Show some ❤️ to your horse. 🐴 ONE DAY ONLY SALE - FEBRUARY 14th🐴 Order from: #arenafooting #horselover #indoorarena #dressage #equestrianlife #horsebackriding #dressagehorse #riding #horseofinstagram #arenamaintenance #showjumping #reininghorse #reining #rodeo #barrelracinglife #barrelracing
It’s time to get your indoor arena ready for inclement weather and winter!
The application of WHOA Dust requires no special tools. Here’s what you will need:
🐴 A hand held distributor
🐴 A groomer (chain, diamond or equivalent)
🐴 A source of water
Goldmine QH are rocking in their WHOA Dust treated arena! Grooming and grooving. @ashleightuhkala is the master behind this video! #whoadust #arenadust #arenadustcontrol #equinearena #horsefooting #arenafooting #arenadust #sandfooting #horsearenafooting #horsefootingproducts
Goldmine QH Rocking in the Arena
Goldmine Quarter Horses are rocking with their Whoa Dust treated arena. 🐴🐎
This is a water-based flocculation test. It shows how the sample with Whoa Dust "grabs" the dust out of the air and drops it back to the ground. and [email protected] for more information.
WHOA Dust keeps dust from becoming airborne
The left and right containers have two teaspoons of footing and 1/2 cup of water. The container on the left has a tiny bit of WHOA Dust. Watch how the footing settles down after stirring compared to the right container. The left container shows how footing treated with WHOA Dust forces the airborne dust to drop back to the ground. The right container dust continues to hang after stirring. WHOA Dust - celebrating 10 years of Arena Dust control! 888.913.3150
WHOA Dust is put to the 'white bag' test by Goldmine Quarter Horses! These jumpers aren't eating or breathing dust in their arena! #goldmineqh #whoadust #whoadustworks
WHOA Dust is the preferred and proven water retention product used by international arena builders. #whoadustfornodust #slowthearenadust #arenadustcontrol #arenadust #arenafooting #arenafootingdust
#whoadust4slowdust #whoadust4nodust
WHOA Dust is easy to apply. Effective in reducing amount and frequency of watering. Safe for animals, humans and environment. Gives your horse and you a great footing to work on.
Can you guess which one has Whoa Dust?
You don't have to ride in a dusty arena. Whoa Dust will manage the dust and reduce the watering. for NO DUST
#whoadust #strathconaventures