Herzzauber) was Reserve Champion at First Level
LaDiva MV (Lampion/ Anja MV by Feingeist) was the Champion at Training level (This was Diva’s first time away from home and her very first show!)
Thank you to the Saskatoon Dressage Association for running such a great show. You are a brave group of people to run a dressage show at the same time as a jumping show, and everything went really well for both shows!
Thank you to the wonderful sponsors from whom we take home prizes.
Thanks to Devoucoux - British Columbia, Alberta for the lovely Gift Certificate. This is much appreciated and happily accepted.
Thanks to Lucille Scott who is an Aboriginal Artist from Debden, Saskatchewan who donated a beautiful Feather Painting
of a mare and foal. It will hang in our home with much pride.
We always have a great time at the Saskatoon shows, and encourage other dressage riders and jumper riders to attend these shows in the future, you won’t be sorry!