A little tug rope time after dinner for these two block heads. It’s amazing how much this tires them out. Tyson wasn’t sure about it at first but quickly took a liking to the new game. #rottie #boxer #doggames #doglovers #dogs #dogsofinstagram #rottweiler #rottweilers #rescuedog #adopt #boardingkennel
Weekends are for having fun. ▶️
#spring #happymarch1st #fun #gooutside
Well Vader took his first swim today! For a split second I thought I was going for a swim too but he pulled it off, turned around and went for a second lap. That’s it for him, he’s now a water dog 💦 #swimming #learningtoswim #waterdog #blackdogs #hikingwithdogs #germanshepherd
Pepper does her pack walks with her muzzle on as she can be snarky with her friends. After the hike we take a visit to the tug rope to burn off any frustration and get her totally tuckered out for her mom. #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsports #tugwithyourdog
Peggy just decided to pick and and move the whole log 😂
On the West Coast you learn to love the rain. It might be wet but I’m happy to call this winter.
Everyone was loving the last bit of snow today. I love the child like excitement when they prance and bound through the white fluff with glee.
Dixie doing wall Jump at @storm_haven_acres in Cedar. I love challenging dogs to be there best and build their confidence. Dixie goes crazy when she knows her turn is coming. Working dogs working, nothing is better. 💪
#workingdogs #malinois #germanshepherd #dogsports #wallclimb #spicydogs