Last night we had our first Pattern Games workshop for the Socially Distanced Dog Club! We had a really neat mix of dogs, from scared of people to dog reactive to very excitable - and as you can see, they all had a great time. I liked this format a lot and I'll do it again so stay tuned if you're interested.
#ethicalcanine #sociallydistanceddogclub #sddc #dogtraining #behaviorconsultant #beweirdwithyourdog #positivereinforcement #forcefreetraining #snackleadernotpackleader #controlunleashed #patterngames #reactivedog #reactivedogclass #reactivedogsunite #clickertraining #cooperationnotcoercion #cookies #animalkind
The Socially Distanced Dog Club has room on our Group Walk, Saturday August 13 at 7pm in Colwood! Send me a message if you're interested in joining (previous students of one on ones or group classes). Gavin, Felix and I would love to see you there!
#ethicalcanine #sddc #sociallydistanceddogclub #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogbehaviour #behaviorconsultant #iaabc #animalkind #bcspca #reactivedog #leashreactivity #groupwalk #packwalk #reactivedogsunite #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #cooperationnotcoercion #cookies #snackleadernotpackleader #forcefreetraining #dogsofvictoria #yyjdogs
There's a short notice spot available in my upcoming Leash Lungers Reactive Dog class at K9HQ Doggy Daycare Plus in Langford. Class starts Thursday April 28 at 730pm. If your dog barks or lunges at other dogs on leash, this class can help you both. Message or email me for details!
The last SDDC drop in class of the year is tomorrow evening! There's one more spot and you could join us. Message or email me if you're a graduate of Leash Lungers or a former one on one student and you'd like a chance to practice in an outdoor group setting.
#ethicalcanine #groupclass #dogtraining #reactivedog #reactivedogclass #clickertraining #positivereinforcement #sociallydistanceddogclub #leashlungers #leashreactivity #behaviorconsultant #dogbehavior #iaabc #animalkind #cppdt #certifiedbehaviorconsultant #snackleadernotpackleader #yyjdogs
Thanks so much to the dedicated teams who attended the Socially Distanced Dog Club drop in last night! This is my last Level One drop in of the year because...*gestures broadly at everything* Everyone and their dogs did really well though, and hey, it's the West Coast, right? 😄🌧☔💦🚿🌊
#ethicalcanine #trainingintherain #dogclass #sociallydistanceddogclub #sddc #reactivedog #reactivedogsunite #positivereinforcement #stormyweather #diehardtrainers #nofairweatherdogs #clickertraining #snackleadernotpackleader #iaabc #cppdt #animalkind #reactivedogclass #ihavethebeststudents
There's a spot just opened up in tomorrow's Level 2 Socially Distanced Dog Club Drop In (7pm in Metchosin, see below) as well as one in our group walk Saturday evening. Let me know if you want it!
(attendees must have worked with me in one on one sessions or taken my Leash Lungers Reactive Dog Class).
Hey folks! If you're not on the mailing list for Socially Distanced Dog Club, and you're a former student who's completed a lesson package OR a graduate of the Leash Lungers Reactive Dog Class, let me know! There are spaces in the August classes and group walk available now. Join us!
Want to join the newest club in town? If you've done a Leash Lungers Class or one on one lessons with me for reactivity, you could join Socially Distanced Dog Club, my new summer program of drop in group walks or practice sessions. There are some coming up this weekend, so if you're interested, send me a message or email for details! There are walks and 2 levels of group classes, so I can help you decide which is most appropriate, and give you time, location and payment details. If it's successful, SDDC might be a permanent addition, so let me know if this is something you want!
#ethicalcanine #dogtraining #dogbehavior #clickertraining #reactivedog #reactivedogsunite #positivereinforcement #cooperationnotcoercion #dogsofvictoria #yyjdogs #sociallydistanceddogclub #trainingshouldbefun #leashlungers #animalkind
I have one more spot in my upcoming Leash Lungers class for reactive dogs. This class is ideal for dogs who are nervous of other dogs or bark and lunge while on leash but are fine off leash. Plus, it's fun for people and dogs alike!
#dogtraining #reactivedog #reactivedogsunite #positivereinforcement #clickertraining #snackleadernotpackleader #dogbehaviour #yyjdogs #leashreactivity #ethicalcanine
There are a lot of ways to train reactive/fearful dogs. Why not choose training that works *and* makes your dog look this happy?
#ethicalcanine #dogtraining #positivereinforcement #humanetraining #reactivedog #reactivedogsunite #behaviorconsultant #snackleadernotpackleader #howdoesyourdogfeel #moderndogtraining #yyjdogs #lookatthat
Leash Lungers Final Class
Congrats to the hard working students and their wonderful dogs who have just completed my Leash Lungers Reactive Dog class. Next one begins in September, contact me to be put on the wait list!