If you are planning on going on vacation or if you need help when you are at work please don't hesitate to enquire. We love all Pets of all shapes and sizes, pedigree, Heinz 57 or rescue. If you are at work we offer worry free daily dog walking. Personalized "peace of mind" pet care services with daily and multiple visits for your dog, cat, fish, parrot, budgie, tarantulas and much more. Daily fre
sh food and water. Yard will be cleaned after as well as Cat boxes. Emergency pet transportation to your vet if needed
Administering medications including pills, insulin injections and subcutaneous fluids. Play time and treats if allowed. Whatever your requirements we can help. Walking Rates - Walking Services Monday - Friday and some weekends.
8:00 am - 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm
$15.00 per first walk, second walk $27.00 and third walk is $40.00. Pet Sitting Service
Sooke area $15.00 per dog per house per day visit for 30 minutes includes food, water, play and attention. Twice a day visit for $27, three times a day is $40.00. I charge $1.00 dollars per extra dog. Outside of Sooke $21.00 per house visit for 30 minutes includes food, water, play and attention. Twice a day $40.00 and three times a day is $48.00 . For additional dogs in the same household is $1.00 extra. Cat visits
In Sooke is $12.00 a day which includes feeding, water and cleaning of the cat litter. If your cat requires daily brushing and cleaning of the face then it is $13.00 a day. Outside of Sooke is $20.00 a day. If you have more animals like Fish, Guinea Pigs, Hamsters or other creatures that have to be fed every day that will be an extra charge of a $1.00 above price. I also offer Senior discounts especially if you are having financial problems.